消费者行为模型有助于了解客户如何,何时和为什么购买。通过将模型应用于您的customer acquisition efforts,您可以准确预测谁将在正确的时间购买您的产品并针对合适的客户。



Consumer behavior models may sound complicated, but they’re not. They’re a way to create a “buyer behavior story” that you can use to refine and improve your customer experience.


Businesses aim to understand buyer behavior throughcustomer behavior analysis, which involves the qualitative and quantitative analysis of a target market. Even though this data can tell you your customer’s favorite brand of socks, it doesn’t mean much if it doesn’t tell you why they purchased that brand of socks.

That’s where consumer behavior models come in. Consumer behavior models contextualize results from customer behavior analysis studies and help you get to the “why” of purchasing decisions.

Consumer Behavior Models

Customer behavior models help you understand your unique customer base and more effectively attract, engage, and retain them. These models are either traditional or contemporary.

传统消费者行为模型 当代消费者行为模型
Learning Model Engel-Kollat​​-Blackwell(EKB)模型
心理分析模型 黑匣子型号
Sociological Model Hawkins Stern Model
经济模式 霍华德·谢斯(Howard Sheth)模型

Traditional Behavior Models

Traditional behavior models were developed by economists hoping to understand what customers purchase based on their wants and needs. Traditional models include the following:

  • Learning Model
  • 心理分析模型
  • Sociological Model
  • 经济模式



The Learning Model of customer behavior theorizes that buyer behavior responds to the desire to satisfy basic needs required for survival, like food, and learned needs that arise from lived experiences, like fear or guilt. This model takes influence from psychologist Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (pictured below).

customer behavior model hierarchy of basic needs and learned needs diagram



The Learning Model says that consumers first make purchases to satisfy their basic needs and then move on to meet learned needs. For example, a hungry customer would fulfill their need for food before a learned need to wear trendy clothing.


When a customer visits a Super Target, they first see products that satisfy their basic needs — the grocery section. They’re probably also seeing produce first, as these items are seen as the most nutritious and necessary for survival. After produce, customers move on to other aisles that satisfy learned needs, like purchasing their favorite cookies, clothing items, or beauty accessories.




西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)是精神分析的父亲。心理分析模型从他的理论中汲取灵感,并说个人消费者具有有意识和无意识的根深蒂固的动机,这些动机驱动了他们进行购买。这些动机可能是隐藏的恐惧,压抑的欲望或个人渴望。

Thus, customers make purchases depending on how stimuli from your business, like an advertisement on Instagram, appeal to their desires. It’s important to note that, since these desires can be unconscious, customers don’t always know why it appeals to them; they just know it feels right to have it.




customer modeling example: sociological model消费者行为的社会学模型说,购买受到个人在不同社会群体中的位置的影响:家庭,朋友和工作组以及诸如千禧一代或喜欢瑜伽的人等明确定义的群体。一个人将基本上根据所在的群体的适当或典型购买商品。

For instance, C-Suite executives are expected to be professional and formal. People who hold these jobs will make purchases that speak to and uphold this group’s rules, like formal business wear.

This model can apply to most businesses, especially those that create products and services relevant to specific groups. To use the Sociological Model, you’d want to create experiences that speak to how these groups usually act. One example is brands that sell exercise equipment.


Check out this ad from Nike. They’re selling this shoe to the undefined group of people who like to run, claiming that it will improve their speed and help them fit in with the group.


customer modeling example: economic model消费者行为的经济模型是传统模型中最直接的。该模型认为,消费者试图满足他们的需求,同时花费尽可能少的资源(例如钱)。bob体育苹果系统下载安装

That means that businesses and manufacturers can predict sales based on their customers’ income and their products’ price. If companies offer the lowest-priced product, they may feel that they’re guaranteed a consistent level of profit.





