“但是我写了关于抵押贷款的文章(或其他类似的东西'boring“主题) - 我不可能让我的内容变得有趣。”对于你们中的许多人来说,这可能是您很容易与之相关的借口。

但I'm going to fight you on this one because, hey, I'm a B2B content creator, too. And wemarketing softwareover here -- not exactly the sexiest product to peddle, if you ask me. But we've heard time and time again from our readers that they love coming back to our content because we make it fun and interesting to read about marketing.

即使是“无聊”行业的公司也需要创建内容。但事实是,读到抵押贷款的人并没有有一天想着:“我想我今天要阅读有关抵押贷款的信息!”他们阅读了该内容,因为他们needinformation about mortgages -- maybe because they're considering buying a house. So why not make the otherwise boring, tedious process of reading about mortgages (or insert your industry here) a little bit more interesting -- maybe even fun -- for them? After all,每个人都喜欢拜因g entertained, 正确的?为您的内容注入更多乐趣,甚至可能使它与一些竞争对手真正无聊的内容区分开来。


10 Ways to Make Your Content More Fun to Read



不要害怕从个人经验中汲取灵感 - 只要确保它们与您的内容的主题息息相关。这是我的同事金妮·索斯基(Ginny Soskey)如何结合个人轶事来为舞台奠定舞台的一个例子10 free design tools she highlighted in this post:



这是一个little tougher, as it requires a sense of humor ;-) That being said, you don't have to be the funniest person in the world to make readers smile here and there. Sometimes, your choice of words or a little parenthetical quip will do the trick. Just loosen up, be yourself, and if you're not sure whether something is actually humorous, run it by an honest co-worker. Take a look at how my colleague Corey Eridon cracks a joke ina post about a pretty dry topic (CAN-SPAM)


3) Use Your Introduction Wisely

The intro of your content is one of your best (and easiest) opportunities to be creative and fun. What's more, this is the perfect place to do it, since you want your introduction to be compelling and interesting enough to get your readers' attention (no easy feat, believe me).

而且,嘿 - 沃达(Whaddya)知道吗?介绍也恰好是开玩笑和讲故事的好地方!您还可以考虑善解人意或提出另一种创造性的方式,向读者介绍其前面内容中的内容。目的是让读者与内容进行情感联系或与之相关,以便他们继续阅读。有关撰写精彩介绍的更多技巧 - 以及本身就是一个很好的介绍的一个例子 - 请查看我们的帖子,”如何写简介。"


4) Watch Your Tone

Boring topics will sound even more boring if you write with a bland tone. In most cases, you can get away with a conversational, informal tone in your writing -- especially if the writing is going on a blog, not in an academic paper. Think about how you would communicate with someone verbally, and adopt that tone in your writing. Your readers will thank you for content that, albeit educational, is also easy to read and get through. Isn't the following so much more enjoyable to read than it would've been had we stopped after that first little paragraph?



On the content team, we like to call these "unicorn examples." Here's why: For a while here at HubSpot, we had kind of a unicorn thing going on. The unicorn even turned into somewhat of a mascot for us (we called him Hu). In any event, every time we were looking to enhance our blog content with a hypothetical example to explain a concept more clearly, the example went something like this:





I'm not gonna lie -- I loooove memejacking. Meme-what, you ask? If you're not familiar,模因通常是一个通常通过互联网传播的概念,行为或想法模因最常见于视觉效果such as images, pictures, or videos, but they can also take the form of a link, hashtag, a simple word or phrase (e.g. an intentional misspelling), or even an entire website. If you're still having some trouble grasping the concept,check out some of these popular memes。我敢打赌,您会认识到一些。

What's great about doing some memejacking in your content is the fact that memes are inherently有趣,引人入胜且非常受欢迎。但一个“劫持”模因到底是如何的?幸运的是,我们写了有关该主题的详细博客文章that provides some great memejacking tips and tricks. The great thing is, you can either go big like Moz, which announced its Series B funding through an entirely以模因为主题的新闻稿bob官网官方网站。。。


...或像我们对我们的关于营销接送线的帖子, as told through popular memes.


Perhaps you can be a little bit more subtle, sprinkling in a meme reference here and there to add a little fun to your content, like we did in our recent最好的博客做什么:


7) Incorporate Pop Culture References

说到流行的模因,一个流行文化的一点参考如何使您的内容变得活跃?这是我们最近如何在发布有关Google转移到加密所有关键字搜索数据的信息-- not exactly the most uplifting article for marketers, but there was no sense in us being total Debbie Downers about it. A little humor, it turns out, is a great way to help cope with bad news :-)


Just be mindful of your target audience with this one (and come to think of it, with memejacking, too). If the majority of your audience won't have any idea who or what you're referencing, it'll be a total flop. Now, you won't be able to appeal to每个人,但是,在制作这样的流行文化参考时,请使用最佳判断力,并牢记您的角色。


您知道他们在说什么:“一张照片值一千字。”图像不仅是一种好方法improve the social shareability of your content, but it can also add a little fun to it, too. Take some extra care in choosing images for your content. Can you use them to enhance a joke you made or crack a new one? Can you simply select a relevant image that's already funny in and of itself? Can you overlay a caption or add a clever thought/talk bubble like we did in the example below (which can be found in这篇博客文章)? Don't be afraid to get creative!

驴子 - 谁是通道-1

(Image Credit:horslips5)

只需确保您可以使用,适应或修改所使用的图像的正确权限。使用适当许可的照片Creative Commons(但be careful),或购买库存照片。(Bonus: We have 235 stock photos available to download for freehereandherethat you can adapt however you'd like!)

9) Add a GIF

How fun is the GIF pictured below?


我们将其添加到博客文章and登陆页面for our marketing trivia game offer to give it a little oomph and emphasize its game show-esque look and feel. Animated GIFs are great for catching readers' attention and making your content just a little bit more interesting. To learn how to create an animated GIF, check out thissimple how-to blog post。并了解有关如何在营销中使用它们的更多信息,这篇文章将解决问题


No, I'm not talking about colorful, hard-boiled eggs here. In the internet world, anEaster egg指“有意的inside joke,hidden message, or feature." And from the reader's perspective, there's nothing more fun than a well-hidden Easter egg. You know why? Because there's a sense of exclusivity associated with them. It also makes you feel wicked smart when you actually discover one! Hiding Easter eggs adds a fabulous level of interactivity to your content, and it's also a great way to engage your readers and get them to come back.

我最喜欢的复活节彩蛋例子之一被隐藏在launch campaign for the return season of Arrested Development。In these examples, the brilliant marketers of the show hid messages to fans --quotes from character TobiasFünke --在为广告系列创建的微台面的代码中:



You don't have to get as fancy as hiding messages in your website's source code either -- even just hidden messages that certain personas or long-time readers of your content would "get" can be a fun, yet simple, approach. Just be sure that any Easter eggs you hide not only appeal to your target audience, but also enhance (not take away from) your content.

What other suggestions do you have for injecting more "fun" into your content?

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Originally published Oct 2, 2013 8:00:00 AM, updated August 27 2017


Writing Skills