

一种ccess Now: Customer Support Strategy Template [Free Tool]


  • 谢谢笔记
  • 入职指南
  • 优秀和可用的客户服务
  • Product training
  • 签到以确保客户做得好
  • 听客户反馈
  • Returns and exchanges

Why is after-sales service important?


This results in a cycle of investing in the pre-sales experience without investing in the post-sales experience. All of sudden, you might wake up and realize that your customers are not being treated as well as you would like them to be -- or how they expected to be, based on your excellent sales experience.


Repeat Customers

Providing great after-sales service improves customer retention and increases the likelihood of customers purchasing from you again. According to a 2020 study conducted by Shep Hyken's CX consulting firm,96%的客户愿意离开您的业务if they receive bad service.

Even if you've sold them on your product initially, if you abandon them after the sale, they won't come back in the future. Think of it like a leaky bucket. Sales are pouring in, filling up your bucket. But if you have a hole in the bottom of your bucket, customers will keep leaving, and your bucket will never fill up. Providing great customer service after the sale is like patching up that hole. Customers will stick around, even as you recruit new customers and make more sales.


以前的快乐客户向您的业务转介的潜在客户是您销售渠道中最有价值的资产。他们不仅是转换的可能性要高四倍compared to leads from other sources, but they also have a16% higher lifetime value.

Providing great after-service sales has a positive impact on the number of customers who are willing to provide referrals. And since65% of new business leads come from referrals,根据对营销人员的调查,至关重要的是,您的现有客户对您的售后服务感到满意。如果不是这样,您会发现转介来自推荐的新线索越来越少。

Positive Brand Image

一种研究数量显示良好的售后经验对整体品牌形象产生了积极影响,这反过来促进了客户忠诚度。确保您被视为值得信赖的,有用的品牌对于将来返回购买的客户至关重要。它还可以提高转化率并减少流失。尽管短期销售在您的收入图表上看起来不错,但investing in ongoing customer happinesswill make sure you'llkeepgetting sales in the future.

Examples of Good After-Sales Service

These companies all have their own unique way of providing service to customers post-sale. What stands out about them is that each business has uncovered a specific way they can improve their customers' experience or provide more value. Use these examples to help uncover your own opportunities toprovide good after-sales service

1. Baratza After-Sales Service

Baratza makes coffee grinders that are built to last, and their after-sales care program is second-to-none. Rather than building a cheap product that constantly needs to be replaced or upgraded, Baratza produces grinders that are meant to be repaired for a long lifetime. Not only is this sustainable for the planet, but it also increases consumer confidence in their product.

Baratza provides great after-sales service through extremely helpful customer support, online troubleshooting guides, easily ordered replacement parts, and affordable repair service for customers who don't want to DIY.


2. Suzuki After Care Service

Suzuki isroutinely rated as one of the top-performing automotive and motorcycle companieswhen it comes to customer satisfaction. When it comes to vehicle sales, trust and reliability are essential. This is why Suzuki has put so much effort into ensuring buyers feel supported after the sale.


3. Lenovo Vantage售后支持

Included with every new Lenovo PC shipped to consumers is an app called Lenovo Vantage. It's designed to help the customer get the most value out of their new computer. Not only can the app help them customize the performance of their PC, but it can also run diagnostic tests, help the user troubleshoot, and keep everything up-to-date and running smoothly. It's basically an IT help desk located right on the user's laptop.

4. LastPass After-Sales Service and Training

支持不仅仅是解决问题时解决问题。这也是要授权您的客户从您的产品中获得最大的价值。LastPass为其管理员和最终用户提供了有关如何设置其计算机安全系统的持续免费培训。用户不仅可以从安全的密码管理器中受益,而且还被告知他们应该注意的任何新安全问题。这为产品带来了很多价值,improves overall customer satisfaction, even after the sale.


5. Epic Bar的售后支持

Occasionally, things will go wrong after the sale. Instead of taking a "buyer-beware" attitude and leaving your new customer to deal with the issue, it's important to take a proactive approach. By being available to support new customers you can turn their experience around and end up with a loyal customer.

For example, an EPIC bar customer found a bad bar in her purchase. After writing into the company, they not only replaced the bar but sent her extra and a coupon for future purchases. By including a hand-written note, they showed her that they care, and have earned a customer for life.



It's natural to court your customers when you need their business. But the good times can't stop as soon as you get the sale. Instead, spend just as much time making your new customers have a great experience. The investment will pay off in customer loyalty and referrals.



Originally published Aug 23, 2021 8:00:00 AM, updated August 23 2021

