
Lindsay recommends these free Instagram templates.

Download the Free IG Templates
Caroline Forsey
Caroline Forsey



商机在Instagram上继续增长并非秘密。Instagram大约90%的Instagram活跃每月用户中有90%遵循企业帐户on the platform, and there are more than2亿业务帐户

Influencer learning how to gain more followers on Instagram by using effective tips

New Data: Instagram Engagement Report [2022 Version]


Luckily, you can do a few things right away to collect at least 1,000 quality followers for your personal or professional Instagram account. It's all about knowing where to invest your time and effort. In this post, we'll discuss a few strategies to help you gain those followers, from creating a follow-worthy Instagram profile to using contests and staying true to your brand.

1. Make your account into a business profile and optimize the description.

First thing's first: Customize your Instagram profile to make it look good. Tell your potential followers who you are, and give them a reason to follow you.

How? Start by making sure your username is recognizable and easily searchable – like your business name.


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If your business name is already taken, try keeping your business name as the first part of your username so that people searching for your business are more likely to come across you. For example, the Australian activewear line Lorna Jane uses the usernameLornajaneactive

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2022 Instagram Engagement Report

Get actionable data and insights to help grow your Instagram following.

Setting Up Your Account

Step 1。Add your full business name to the "Name" field in the "Options" section. To find "Options," tap the three lines in the top right corner of the iOS app, followed by "Settings" which will appear at the bottom of the screen next to a gear. If you're on Android, tap the three dots in the corner. Your business or name will appear under your profile picture and your username in search.

Step 2。Make your profile public. To make your profile public, open Instagram, open "Options," and make sure "Private Account" is turned off.

setting up your instagram account to gain followers step to make your account public

Step 3。选择与您的其他社交网络(例如公司徽标)在品牌上获得品牌的个人资料图片。bob全站app

Step 4。用有关您的品牌的令人愉悦,可操作和信息的信息填写您的简历。这样的信息使人们可以知道您的意思,并给他们一个关注您的理由。包括您是谁和做什么,并确保添加一定的个性。

Here are a few examples for inspiration:

  • Cheekbonebeauty: "Less waste. Ethical and safe ingredients."
  • Oreo:“您最喜欢的饼干的好玩时刻。”
  • Mrsbrittanyhennessy: "Helping Influencers go beyond #sponcon and create sustainable businesses."
  • CalifiaFarms: "Something different, something better. Let us show you what plants can do."
  • CorageDolls: "Elevating, educating, & encouraging girls of color to be unstoppable with dolls that finally look like her."

Step 5。将链接树添加到您的简历中,以使人们可以轻松地从Instagram到您的其他平台。为URL分配的空间是宝贵的房地产。当您收到10,000个关注者时,您可以添加链接到Instagram故事。

Until then, your bio is the only place within Instagram where you can place clickable links, so use it wisely. We recommend using a shortened, customizedBitlylink to make it more clickable.

Step 6。Enable notifications so you can see when people share or comment on your photos. This'll let you engage with them more quickly – just like a lot of companies do on Twitter. To enable notifications, go to "Options" and then "Push Notification Settings." Select "From Everyone" for every category.

A word to the wise: We don't recommend you link your Instagram account to Twitter and Facebook (or other social media platforms) for automatic posts. Because every platform caters to a different audience and requires different types of posts.



If possible, choose someone with experience on the platform who will "get" it — and be sure they stay updated on all new features Instagram has to offer fromReelsto IGTV.

If you work for a large organization, you might find that a lot of people want a say in what's posted. That's when an organized request or guidelines document comes in handy.

This document should inform people how to request a post on your Instagram account, when, the value of the post, and why.



Fortunately, you don't have to take a photography course to be a good Instagram poster — nor do you have to practice for weeks before you start. But you should get familiar with basic photography tips and photo editing apps.

Photography Best Practices

Since Instagram is a mobile app, chances are, some content you post to Instagram will be taken on your mobile device. That's expected.

If your budget allows, consider investing in professional photography for your Instagram photos, as that will elevate your profile. Otherwise, a smartphone and a few editing apps will do.

  • 一次专注于一个主题。
  • Embrace negative space.
  • 找到有趣的观点。
  • Look for symmetry.
  • 捕获小细节。
  • Make your followers laugh.



Most of your photos should go through at least one or two photo editing apps on your mobile phone before you open them on Instagram.

