chicken_and_egg-1这几乎就像鸡肉和鸡蛋问题。首先要出现的是:一定数量的客户或潜在客户或CRM software

Most new companies would probably choose the first option, and it makes sense why they would. After all, what's the point of paying for customer relationship management technology在你之前顾客?电子表格肯定会足够,直到企业打破一定的门槛为止。

但是,另一面实际上可能更引人注目。考虑与使用电子表格用于未能处理的任务相关的混乱。如果您的销售流程因此而遭受损失怎么办?选择电子表格暂时处理CRM可能实际上可能会花费一个组织客户 - 而可悲的部分是,您可能永远不会知道。

根据布伦特·里里(Brent Leary),联合创始人和合伙人CRM Essentials,在CRM系统方面没有太早的事情。

"In today's world, you need to have a customer engagement process right from the very beginning," he said. "I如果您开始写博客,有人喜欢您写的内容,他们想学习更多,您必须拥有一个可以帮助您快速有效地做出响应的参与过程,以便保持势头。”

这不仅仅是过程。“是odern day engagement strategy means you have to have modern technology to implement it," Leary added.

CRM顾问Robert Peledie同意。“我觉得任何年龄和任何规模的公司都应该有CRM系统,“ 他说。


在Peledie认为,这是一个非问题。"CRM systems range from very low cost SaaS solutions, right up to enterprise-size solutions, so any business can implement one," he said.



To be fair, Leary admitted that many companies do rely on spreadsheets for CRM tasks. But they're probably not making great impressions.

公司bob全站app可以使用电子表格作为临时CRM修复,,,,"if they're moving at the speed of the 1990s,"里里说。


When do you think a company should find the最佳CRM系统for their needs? If you're already there - check out what goes in to选择合适的CRM

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