



When you work in customer success, your days might be filled with emails, phone calls, and meetings, but those tasks aren't what defines your career. After all, you weren't hired to answer a phone -- you were hired to help customers succeed by solving problems and educating and empowering them.

So if you're having a tough day, take a break from theprocess并想想人们您正在帮助。客户的成功是公司成功的组成部分 - 当您帮助客户成功时,您也可以做到。bob全站app我们已经从企业家,领导者和思想家那里汇总了一些最佳的客户服务报价,以使您有动力并参与其中的全局,以了解客户成功的重要性 - 对您,您的公司以及最重要的是您的客户。bob全站app

1."We don't want to push our ideas on to customers, we simply want to make what they want." Laura Ashley

客户服务引号 - 拉拉 - 阿什利-3

她的同名公司劳拉·阿什利(Laura Ashley)的bob全站app联合创始人may have said this关于家具设计,但它适用于任何产品或服务。


Better yet, be proactive in your approach to customer success. Constantly think about what your customers want, and proactively suggest ways your customers can maximize the impact of their purchase to achieve their goals. Always try to think back to the "why" of your customer -- why did they purchase? What did they want to achieve? Then, refer to their challenges and goals to inform your conversations.单击以鸣叫此报价。

2. "I believe in the power of recognition and empowerment leading to great employee engagement. And employee engagement is critical to guest engagement. Employee empowerment and recognition is the core of our culture and how we achieve outstanding customer service." Herve Humler


In an interview with福布斯,,,,Ritz-Carlton Coo Humler讨论了Ritz-Carlton经常引用的客户服务政策,该政策是基于授权的概念。

Every employee, from the janitors to the chefs to chief executives like Humler himself, is encouraged to fix any guest problem they encounter -- and they don't need to ask permission to do so, even if it costs as much as $2,000.

employees can't connect with customers to answer questions and problem-solve unless they're committed to this mission, which Humler ensures every employee is, starting on their first day of training. By investing in each and every employee, Ritz-Carlton empowers them to be autonomous and attentive to hotel guests -- even if it's outside the realm of their job role.

客户成功领导者应将丽思卡尔顿人视为赋予员工自主权的影响的模型。员工越有价值的感觉,他们越多地努力帮助客户取得成功 - 快乐的客户将向他人推荐您的品牌。单击以鸣叫此报价。

3. "When you assume negative intent, you're angry. If you take away that anger and assume positive intent, you will be amazed." Indra Nooyi


我的同事,Hubspot的首席人民办公室Katie Burke,向我介绍这句话来自Nooyi,Pepsico的首席执行官,它同样适用于客户服务。bob全站app

We've all experienced less-than-pleasant exchanges with other people. And whether that exchange was a heated phone call or a testy email, it's easy for tempers to rise when the people involved are frustrated.

So the next time you're on the receiving end of that frustration when working with a customer, pause for a moment and remember this quote. Assume good intent of your customer, who could be having a bad day of their own, and work with them to minimize their frustration by solving their problem.单击以鸣叫此报价。

4.“公司的品牌就像一个人的声誉。您bob全站app通过尝试做好艰苦的事情而赢得声誉。”杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)


亚马逊的贝佐斯一直在谈论word-of-mouth marketing很长一段时间,他再也做不到。

People trustrecommendations from friends比任何其他形式的广告都要多,他们在公司与公司有良好的客户体验时告诉人们。bob全站app但是,他们告诉3X more people当他们有一个坏的经验 - 因此,客户成功团队应该保持其品牌声誉完整。

因此,对于您让您感到高兴的每个客户(尤其是要解决的问题),请考虑您刚刚创建的推荐营销的潜力 - 这可能会带来更多快乐的客户。单击以鸣叫此报价。

5.“客户服务不仅应该是一个部门,而且应该是整个公司。”bob全站app托尼·赫西(Tony Hsieh)


很有可能,如果您听说过Zappos,那么您已经听说过它的传奇客户服务政策和hsieh,它首席执行官,真的相信自己的力量to make -- or break -- a brand.

在Hubspot,我们非常相信solving for the customerZappos作出了相同的原则,它的使命,even if it meant making some drastic business changes like从旧金山到拉斯维加斯to better staff its customer loyalty team.