Additionally, consider creating a凝聚力的Instagram主题across your feed, so anyone visiting your account for the first time can get a sense of your brand.

ByrdConsults Instagram一致的Instagram配置文件主题的示例,该主题有助于获得1000个Instagram关注者

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4. Adhere to a regular posting schedule.

Once you've created and optimized your profile, have someone managing it, and have your creative assets ready, it's time to start posting.

It's a good idea to have a solid number of great posts up – maybe 15 or so – before you start engaging people and working down this list. That way, when people visit your profile, they'll see a full screen of photos and will know you'll post great content regularly.

To start posting on Instagram,download this social media content calendar templatefirst and plan out your posts. It's best to build a backlog of content ready a few days or weeks ahead of the publishing date.

This will ensure you always have content during holidays, vacations, and even creative blocks.


Optimizing your schedule for your specific audience might take time and experimentation.


5. Allow outside contributors to curate your content.


There's a whole breadth of content you'll want to post to Instagram, and more often than not, one person won't be able to keep track of it all.


There are a few ways to do this. The first option is to create a specific email address for employees to send their photos, short videos, memes, hyper-lapses, and so on.

Encourage people to add a descriptive subject line so you can easily sort through the content they're sending. While this doesn't seem like the smoothest way to curate photos, it's actually the easiest for the people sending you photos — and the easier you can make it for them to send content, the more content you'll get.

If your team shares a Box or Dropbox account, you could also create a shared folder where people can automatically drop their photos and videos.

6. Use a consistent, platform-specific brand voice.

照片和视频可能是您Instagram帖子中最重要的部分,但是字幕,评论和其他文本绝不应该是事后的想法。如果您正在管理品牌的渠道或拥有多个Instagram经理,请考虑开发一个consistent voice使您的品牌人性化。

This shows potential followers that you are credible and relatable, rather than formal or intimidating.


For example, many influencers and prominent accounts on Instagram have a very casual voice and style but remain professional and on-brand. Once you've got your voice down, make sure it stays consistent and natural in your captions, comments, messages, and your bio.


字幕是您帖子的重要组成部分 - 如果您愿意的话,锦上添花。始终如一的标题可以为您的品牌人性化,赢得追随者并使您的内容更加共享,从而为您提供更多的曝光。

Here are a few things you might see in a winningInstagramcaption:

  • Clever or witty comments
  • Calls to action
  • Relevant emojis
  • Hashtags

Clever or Witty Comments

Some brands and influencers have used clever or witty captions, or even audience-appropriate jokes to further humanize themselves on Instagram.

My colleague凯利·亨德里克森(Kelly Hendrickson), HubSpot's social media team manager, says that she lovesNetflix's accountand sub-accounts, particularly because of the post captions.

"They have such a clear brand voice, and you laugh along with them. They're in on the joke, just like one of your friends," she says.

example of instagram business account like netflix using clever or witty comments to gain followers on instagram

Netflix's voice is casual, trendy, and humorous while still staying on brand.

In the post above, the caption is funny, authentic, and relatable. Who hasn't flipped through a friend's Instagram Story with the hope that you'll be featured?

Calls to Action

Another way to increase the shareability of your caption and engage your followers is to ask questions or have some sort of call-to-action in the captions of your photos.

For example, you might write, "Double-tap if you find this funny," or "share your story in the comments."

In the example below, we asked followers of theHubSpot Instagram帐户to leave a comment with a book that's had a positive impact on their work, along with tagging the author:

HubSpot Instagram帐户上的Instagram Call to Action CTA的示例以增加参与度并获得Instagram关注者


Adding just a few relevant emojis can add even more personality to your posts. It could also make them even more noticeable on an Instagram feed. In the post below,Danielle Gray, a beauty expert with over 50K followers, includes witty text with relevant emojis to make the post pop.

example of instagram user stylenbeautydoc using emojis to help gain instagram followers

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8. Optimize posts with relevant hashtags.

On Instagram, a hashtag ties conversations from different users who wouldn't already be connected into a single stream. If you use relevanthashtags,您的帖子将吸引更多的受众群体,并帮助您发现潜在客户。


This is a shortcut tactic that'll only leave you with low-quality followers.


When you search for one hashtag, it'll show you a list of related hashtags at the top of your screen.

