
如今,许多广告正在以消费者为导向,重点是客户使用产品所产生的积极体验。这是由于对customer experience


While customers still care about price and quality of products, a new factor in choosing between competing brands is customer service. Customers would rather invest in a brand that focuses on their needs and constantly provides value beyond the initial purchase.

这re are many ways to make your brand more以客户为中心。Consider the following statistics on customer service to help you brainstorm new strategies for strengthening your service team.



1. 90% of Americans use customer service as a factor in deciding whether or not to do business with a company. (Microsoft


3. 58%的美国消费者会因客户服务差而转换公司。((Microsoft

4. 89% of consumers are more likely to make another purchase after a positive customer service experience. (销售量force Research

5. 63% of consumers expect businesses to know their unique needs and expectations, while 76% of B2B buyers expect the same thing. (销售量force Research

这Power of Great Customer Service

6.如果公司的客户服bob全站app务非常出色,则有78%的消费者将在错误后再次与公司开展业务。((销售量force Research


8.良好的客户服务经验严重影响建议。将公司服务评为“良好”的消费者推荐该公司的bob全站app可能性要高38%。((Qualtrics XM研究所

9. 93%的客户可能会与提供出色客户服务的公司进行重复购买。((HubSpot Research



11. After more than one bad experience, around 80% of consumers say they would rather do business with a competitor. (Zendesk

12. Only one in five consumers will forgive a bad experience at a company whose customer service they rate as “very poor.” Nearly 80% will forgive a bad experience if they rate the service team as “very good.” (Qualtrics XM研究所




15. The effectiveness of bots in resolving issues has fallen to 28%. American consumers do not find bots effective, with 40% relying on other channels to reach out to service teams. (Microsoft


17. 79%的美国互联网用户在Facebook上,使其成为最受欢迎的社交媒体平台。((Lyfe Marketing

18. Millennials prefer live chat for customer service over every other communication channel. (COMM100


19. 33%的客户不得不等待搁置,最沮丧。33%的人不得不重复多个支持代表,这使33%的人感到沮丧。((HubSpot Research

20. In a similar study, nearly 60% of customers feel that long holds and wait times are the most frustrating parts of a service experience. (Zendesk

21. 53%的购物者认为他们的反馈不会脱给任何可以实际采取行动的人。((Microsoft

22.如果他们遇到的问题是基于服务的,则客户更换竞争对手的可能性要高四倍。((Bain and Company


23. 36% of consumers overall will share their customer service experience, whether good or bad. More than a third report posting on Facebook, followed closely by Instagram. (CFI Group

24. 94%的美国客户将推荐一家公司的服务“非常好”的公司。bob全站app((Qualtrics XM研究所

25. Only 13% of consumers will recommend a company whose customer service they’ve rated as “very poor.” (Qualtrics XM研究所

26. 50%的客户表示他们不会通过社交媒体分享他们的不良服务经验。((CFI Group


27.将近90%的消费者信任一家公司,其服务已被评为“非常好”,以满足他bob全站app们的需求。((Qualtrics XM研究所

28.将客户保留率提高仅5%可以将利润增加25%至95%。((Bain and Company

29. Businesses can grow revenues between 4% and 8% above their market when they prioritize better customer service experiences. (Bain & Company

30.拥有“显着高于平均水平”的客户体验的公司中有89%的经济性能要比其竞争对手更好。((Qualtrics XM研究所


31. 70% of the customer's journey is based on how the customer feels they are being treated. (McKinsey


33. On average, customer service agents only ask for a customer's name 21% of the time. (一眼

34. 71%的消费者(16-24岁)认为,服务团队的快速回应可以大大改善他们的客户体验。((COMM100

35. Almost 90% of customers report trusting a company whose service they rate as “very good.” On the other hand, only 16% of those who give a “very poor” rating trust companies to the same degree. (Qualtrics XM研究所

Customer Satisfaction Statistics

36. 90% of customers rate an "immediate" response as important or very important when they have a customer service question. 60% of customers define "immediate" as 10 minutes or less. (HubSpot Research



39. 69% of consumers first try to resolve their issue on their own, but less than one third of companies offer self-service options such as a knowledge base. (Zendesk

40.NPS®推荐值的客户生命周期价值的s 600% - 1400% higher than a detractor. (Bain & Company

importance of customer servicecan’t be overstated. Investing in astrong service teamwill improve customer satisfaction, reduce churn, and increase revenue.

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