Are you familiar with the story, "兔子和乌龟?

If not, it's about an overconfident rabbit that losses a footrace to a turtle because he fell asleep before he crossed the finish line. The turtle, despite moving slow, wins the race because of his consistent pace.


Today's customers have higher expectations than ever before and it's harder for businesses to stand out simply by providing courteous and consistent customer support. Customers expect a high level of service from every business they interact with and the race has shifted to which company can provide the highest quality of service as quickly as possible.

在这篇文章中,我们将解释为什么服务速度(SOS)已成为客户支持中最重要的指标之一。然后,我们将一劳永逸地结束辩论,并告诉您哪个更重要:服务速度或产品质量。 →立即下载:客户支持培训模板[免费模板]“align=

Unlike response time, speed of service doesn't just look at how long it takes your service team to reply to the customer. It measures how long it takes them to reply to the customer and fulfill their support request.



随着人们对客户服务团队的期望,服务速度正成为关键指标improving the customer experience. According toMicrosoft,有54%的消费者表示,他们对客户服务团队的期望比一年前更高。而且,有72%的人期望您的团队知道他们伸出援手,购买的东西,并深入了解他们过去与您的公司的互动。bob全站app

If your customer service team uses aCRM,那么很容易回忆起此信息。如果他们没有一个,那么他们不仅会浪费时间在寻找数据,而且还增加了搅拌的机会,因为他们没有达到客户期望。客户不想等待答案,如果您的服务团队看起来像是在收集信息,他们会失去您的企业可以提供有效支持的信心。

Speed of service is also important on social media. In fact,85%of consumers expect a response from a company on Facebook within six hours. On Twitter,64%消费者期望在一小时内做出回应。随着客户继续将这些平台用于服务需求,企业将需要准备满足响应时间的期望。

Now that we've described a few instances where speed of service is important, let's settle the debate between product quality and speed of service — which one should your business prioritize more.

Product Quality vs. Speed of Service

简单的答案和警察 - 都是。在提供出色的客户体验和完美的世界中,两者都非常重要,拥有出色的产品质量和服务速度对于任何业务都是理想的选择。

产品质量-VS速度服务“></p><p>But, if you had to prioritize one over the other, then you should start by assessing your product, company, and industry. What you sell, where you sell it, and who you sell it to, will all affect whether your customers will prefer product quality or speed of service.</p><p>例如,如果您要管理一家快速服务餐厅,那么您可能想考虑到服务速度而不是产品质量。进入您的直通车的顾客预计会在几分钟之内提供服务,大多数人宁愿按时获得食物,也不愿确保所有的炸薯条都完美地煮熟。</p><p>However, if you were selling luxury cars, then you might be more concerned about the quality of your product than how quickly you can get it out the door. Take the Dodge Viper for instance. Dodge only makes a couple hundred of these cars each year, but they're worth about $100K each. For that price, Dodge needs to make a car that's going to wow its<a href=customer baseand keep them happy over time.

The chart below can help you make this decision.

“High head" refers to the amount of critical thinking a customer needs to do to purchase a product. The more thought they put into it, the higher head it involves. "High heart" refers to the emotional investment that the customer has to make. Buying a car is a significant decision, and we either feel great or have消费者后悔when we make this type of big purchase.



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              <p class=最初于2021年1月7日出版,上午8:00:00,更新于2021年6月15日


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