By making big changes like these to improve interactions with customers, Zappos is rewarded -- when they keep coming back and buying more. For example, Hsieh notes that, whileroughly 1/3 of Zappos revenue is returned,,,,customers love the 365-day return policy, and Zappos found that customers are more likely to buy more, and more often, with the added security.

底线?当公司通过品牌镜头而不是费用最少的镜头查看客户参与时,就像Zappos所做的那样,客户成功经理可以花费时间和精力来使每次互动都出色 - 并使客户希望继续回来。单击以鸣叫此报价。

6.“而不是专注于竞争,而是专注于客户。”斯科特·库克(Scott Cook)

客户服务引号 - 斯科特 - 库克

You might have read这个报价and scoffed a little. "Sure, that's easy for you to say when you have a product as well-known as QuickBooks."

但是Intuit并不总是像今天这样无处不在。库克(Cook)是其首席执行官,对公司应优先考虑的优先级提出了很好的观点 - 尤其是在增长期间。不仅仅是努力地使用新产品来超越您的竞争,还专注于建立客户成功驱动的任务。如果您迅速增长但不要让客户满意,那么您将不会超过竞争对手。




沃比·帕克(Warby Parker)联合创始人兼联合首席执行官,布卢门塔尔(Blumenthal)在接受采访时分享了这句话纽约时报,,,,乍一看,它可能会使客户的成功和服务专业人员停下来。但是他对更多脆弱性的呼吁实际上很有意义。


如果你不知道一个问题的答案,亲爱的est, and let them know you're asking someone who will know the answer. If you have to put them on hold, tell them why. Keeping lines of communication open and being fully transparent will (hopefully) be appreciated by your customers and help you form a more trusting relationship.单击以鸣叫此报价。

8.“良好的客户服务成本低于糟糕的客户服务。”莎莉·格罗诺(Sally Gronow)

客户服务引号 - 格罗诺

格罗诺,威尔士水的客户接触负责人,再好不正确 - 还有一些数字可以支持她。

Acquiring a new customer is5-25X more expensive比保持现有客户 - 与保持快乐客户能带来的收入相比,这没什么。Bain&Company的一项研究发现,将客户保留仅增加5%可以bob全站app将利润增加25-95%

公司需要投入资源和精力来发展杀手级客户成功团队是值得的 - 毕竟,如果不这样bob体育苹果系统下载安装做,他们可能会在桌子上留下资金。单击以鸣叫此报价。

9.“您拥有的倡导者越多,您必须购买的广告就越少。”Dharmesh Shah

客户服务引号 - 戴玛斯 - 夏

Hubspot自己的CTO和联合创始人放弃了这种智慧2013年入站,,,,and it's one to remember for cost-savvy customer success pros and marketers alike.

家人和朋友转介的客户更忠诚andmore valuable.在分析中在几年的10,000个帐户中,一家德国银行发现,推荐客户忠诚的可能性高出18%,并且他们的利润比其他客户高16%。

人们认真对待朋友的建议,客户比以往任何时候都有更大的平台来在社交媒体上赞美您的赞美 - 或警告朋友远离。通过尽早投资客户成功,您可以使用忠诚度奖励和品牌大使计划将快乐的客户变成倡导者。客户比您自己的广告更真实地推广您的品牌,并奖励他们也将使他们更快乐,更忠诚。单击以鸣叫此报价。

10.我了解到人们会忘记您的话,人们会忘记您的所作所为,但是人们永远不会忘记您如何使他们感到。”玛雅·安吉洛(Maya Angelou)

客户服务引号 - 玛雅 - 安格洛


People make decisions with their gut instincts, whether those instincts are necessarily the best. In fact,一些研究已经表明,人类实际上倾向于根据本能和冲动做出非理性的决策。

例如,我根据简单的事物宣布对品牌的忠诚度,例如生日礼物,短信确认和巧妙的电子邮件主题。相反,我停止使用基于一个不愉快的电话,一个安全漏洞和一包蓝莓(这是一个长篇小说)的产品。品牌让我感到 - 高度重视或高度消耗。

This quote is one to bear in mind for anyone working in a customer success organization. Whether you're developing products, creating marketing content, or working with customers every day, think about how what you do will make them feel -- and aspire for that feeling to be positive.单击以鸣叫此报价。

11.“作为一个会员网站,我们一直专注于减少流失和增加满意度。我们知道,收集整个客户生命周期的客户的反馈使我们能够实现这两者。” James Bake

詹姆斯·贝克(James Bake)

詹姆斯·贝克(James Bake)是基于订阅的在线瑜伽工作室的副总裁瑜伽国际。收养后服务中心,该公司的客bob全站app户流失减少了20%,其增长了5%客户群。Bake attributes this success to their ability to centralize customer data and create a consistent process for collecting and distributing customer feedback.