  • Engel-Kollat​​-Blackwell(EKB)模型
  • 黑匣子型号
  • Hawkins Stern Model
  • 霍华德·谢斯(Howard Sheth)模型
  • 尼科西亚模型
  • 韦伯斯特和风模型

1. Engel-Kollat-Blackwell (EKB) Model of Consumer Behavior


  • 意识:在此阶段,消费者从企业中查看广告,并意识到他们购买刚刚发现的东西的需求,欲望或兴趣。
  • 信息处理:发现产品或服务后,消费者开始考虑产品或服务与他们过去的经验或需求的关系以及它是否满足当前需求。
  • Evaluation: At this point, consumers will research the product they’ve discovered and research options from competitors to see if there is a better option or if the original product is the best fit.
  • 采购决定:消费者将遵循击败竞争对手提供价值的产品的购买。如果消费者改变主意,也可以停止该过程。
  • 结果分析:购买后,客户将使用他们购买的商品,并评估他们的经验是正面还是负面。经过试验期,他们将保留产品,并决定成为回头客或表达不满并返回第三阶段。

Overall, EKB says that consumers make decisions based on influencing factors that they assess through rational insight.


Increase visibility for your business during the awareness stage throughSearch Engine Optimization。向他们展示您的产品或服务将如何使他们受益,并为他们提供权衡您与竞争对手权衡的资源,例如bob体育苹果系统下载安装顾客评论和推荐,免费试用,批量购买的折扣。最后,并提供出色的售后支持,以向他们表明您即使他们回报也关心他们的业务。


customer modeling example: black box modelThe Black Box model, sometimes called the Stimulus-Response model, says that customers are individual thinkers that process internal and external stimuli to make purchase decisions. The graphic below illustrates the decision process.




In short, this model says that consumers are problem solvers who make decisions after judging how your product will satisfy their existing beliefs and needs. Since consumers only follow through with a purchase after understanding how a product relates to their experiences, this model can benefit businesses selling products that go along with a lifestyle.

例子:汽车。不同的品牌将汽车出售给特定类型的买家。吉普车和Subarus适合那些从事户外活动并需要坚固,可靠的车辆的人。同时,Mercedez Benz和Lexus的销售向那些想要豪华驾驶体验的人销售。即使机械相对相似,这些品牌也与客户拥有的现有寿命价值交谈,他们保证购买车辆将维护其价值。

3. Hawkins Stern Impulse购买模型

customer modeling example: hawkins stern冲动购买理论是学习模型和EKB的替代方法,因为它声称购买并不总是理性思想的结果。当我们想到冲动购买时,我们通常会想象在退房前拿起糖果棒或一包口香糖。这些肯定是冲动的购买,但霍金斯主张将它们分为四种不同类型:

  • 逃脱购买: Sometimes called pure impulse, this involves purchasing an item that isn’t a routine item or on a shopping list. Consumers are drawn to these items through appealing visuals.
  • Reminder Purchase:当消费者通过店内设置,促销优惠或简单提醒产品的存在时,就可以提醒他们的冲动购买,例如,像杂货店的冰箱过道中的策略性放置的冰淇淋勺一样。
  • Suggested Purchase: Suggested impulse purchases occur when a consumer is made aware of a product after a recommendation or suggestion from an in-store salesperson or online algorithms. For example, seeing an ad that says, “Other people who bought this shoe you’re about to buy also purchase these socks.” The consumer didn’t know the socks existed, didn’t plan to buy them, but now the suggestion has told them that they need them.
  • 计划购买:虽然计划是相反的冲动,se purchases occur when a consumer knows they want a particular product but will only buy it if there is a deal involved. An unexpected price drop could lead a customer to make a planned impulse purchase.