For example, when I search for #digitalmarketingstrategy on Instagram, it shows me relevant hashtags like #digitalmarketingexpert, #digitalmarketing, and so on.

gain instagram followers by optimizing using relevant hashtags

为了帮助您的关注者在个人层面上与您的关注者联系,您可能会考虑跳上#TBT(“ throwback tourper tourch tourch”),#motivationMonday,#transformationtuesday或其他趋势主题标签等主题标签趋势。这是来自Fanmdjanm,与o headwrap收集和生活方式品牌ver 150K followers on its Instagram account, using the #HappyMothersDay hashtag:

一旦建立了一些关注点,您就可以尝试创建自己的主题标签 - 例如您的公司名称或适用于您的内容的口号。bob全站app这是在平台上建立您的品牌并建立更加凝聚力的好方法。

9. Lean into trending content formats.

With the arrival of TikTok on the social media scene,short-form videoshave become one of the most effective content formats on social media.

In fact, according to a HubSpot Blog survey, 85% of marketers who use short-form videos find them to be the most effective content format. And 95% of marketers who leverage short-form videos plan to increase their investment or continue investing the same amount in 2022.

That's why it's important to lean into trending content formats. After TikTok, Instagram came out with IG Reels, and this feature is a great way to post funny, relatable content.

When Instagram comes out with new tools, like IG Reels, don't be afraid to use those features because they can help you gain Instagram followers.

10. Post content your followers want to see.


Is it interactive content, behind-the-scenes stories, funny and relatable posts, or something else? When you have a general idea of what performs best, continue to create that type of content.

Additionally, Instagram has many tools and features you can use: IGTV, IG Reels, Instagram Stories, Instagram Live, Highlights, etc. Begin by posting several types of content formats and see which one does best. Then, come up with a strategy and master that one tool. Doing so will help you create content your followers want to see and gain new followers.


Like the old adage about a tree falling in a forest, if you start an Instagram account without promoting it, is the account even real yet? Well, yes. But, you'll have fewer followers.

One of the best ways to gain followers on Instagram is to promote your account. Embed posts in your blogs (like you see a few on this post), post on your other social media platforms, and share social links in your email newsletters. A great way to gain followers on one platform is to ask current followers on other platforms if they want to follow you somewhere else as well.

Additionally, to promote your Instagram, it's important to get started with Instagram promotions and ads. This will help you reach a wider audience. I know it might seem like ads are only effective for selling certain products, but I've followed several business accounts because of a sponsored post I saw.

12. Engage with users through follows, likes, and comments.

Instagramis very much a community, and one great way to get involved in that community is to find people who post pictures that interest you, follow their accounts and interact with their content. It's the most natural way to draw attention to your own Instagram account.

This accomplishes two things: for one, when they get the notification that you've followed them, there's a good chance they'll check out your profile. This goes back to the importance of having great content on your account before you start reaching out to others.



13. Cross-promote with influencers and brands with similar audiences.

Once you build rapport with the folks behind accounts with similar audiences to your own, consider collaborating with them.

Partnering with influencers and brands helps with discoverability, reach, and social proof.

如何获得instagram的追随者通过交叉促进with influencers like sweetlikeoyin

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例如,影响者甜likeoyinwho has around 60K followers, posted a sponsored image of herself on the beach wearing a dress fromLulu's。然后,服装品牌发布了相同的图像。

With this partnership, both accounts can expand their reach and gain new followers. It's a win-win. However, be sure to create content that seems natural and makes sense for your brands and collective audience.

14. Run Instagram contests to encourage engagement.

Another great way to expand your reach while increasing engagement with your photos is to run a contest or giveaway. As part of your contest, you can ask users to follow your account, like, and/or comment on the post to be eligible to win.

I mean, come on. Who doesn't love winning free stuff?

You can also add auser-generated content(UGC)比赛的元素也是人们发布自己的照片并使用特定主题标签的元素。

Here's an example fromPlayabowlsnortheastern, where followers were asked to follow Playa Bowls as well as their brand partner, Scoop and Sushi, and tag a friend in the comments. In exchange, followers had the chance to win a free bowl:

15. Explore Instagram Stories' interactive features.

Instagramhas always given brands the platform to share beautiful, curated photos to represent their companies.

However, with the introduction of ephemeralInstagramStories, brands can also share on-the-fly, behind-the-scenes looks for 24 hours that may not be as polished as a published photo, but give your brand more personality on the platform.

