Do the reps on your team push for the close -- and then vanish from buyers’ lives, never to be seen again?

If so, your company is losing out on a valuable source of revenue.

It’s far easier to sell to existing customers than bring on new ones. After all, your salespeople don’t have to prospect, qualify, or build a relationship. They’ve already established trust and credibility, and even better, they know their clients’ needs, goals, and preferences.

In addition, expanding the account means clients are less likely to churn. The more products and services they’ve invested in, the more difficult it will be to switch vendors or develop an in-house solution.

顾客also benefit from being cross- and upsold. Adding complementary offerings helps them derive more value from your product or service; plus, it strengthens the connection between their company and yours so they have greater access to your expertise and guidance.


1) Require Semi-Annual Check-Ins

每六个月,你的salespeople should check with their customers to review their progress, gauge their satisfaction, and look for opportunities to expand the account.

It’s a good idea to foreshadow these calls before the deal is even won. For example, during the sales presentation, a rep might say,“In addition to [X resources] we have for our customers, I’ll meet with you twice a year to answer any questions you might have and make sure you’re getting as much value as possible from the product.”

一旦接近六个月的标记,他们应该安排30分钟的电话。这是您的销售人员应该使用的一般议程 - 让他们提前将其发送给客户,以便每个人都在同一页面上开始会议。

  • 5分钟:介绍
  • 10分钟:Answering questions
  • 10分钟:Discussion of [new product, additional offering]
  • 5分钟:反馈

代表结识了任何新利益相关者之后,她应该为客户解决他们可能面临的任何问题。然后,使用她对公司的处境和历史的了解,她可以介绍新产品。bob全站app例如,她可以说,“在过去的六个月中,您将[X材料]的订单数量增加了20%。同时购买[y材料]将是具有成本效益的 - 通过向我们而不是另一个供应商购买,您可以节省每货物的金额。”

Or if she’s a software rep, she might lead with something like,“Your organization’s users spend [number of minutes or hours] each week in this section of the tool. Based on that, I think you’d benefit from [Y related add-on] -- it’ll help you [solve a specific problem, finish this task more quickly and efficiently, save money in X way, etc.]”


一些销售人员不喜欢拜访客户。他们担心,如果产品尚未达到客户的期望,他们会被指责。但是,以我的经验,如果产品不执行自己的意愿,客户将承担90%的责任 - 甚至更多。换句话说,他们将失望归因于缺乏时间,努力,精力等。

If you notice a rep who seems hesitant to check in, ask what they think will happen. You may need to probe a little, but they’ll usually end up saying they’re afraid of the customer canceling. Tell them that’s highly unlikely to happen -- and that these are the three common outcomes:

  • 客户对产品感到兴奋,为您的代表提供了交叉或向他们推销的绝佳机会
  • The customer is satisfied with the product, and the rep can help them work out any issues they’re experiencing and potentially sell them more features, products, or services
  • The customer is unhappy, in which case the rep or account manager can develop a plan to help them (and hopefully salvage the relationship)

3) Educate Your Reps and Customers


公共产品网络研讨会可帮助您以可扩展但引人入胜的方式教育客户。拥有产品专家 - 无论是产品营销人员,您的CTO,甚至是您的首席执行官)解释产品并回答受众的问题。您甚至可以记录这些演示,以便您的代表可以使用它们向当前客户发送电子邮件。

4) Teach Your Reps to Continually Add Value





You can promote this behavior in four ways. First, set the expectation that all of your salespeople should contact their customers twice per year at the minimum.



第四,使用您的一对一来监视进度。例如,您可以问,“What have you done this week to drive cross- and upsells?”You’ll keep the objective top-of-mind for your reps.


Hubspot CRM

Originally published Mar 17, 2017 7:30:00 AM, updated June 15 2021


Sales Management Task Management Software