Hawkins Stern模型适用于大多数企业,因为这种购买行为的客户不会限制。通过将护理放在产品显示中,创建用于在线购物的AI算法或出售商品以吸引计划购买的购买冲动购买者的购物者来创建量身定制的客户体验。

4.霍华德·谢斯(Howard Sheth)购买行为模型

客户建模示例:霍华德·什斯(Howard Sheth)霍华德·谢斯(Howard Sheth)的消费者行为模型认为,买方的旅程是一个高度理性且有条理的决策过程。在此模型中,客户在每一步中都戴上了“解决问题”的帽子 - 不同的变量影响了旅程。


  • 广泛解决问题:在此阶段,客户对所寻求的产品或可用的品牌一无所知。他们处于积极的问题解决模式,以找到合适的产品。
  • 有限的问题解决: Now that customers have more information, they slow down and begin comparing their choices.
  • Habitual Response Behavior: Customers are fully aware of all the choices they have and know which brands they prefer. Thus, every time they make a purchase, they know where to go.

We’ve all gone through some version of these stages. Let’s look at an anecdotal example.

When I first started buying glasses online, I had no idea which retailers I should use or whether the glasses sold online would be the same quality as the opticians’ offerings. I searched online to find a high-quality online glasses retailer (extensive problem-solving).

I found a few choices and started comparing them from both a pricing and quality standpoint (limited problem-solving). I eventually chose one, and that’s the retailer I’ve used ever since (habitual response behavior).

但是这些阶段并不那么简单。根据霍华德·谢斯(Howard Sheth)模型,在此过程中,我受到了几个刺激的影响:

  • 输入:这是指消费者在完成决策过程时收到的营销信息和图像。“投入”还指的是来自消费者社会环境(例如他们的朋友,家人和文化)的任何看法和态度。
  • 感知和学习结构: This may sound complicated, but this stimulus is simply the customer’s psychological makeup and psychographic information. Perceptual and learning constructs may include needs, preferences, and goals.
  • 输出: After inputs and perceptual and learning constructs are mixed together, you get the output. The output is the customer’s resulting action under the influence of marketing messages, social stimuli, and internal psychological attributes. It can result in the customer paying more attention to a certain brand over another.
  • External Variables: This is anything that’s not directly related to the decision-making process, such as weather or religion, that still may sway the customer’s decision.

5. Nicosia Model



The model is comprised of four “fields”:

  • 一:企业的特征和客户的特征。您的营销消息传递是什么样的?您的客户对这种消息传递的看法是什么?他们倾向于接受您的信息吗?后者是由客户的个性特征和经验所塑造的。
  • Two: Search and evaluation。Similar to the Howard Sheth model’s “limited problem-solving” stage, the customer begins to compare different brands here based on the company’s messaging.
  • 三:购买决定。The purchase decision will occur after the company convinces the customer to choose them as their retailer or provider.
  • 四:反馈。在反馈字段中,公司将确定是否应该继续使用相同的消息传递,并且客bob全站app户将决定是否继续接受将来的消息。

6. Webster and Wind Model of Organizational Buying Behavior

customer modeling example: webster and windThe Webster and Wind Model is a B2B buying behavior model that argues there are four major variables that affect whether an organization makes a purchase decision. Those are:

  • 环境变量:环境变量是指任何可能影响购买决定的外部因素。客户需求,供应商关系和竞争压力就是一些例子。更广泛的变量也适用,例如技术,政治和文化。
  • 组织变量: Organizational variables refer to internal factors that could sway a purchase decision, such as the organization’s goals and evaluation criteria.
  • 购买中心变量:谁做出最终购买决定?谁有权签署合同以及谁影响购买过程?购买中心变量考虑了所有这些。
  • 单个变量:这些变量是指demographic and psychographic information业务中的个人前景。他们的教育和经验水平是什么?他们的目标和欲望是什么?

After taking all of those variables into account, B2B organizations are then able to chart a predictable buyer’s journey for their target customers.



Overall, your customers will inform your strategy and help you create tailored experiences that speak to their buyer behavior and leave them feeling satisfied after every purchase.




最初发布于12月10日,2021年5:00:00 PM,更新于2021年12月10日


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