Just look at howSnapchat几年前爆炸。一旦Instagram和Facebook等平台引入了类似的功能,它就会使这些应用在用户眼中更加有价值和有趣。尽管Snapchat开创了此功能,但Instagram故事现在已经结束了500 million daily users

Along with sharing video clips and static images through Instagram Stories, users can also use polls, event reminders, and the "Ask a Question," tool to gain more engagement and learn more about their audiences.

Once a user is verified or has over 10,000 followers, they can eveninclude a link to a webpage within a story

How Brands Can Use Instagram Stories


突出显示的顶部会出现你的故事r profile between the photo feed and your bio.

dope scrubs using instagram stories to help gain more instagram followers in story highlights

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Dana Shultz (Minimalistbaker)在她的博客上发布简单的素食和无麸质食谱。她的故事包括她做早餐并在厨房里测试新食谱的整洁的操作视频。她的故事的幕后方面为她的博客品牌提供了许多人类的背景,每个人都喜欢一个好的方法视频。

Casper发布古怪的Instagram内容以宣传其床垫 - 而无需这样做。他们内容的主要主题?留在外面比外出要好(因为您可以自然而然地躺在舒适的卡斯珀床垫上)。

They've even created a gallery for followers to use as backdrops for their Snapchat and Instagram stories to make it look like they're out at a party when in reality, they're laying in bed.


This video supports Casper's campaign to stay in bed with a very real look at what millions of people do when they're hanging out at home.

Here are our tips for using Instagram Stories for your brand:

  • Whether it's funny, sad, or unique, be authentic. Your photo gallery is where content can be perfect and polished. Instagram Stories are for the raw, unscripted, and unretouched. Use Stories to share the other side of your brand that followers might not be able to see elsewhere. Do you have a dog-friendly office? Is your team trying out the latest challenge? Start filming to showcase the more human side of your brand.
  • Go behind the scenes. These are by far our favorite types of content for ephemeral video sharing. Show followers what goes into the planning of an event or the launching of a product, and make it fun. Your followers want to feel included and in the know. You could also use Stories to cultivate a brand loyalty program that only rewards people who check out your content.

16. Use the Instagram Live feature.

Instagram还可以让用户记录和共享实时视频, another content format that's proven to be hugely popular on other social networks. What's unique about Live videos on Instagram? They disappear when users stop filming.


Since the Live feature launched, Instagram has added even more features that may enable further engagement or interactions from viewers, such as:

  • Request feature to go live with the live account
  • Pinned comment
  • Q&A box
  • Up to four accounts on Live at a time
  • Filters

Live video is a growing trend across a variety of social media platforms, so if something interesting is happening, start rolling. Whether it's an event, a team birthday party, or behind-the-scenes footage, your devoted followers want to see what you're up to.


Promoting this type of event will help you tap into someone else's audience while interacting and engaging with your followers by answering their questions and talking to them during the Live.

17. Share your profile link on your website and social media channels.

Have a website? Newsletter? YouTube channel? Make sure you include a link to your Instagram on every single platform.

The first place you'll want to make sure to add an Instagram badge is your website, specifically your footer and "About Us" page.

Here's what the badge could look like:

example of instagram user linking to other business accounts to help gain 1000 instagram followers

If your brand has brick-and-mortar locations, put out a good ol' print call-to-action letting people know you have an Instagram account and encouraging them to follow you. You can also place them on your business cards. You might even offer a discount code for doing so.

同时,一定要促进Instagram帐户your other digital platforms. Chances are, the folks who already follow you on Facebook and Twitter will also follow you on Instagram without much prodding.

Let those followers know you're on Instagram and encourage them to follow you there.

如何获得Instagram关注者的提示,例如链接到您的社交媒体个人资料,如McBride Sisters Wine Business示例所示

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In this example, wine companyThe McBride Sistersencouraged their email subscribers to follow them on Instagram with a simple CTA: "Join the community."


与交叉促销类似,品牌可以发布用户生成的内容,以对现有客户表示赞赏并产生social proofat the same time.

If I see a regular person endorsing a product on Instagram, I'm more likely to believe they really like the product.

The same is true for most consumers. That's why sites likeYelpare so popular.


例如,Bevelreposted a video from bloggerRickey Scott使用并推荐其产品给600多个关注者。


Firstly, the product is designed with black men in mind. Having Scott, who is part of the brand's target demographic, recommend the product serves as the social proof the brand wants.