For example, about two weeks after signing up, the site sends customers anNPS®调查以衡量他们的满意度。调查询问客户是否会将瑜伽国际推荐给他们的一位朋友。如果反应是负面的,则该公司可以解决批评。bob全站app如果是积极的话,它将试图将这些客户变成参与其“推荐人”的拥护者忠诚计划

此外,Yoga International与其营销,销售和产品开发团队分享了这些评论。这样,团队可以在客户旅程中删除障碍,并且improve the customer experience单击以鸣叫此报价

12.“您正在为客户服务,而不是无期徒刑。学习如何享受您的工作。”劳里·麦金托什(Laurie McIntosh)

劳里·麦金托什(Laurie McIntosh)劳里·麦金托什(Laurie McIntosh)是一位有成就的作家和老师商业培训工作,,,,a career-building website that provides in-depth training courses. She uses her experiences from working in healthcare to explain the fundamentals of providing excellent customer service.

This quote is one of her most notable tips provided in her courses. She states that sometimes agents underperform due to a lack of motivation in their role. She reminds them that their job is to help customers, and it's their choice to pursue that goal or not. Reps need to find value in their work because without it, it's impossible to build meaningful relationships with customers.

This advice is extremely important because of the negative stigmas surrounding customer service roles. Most agents love their jobs, and it's very rewarding to help people accomplish their goals. Your reps should feel that personal sense of achievement every time they solve a problem for a customer.单击以鸣叫此报价


这句话来自骑手支持负责人凯尔·哈德(Kyle Harder),他在圣克鲁斯自行车。他的公司bob全站app通过出色的客户服务和应用客户优先的策略

但是,这并不总是那么容易,因为圣克鲁斯经历了突然的增长突然挑战了其原始方法。它的客户群正在迅速增长,该公司需要寻找新的方法来组织进出信息。bob全站app这是Hubspot的帮助台软件bob电竞官方下载由于帮助团队管理其日常工作流程,因此派上用场。门票自动分配给代表和self-serviceoptions provided customers with quick and easy solutions.

Sometimes, even the best service teams need help. As a business grows and develops, more customers will be utilizing your support teams to address their issues, placing more pressure on your reps to keep up. Without the right tools for the job, your team may struggle to keep pace with customer demand.单击以鸣叫此报价

14. "Service, in short, is not what you do, but who you are. It's a way of living that you need to bring to everything you do if you're to bring it to your customer interactions." Betsy Sanders贝蒂·桑德斯

贝蒂·桑德斯(Betsy Sanders)是诺德斯特罗姆(Nordstrom)的第一位女商店经理,当她将商店变成公司最有利可图,最大的地点时,就创造了历史。bob全站app在她的领导下,这家商店的年销售额超过10亿美元。不用说,她对客户服务了解一两件事。


If you want to improve sales, marketing, and product development, these departments need to be aware of what your customers are saying about them. That way, they can make informed decisions that always put the客户的需求第一的。单击以鸣叫此报价

15.“快乐的客户是您最大的拥护者,可以成为您最成功的销售团队。”丽莎·马西洛(Lisa Masiello)丽莎·马西洛(Lisa Masiello)

This quote comes from Lisa Masiello, who's the founder and CMO ofTechmarc Labs。作为B2B营销人员,Masiello赢得了多个奖项,并为她在领先的IT服务提供商所做的工作中得到了很好的尊重。

I like this quote because it reminds management about the financial value customer service provides. When customers are satisfied, they're less likely to turn to your competitors. Instead, happy customers will refer your business to their peers, creating word-of-mouth lead generation.

Masiello reminds us that customer service is about more than just solving problems. It's relationship-building that leads to long-term benefits for both your customers and your business.单击以在此处鸣叫

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Originally published Aug 1, 2019 10:04:00 AM, updated July 02 2021


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