This blog publishes new content about email all the time. And for good reason -- it’s a huge challenge to write and send effective sales emails.

For new salespeople, it’s even harder. New reps don’t have much (or any) experience with what works and what falls flat.

In addition, they’re usually still familiarizing themselves with their company’s buyer personas and sales process.

The good news? If you’re aware of the potential pitfalls, you can avoid them. Those in their first sales job should steer clear of the sixcommon email mistakes(and even if you’re a seasoned vet, use this list as a refresher).


Brand-new reps often assume sales is a numbers game. In an attempt to meet their quota, they’ll email as many prospects per day as they can.

但是,正如经验丰富的销售人员所知道的那样,喷雾和呈现方法无效。它优先考虑数量而不是质量 - 这意味着代表并没有花费适当的时间来研究买家和个性化外展活动。结果,许多人不合适。

Those who are probably won’t respond, as people are rarely compelled to answer unpersonalized, generic messages. As a result, salespeople will create a bad name for themselves and their companies among prospects who could have become very happy customers. It’s a lose-lose situation.


2) Not Sending Enough Emails


Salespeople must strike a balance between too much research and not enough. At a minimum, they should look up the company’s recent announcements, browse its website, and check out their prospect’s social media profiles. However, reps probably shouldn’t read four of their prospect’s blog posts or go deep into their Twitter archives. If the relationship moves forward, salespeople can do more homework -- but it’s usually not scalable or efficient to invest a ton of time in every prospect they reach out to.

3) Writing Out Their Sales Pitch


Many fall into the trap of describing their product’s bells and whistles rather than focusing on their prospect’s challenges and objectives.

Buyers don’t typically respond well to sales pitches from strangers. To get responses, new reps must learn to write messages that speak to their prospect’s point-of-view.

4) Giving Up After One or Two Emails

Salespeople who have been around the block recognize the importance of following up. After all,80%的销售需要五次打击才能关闭- 因此,如果您首先不成功,则应尝试,尝试,尝试并重试。


一旦销售人员了解了Pushy和Cleasant Gersistent之间的区别,他们就不太可能让一些未解决的电子邮件阻止它们。


新手代表通常会使用五美元的单词来假设,正式的语气会使它们看起来更聪明,更可信。但是通常,这种策略使销售人员听起来很僵硬又不自然,这并不能帮助他们证明自己的个性或使他们的前景放松。另外,study from Princeton Universityfound people who use overly complex words actually appear less intelligent.




但是,最大的错误之一新代表对他们的电子邮件签名承担?选择一个令人讨厌的字体,配色方案,图像或报价-- or worse, all of the above.



While nothing beats personal experience, new reps can cut down on their learning curve by browsing sales email templates, checking out best practices, and asking veteran reps for feedback on their messages. The sooner salespeople begin crafting effective emails, the sooner they’ll start meeting quota.

Hubspot CRM

最初发布于2016年10月4日7:30:00 AM,更新于2021年6月10日


销售电子邮件错误 Email Templates Builder