Furthermore, part of Scott's audience will likely fall within Bevel's target audience. Simply put, the two brands have similar audiences and brands that align well, which is why it's a good opportunity for Bevel to promote Scott's content.

19. Diversify your audience to resonate with different types of users.

As your followers grow, it can be tricky to identify what content types will resonate with them. With this in mind, divide your audience into sub-groups and target your content to various demographics.

例如,if you have 200K followers, those followers probably come from different regions of the world, have different interests and hobbies, and likely have different careers. Rather than post all-encompassing content that will satisfy all your followers at once, conduct someanalytics researchto separate them into smaller sub-groups.

以星巴克为例。星巴克has close to 18 million followers. There's no way the global coffee brand can post content to satisfy 18 million people at once — and it doesn't try to.

Instead, Starbucks regularly posts more exclusive content geared towards particular groups, such as this post they published celebrating #TeacherAppreciationWeek:

how to gain more instagram followers tip to diversify your audience like Starbucks appealing to teachers, students, and other groups of people

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This post won't appeal to the majority of Starbucks followers who aren't teachers, but that's OK.

You don't always need to post content to please everyone. Instead, demonstrate your company's ability to connect and engage with sub-groups and post what aligns with your ownbrand's values

Education is something that matters to Starbucks, so by posting about teachers, they're doing more to demonstrate their values than they are appealing to everyone. Which is kind of the point, isn't it?


When an account on Instagram is verified, it has a blue dot, called a badge, next to the username. When another user comes across this profile or finds the verified username in search, the blue dot confirms to them that the account is the business, individual, or brand that it's claiming to be.

how to gain followers on instagram tip apply for blue check verification badge for authenticity

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While Instagram has a list of eligibility requirements for the badge, the platform does allow users to apply for one. You can learn more about that process onInstagram's Help Center

21. Create your own filters and badges.

当该推广新产品或功能时,创建自己的过滤器,贴纸或徽章可以帮助您吸引新的受众。你可以学习如何create your own filterorstickerto jazz up your Instagram Stories.

The best way to do this is to use these on highly shareable posts that followers will want to add to their own Stories. This way, you'll reach their audiences and your users will promote your page for you.


Another way to gain more followers on Instagram is to tag relevant users in your posts. Your posts will then show up in that person's tagged posts, and anyone who looks through there will find your page (and hopefully, follow).


23. Post content that's meant to be re-shared.

Each post on your Instagram should have a purpose. It could be to generate likes, comments, engagement, shares, etc. However, you can't expect followers to re-share content just for the heck of it. There needs to be a reason.

Because of this, reverse engineer your Instagram posts. Think, "What type of content would my audience re-share?" Then, create that content. It could be a quote, a meme, an infographic, statistics, etc.

To gain new followers, you should post content that's meant to be re-shared, so that when others do re-share it on their own Instagram Stories and tag you, their audience will find you and follow you.

24. Get on the Instagram Explore page.

Getting on the Instagram Explore page is easier said than done. We get that. However, creating posts that are aimed at getting on the Explore page means you'll be creating easily shareable and trendy content.

Think about viral trends and create a video that your audience might engage with. Additionally, use hashtags and tag other users and brands in those posts.

Instagram's Explore Page algorithm also seems to grab content that has more engagement, especially if saidengagement happens in the first few hours of posting。在Instagram的情况下,质量胜于数量,并且从有影响力的用户那里获得互动(即具有较高的追随者数量)是这样做的最佳方法之一。

25. Share educational content with Instagram slides.

Similar to creating content that's meant to be re-shared, you can also create educational content in the form of Instagram slides. Instagram slides have become a popular way to educate audiences on an idea or topic.

Think about what you can educate your audience on and then create a simple Instagram slide post with an engaging title that entices users to click on the post.

With this type of content, you can share the post on your Stories, and then hopefully other users will be compelled by the content to share on their Stories as well.


When you're collaborating withinfluencersand other brands, think about hosting an Instagram account takeover. You can have an influencer take over your Stories for the day, and promote this on their own Stories.

Then, you'll get their followers to follow along with the Stories and hopefully follow your account.

Additionally, you can ask an influencer or brand if you can take over their Stories, and interact with their audience as a way to promote your own account.


Ultimately, it's important to focus less on the number of followers you have, and more on the quality of content you create. Your audience will grow naturally if you put effort and time into creating engaging, informative, or inspirational content without worrying about "quick fixes" for boosts in followers.


Editor's note: This post was originally published in February 2016 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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