
With the huge number ofSaaS(软bob电竞官方下载件作为服务)在那里,找到解决方案是简单的部分。更困难的是管理越来越多的应用程序和其中的快速增加数据。

The average employee uses至少八个应用程序,这意味着与位置之间分布的数据进行大量的选项卡开关和争吵。越来越多的企业经常面临数据挑战,例如:

  • Keeping data synced across multiple apps
  • 保持干净的数据
  • 删除不准确或损坏的数据
  • 遵守数据保护法规
  • Avoiding productivity and cost inefficiencies

The solution is not to stop adding SaaS, but to find that one app that enables all your other apps to work together.

这是哪里iPaaS, or Integration Platform as a Service,使用IPAAS的步骤,每个业务都可以在每个应用程序中使用干净可靠的数据创建一个结算,协作和集成的技术生态系统。

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What is iPaaS?

iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) is a cloud-based platform that connects various applications, systems, and technologies without the need for hardware or middleware.


One of the best things about iPaaS is that it's delivered as a service. You simply subscribe to the platform, choose the apps you need to connect, customize your field mapping, and let the platform handle the rest. This includes data governance, new feature updates, and security patches.

The Evolution of iPaaS: Solving the Gaps in the Cloud Boom

研究Gartnershows that iPaaS has been one of the fastest-growing enterprise software market segments since they began tracking it roughly eight years ago.

The global iPaaS market is now estimated to be valued at $1.9 billion in 2020 and expected to rapidly scale to $10.3 billion by 2025, according toVynz研究。But when did this all begin?

iPaaS emerged in the late 2000s out of necessity. After the explosion of cloud computing, businesses of all sizes needed to deal with the lack of connectivity between the SaaS apps and cloud-based data.

Boomi claims the title forthe first iPaaS in 2008, developed as a more accessibleETL的“继任者”(Extract, Transfer, Load) — a frequently used data integration method that pulls data from multiple sources and stores it in a target database. ETL is a predictable and advanced solution designed for IT departments, but iPaaS is a flexible low-code or zero-code alternative that's accessible to anyone.

iPaaS developers realize that although the SaaS tools we're using to power our businesses have got more powerful, many of these apps solve a very specific problem. Like shopping in a penny candy shop, organizations can pick and choose their perfect mix of best-in-breed tech to fit their exact preferences.

However, these apps evolved in silos. Data is collected and stored in a unique way and isn't designed to play nicely with the other apps in your business.

创建完美的堆栈后,如果您将应用程序作为已断开的数据岛,则问题将开始。Data silos are kryptonitefor all shapes and sizes of businesses: not only do they prevent effective collaboration, but they can also skew your reporting to make data-driven decisions impossible.


With best in breed apps plus integration, your organization can nail the recipe for an effective and aligned stack that powers your business growth.


iPaaS isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, but每种类型的业务都需要考虑数据集成。不仅是大个子。实际上,您越早在企业的旅程中采用IPAAS解决方案,越好。

As a general rule of thumb, the more apps you have in your business, the more you need integration.


Bringing in a third-party iPaaS solution to do the heavy lifting solves these problems, and it's becoming much more common for businesses of all sizes.

With one集成平台, an organization can connect the dots between their CRM, email marketing app, customer support software, accounting platform, and other key apps having different teams aligned.

企业集成平台包括mulesoftandDell Boomi,但更适合中小型企业是易于使用的集成平台Zapierthat have made iPaaS more accessible, no matter the budget.

The Future of iPaaS

Next-gen iPaaS will see even more scope for advanced integration, intelligence, and customization. But another huge shift will happen as iPaaS becomes a staple part of the stacks of small and mid-size organizations.


Accessibility:IPAAS变得越来越容易访问每种类型的业务。平均小型企业正在使用up to 40 apps, and this only increases with scale. To stay on top of all this data, it's important to get integration right from the beginning with an easy-to-use, zero-code iPaaS.


Total alignment:与其为单个部门采用IPAA,而是将实施组织的完全一致,将销售,营销,服务和运营数据汇总在一起。

智力:Organizations will leverage iPaaS to combine and centralize their reporting data from all sources and create a single source of truth for data-driven decisions.

Internet of Things (IoT):By 2026, it's forecast that there will be more than640亿智能小工具, or IoT devices, installed around the world. As advanced iPaaS enables enterprises to create data integrations between sensors, devices, and enterprise systems, these gadgets will become even smarter as they automate more processes and data exchanges.


Artificial intelligence (AI): Bringing together multiple data sets fast is an essential part of AI, and iPaaS will be a key part of making AI more accessible. ADynatrace的调查of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) predicts a shift in integration management to adopt artificial intelligence to cope with the growth in IT complexity.

Keep Your Business Up-to-Date With iPaaS

作为业务技术栈演进,中国ation is becoming少是事后的想法,而更多的是重要的组成部分of any smooth-running organization.



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最初出版于7月16日,2020年10:18:25 AM,2021年4月21日更新

