
"Hi, my name is Jane Doe, and I'm a sales rep at Company."

Yup. That'll do it.

您绝不应该积极隐藏您是买家的销售人员的事实,而是将自己定位为顾问,商业专家或感兴趣的方在开场白中都会使您伸张正义keep the prospect reading. 只需单击几下,创建一个新的,品牌的电子邮件签名。在这里开始。(免费。)

If you're struggling to think of alternatives to the standard opening line, take one of these for a spin and see how they perform for you.

Email Greetings

前通用电气t started with effective email opening sentences, make sure your email greeting is compelling and memorable, too. Below are a couple of alternatives to "Dear Ms./Mr." that won't make recipients think they're receiving an automated email template:

1. "Hi [First Name]"

This is my go-to email greeting to convey friendliness and personability. It's acceptable to reach out for the first time with someone's first name -- but make sure you spell their first name correctly by double-checking their social profiles.


If you're sending out a mass email, or if you've already corresponded with the contact before, this friendly greeting can be a nice way to open up the lines of communication.

3.“好[早上/下午] [名字]”

This greeting is a little more formal, but is still a pleasant, casual option to start an email. Double-check the time zone the contact is in -- it may not be the same time of day where they live.

4. "Happy [Day], [First Name]"

Sometimes it's fun to acknowledge the day of the week in an email greeting. Make sure you tie in specifics in the follow-up line to make it seem authentic. For example, if you start your email with "Happy Friday, Emma," follow up with, "I hope you've had a great week," or "Any fun weekend plans?"

Email Opening Sentences That Help Generate Sales

  1. 使用问题的电子邮件开放行
  2. Email Opening Lines that Reference Trigger Events
  3. 电子邮件开放行,以提高他们的自我
  4. 邮件开场白利用共性
  5. Email Opening Lines that Add Value


1. "Is X a priority for you right now?"

There's nothing quite like a question to get the prospect talking. HubSpot sales director Michael Pici recommends using questions in sales emails to spark the prospect's interest and get them thinking about the current state of affairs.

This one in particular can help the salesperson get a sense of the prospect's priorities and pain points. If you've struck on a tricky area, you're in.


Maybe you've learned the prospect is tackling a business problem that your offering can solve. Leading with a thought-provoking statistic that relates to their issue and paves the way to your solution will work well with data-driven types.

3. "What do you think about [industry event]?"

Keeping in mind that the goal of an initial sales email is to start a conversation -- not to close a deal -- kicking off your message with a question can be extremely compelling.

4. "What would it mean to you if your business was able to achieve [benefit]?"

This one comes to you courtesy ofInsideSales.com. A core sales skill is the ability to create a compelling future state, and painting a picture of how things could be from the very first interaction gets the prospect thinking about alternatives to the status quo. For maximum impact, use a concrete benefit from a customer case study, such as "increase revenue by 50%" or "reduce costs by 70%."

5. "Yesterday, you did X. Why?"

Did your prospect visit your LinkedIn profile, favorite one of your tweets, or interact with you in some other way on social media? Reach out and ask what prompted their action. If you're worried this opening line might有点令人毛骨悚然, try,"I noticed you viewed my LinkedIn profile. What brought you by? Did I do something?"有时,最简单的电子邮件是最有效的。


引起某人注意的最快方法?询问他们如何使他们的生活变得更好 - 没有附带的条件。您将让他们思考他们的需求,然后您可以分享公司所能提供的好处。bob全站app

Email Opening Lines That Reference Trigger Events

7. "I noticed your company recently ... "


8.“恭喜您[职业移动] ...”

Did the prospect recently get promoted or switch companies? This is a perfect time to reach out and offer your help. They'll be excited about their new adventure, so starting off with a hearty "congratulations" will start your relationship off on a positive note.


Help the buyer take advantage of their company's latest move. Not only will you earn instant credibility, you'll learn valuable details about their situation and objections in the process of guiding them.

