在2017年,Temkin的State of Voice of the Customer Programs报告称,不到25%的公司认为自己擅长making changes to their businessbased on customer insights. Inarguably, this sentiment is an extension of their findings two years earlier. That is, 67% of large companies rated themselves as good at征求客户反馈,但只有26%的人认为他们擅长表演在上面。


我自己思考了这个问题,尽管基本的解释很复杂,但似乎很清楚。为了使组织缩小understanding他们的客户和executingagainst that knowledge, customer centricity must be translated from an industry buzzword to a tangible strategy. Forward-leaning organizations acknowledge that articulating a customer-centric vision is merely the tip of the iceberg. They're coming to grips with the reality that barriers to customer centricity have nothing to do with the customer at all.

Our Research on Common Barriers to Customer Centricity

In late 2016, we set out to test our own hypotheses -- both with ourFortune500 clients and other influential leaders across consumer insights, marketing, innovation and customer experience functions.



Guided by the pillars ofvision, strategy,执行,key measures were developed and attributed to each. As we began co-creating with clients, we came to realize that沟通was a critical fourth dimension that must be intertwined throughout the process. In the end, while tailored to address our clients' needs, we quickly found that the DICE could extend to far broader audiences.


Today, our assessment allows executives to rate their organizations on 11 key measures rooted in the customer perspective being foundational to their growth. And although many executivespersonally believe策略应该基于customer perspective,resultspoint to a different reality. While echoing Temkin's findings, the DICE takes this a level deeper, pointing to shared pain points among all those aiming to create more customer-centric behaviors throughout their organization:

  1. 高管,中层和前线团队之间的沟通渠道弱
  2. Organizational silos that prohibit communication, shared goals and the linking of data to create a fuller picture of customers
  3. Lack of empowerment among employees to make decisions that ladder up to customer growth strategies




彼得·德鲁克(Peter Drucker)曾经说过:“文化吃午餐策略。”自然地,内部障碍会导致行为损害以客户为中心的文化.领导力必须在其以客户为中心的愿景中有目的性,并借鉴其员工的理性和情感信念体系。真正的领导者以客户为中心的话题 - 对他们努力培养的文化进行了活力。

Culture acts as an invisible force that shapes how people behave, even when no one is looking. In a true customer-centric culture, an organization's structure, work streams, communication channels and reward systems are established such that "doing the right thing" by their customers becomes second nature.


In the words of Julie Kantor, "Behaviors can be seen. Beliefs can't." And organizations can't afford to underestimate the value of these two being in lock-step.

To learn more, read aboutwhy customer success matters下一个。


最初发布于2018年7月26日上午8:00 am,更新于2021年6月15日


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