
You finish the final edit on your first-touch,大众勘探电子邮件。您确保设置所有可自定义字段 - 名字,姓氏和公司。bob全站app您检查以确保您掌握正确的潜在客户,然后按“发送”。

Voila. 653 emails sent out and it’s only 9:05 a.m.The responses are bound to come rolling in and you should land yourself a few nice deals. Right?

Maybe in an alternate universe. While it’d be nice if the above strategy actually worked (and certainly make your job a whole lot eaiser), the reality of modern sales is that trying to write a one-size-fits-all email is a complete waste of time, and amistake that sales reps经常做。


While this thinking seems logical on the surface, you need to go deeper. Buyer personas, your expertise, and product knowledge can only take you so far. To craft an email compelling enough for your buyers to respond, you need to draw on all three resources and apply them to your prospect’s individual situation. And the strategy above just doesn’t cut it.

You’ve probably guessed the fatal flaw many first-touch prospecting emails suffer from:They’re simply not relevant.

Research from Vorsight shows that tailored, individual lead nurturing emails see a response rate that’s four to 10 times higher than email blasts. So while it may seem easier to send out email blasts, if you’re still prospecting by sending out mass mail merges where the only things you’re customizing are your prospect’s first name, last name, and their company, the only person you’re hurting is yourself.

While you think your email describing“挑战像您这样的公司面对的公司”is specific enough to warrant a response, buyers will immediately be able to tell if you haven’t put in the work of researching them first. It’s so easy to look at a Twitter feed, pull up LinkedIn updates, Google recent company information, or simply visit your prospect’s website. An email that includes zero references to any of those low-hanging pieces of information suggests one of two scenarios to your buyer:

  1. You meant to send the email to only them, but didn’t think of doing even perfunctory research. Why should they expect you’ll put any more care into developing the relationship and learning about their problems?
  2. 您将电子邮件发送给数十个或数百个潜在客户,这就是为什么您不包含任何特定信息的原因。


The reason why this “spray-and-pray” technique -- a classic销售电子邮件错误-- is still employed is simple: It’s easy. It’s easier to write one script and blast it out than to take the time to research each individual buyer and adapt a template to fit them.



HubSpot CRM

Originally published May 10, 2016 7:30:00 AM, updated June 10 2021


Sales Email Mistakes Email Templates Builder