10. "I saw your competitor, [Company name], in the news for [big announcement]."

Acknowledge their competitor briefly, and then ask how their company plans to respond. To show you've already been considering how to keep them on top, share a few top ideas of your own -- including how your solution can help.



Everybody loves to receive a (genuine) compliment. This opening line not only starts a conversation about a topic the buyer is interested in, it shows you've done your research. As a result, the prospect will take your ask more seriously.




Maybe your prospect maintains an excellent blog, or manages a consistently over-performing division. Again, a genuine compliment never hurts. By making it about them instead of you, you engage them and invite their trust.

14. "Hoping to get your advice on X."

在销售电子邮件中,这似乎是不好的表格;毕竟,在提供任何值之前,请求一些东西通常是不可以的。但是在建议的情况下,情况有所不同。正如Pete Caputa销售的HubSpot副总裁指出:“大多数人喜欢提供建议。要求对他们的自我提出呼吁,[并且]对我们大多数人都抗拒是一个艰难的要求。”只需确保您的要求是真实的,或冒着激怒前景的风险。

15. "I know you're an expert in [Topic]. I thought of you when I saw X and wanted to share it with you."

A little flattery will get you everywhere -- and hopefully get you another call. Recall their area of expertise and share a relevant piece of content, announcement, or industry event and ask for their thoughts on the matter.


16. "How do you know [shared connection]? We worked together on ... "

Use this one if you and your prospect share a connection, but the person hasn't explicitly referred you. This line helps you benefit from their social proof without misconstruing your relationship to the buyer.

17.“ [相互联系]建议我们交谈。”

What's the first thing you do before you try out a new restaurant? If you're like the rest of us, you probably check out the Yelp reviews. Social proof is a powerful force, and you should take advantage of if you can. The closer your prospect is with your mutual connection the better, since some of the trust they have in that person will inevitably transfer to you.

18. "Like you, I [love X activity, am interested in Y cause, participate in Z organization]."

Build rapport by mentioning something you and the buyer have in common. We're心理条件以信任人谁看起来像我们,所以这条线使他们更有可能继续阅读。

19.“我在[X组织,LinkedIn Group,Facebook Group等中看到了您的评论,并认为这很有趣。”

Go beyond, "I see you went to [X college]. That's so interesting!" The creator of the Your SalesMBA™ training program,Jeff Hoffman, recommends salespeople ask prospects about something they'veinstead of making an arbitrary statement about what they've完毕. It's a more genuine approach to getting to know your prospect and leads to a more interesting conversation.

Email Opening Lines that Add Value



21. "I recently came across this content piece and thought you'd find it valuable ... "


22. "I've been following Y, and I'm curious to learn a bit more about X."

As Jeff Hoffman puts it, "Prospects respond more positively to curiosity than credibility. Every sales rep strives to portray themselves as an expert, but not many take on the role of a curious student."

Buyers love to talk about themselves and what they're doing. If you ask an insightful question about a project they're working on or the division they oversee, odds are, they'll be happy to answer. And this opens the door to more discovery questions, which could eventually lead to your product or service as the answer.

23. "I don't know how you feel about X, but to me it's ... "

这是迈克·麦考密克(Mike McCormick)实践中这条开场白的一个示例:


According to copywriter Ryan McGrath, this approach has two main merits: It's empathetic yet doesn't presume what the prospect is feeling. This way, you won't come off as overly pushy or dismissive. The prospect can easily say,"Truthfully, I don't really care about that"without feeling guilty, and the salesperson can disqualify and move to the next opportunity.

24. "I help companies like yours solve [pain point] by ... "


25. "I recently helped a company like yours [increase revenue by X percent, save Y hours every month, produce Z percent more product per quarter]."

By leading with an impressive statistic, you'll immediately grab the prospect's attention. Want to go the extra mile? Pull this stat from a recent case study and link to it in the email.



Originally published Nov 18, 2018 4:29:00 PM, updated June 10 2021


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