什么时候working remotely, you'll likely notice some unique challenges arise that aren't necessarily roadblocks you'd experience in a shared office.


If you're worried about your visibility, you're not alone. A lack of visibility is a common hurdle that those in the remote workforce worry about. In fact, a 2018 survey from Indeed found that37%的员工在允许远程工作的公司中,这种工作风格阻碍了可见性。

At HubSpot, we're pretty familiar with remote work culture: its benefits and pain points — we have a fleet of超过200个全职远程集线器从入门级到确定的领导角色的变化。







While helping with a project or joining a group that doesn't directly impact your job might seem stressful at first, it can actually be fun and help you bond with colleagues you wouldn't know otherwise.

高级客户支持专家蒂娜·艾塔(Tina Aita)说:“努力认识某人,寻找参与的机会并得到他人的使用,这有助于提高我在HubSpot的知名度。”

Aita adds, "Volunteering as an editor and contributor for the User blog, creating internal company posts, and working with our technical writers to improve our knowledge base articles has allowed me to connect with other departments and have some one-on-one time with those in other roles such as product experts and managers."



新奥尔良的高级客户成功经理凯特·里德(Kate Reed)说:“在我在HubSpot担任Net New远程员工的最初几周中,我邀请了大多数团队成员参加虚拟午餐。”

里德分享道:“我花了一个小时的一对一午餐,几乎与每个同事一起聊天。”“那些人是我最舒服的人 - 我们当中有些人甚至进行了定期聊天。”

Even as an established employee, it still helps to schedule meetings like these regularly to keep up with or build a stronger working relationship with your colleagues.

"I schedule at least three video calls with different teammates each week that I used as times for informal relationship building," says Meghan Castillo, a learning experience designer based in Virginia. "This allows me to catch up on happenings in their lives and the office, as well as build stronger connections and familiarity to gain access to information faster."

安排定期检查也是HubSpot博客的执行编辑Meg Prater的策略。在之上每月预订一对一with colleagues she doesn't often see in daily meetings, Prater says. "I also grab virtual coffees and lunches with colleagues."


3. Publish, share, and discuss insights from your role.

If your company has a blog orWikithat's specifically for employees to post on, use it to write about your ongoing projects, insights, or achievements. Alternatively, consider writing a blog post on your own site and then sharing posts with your colleagues.


At HubSpot, we haven an internal Wiki where employees can post insights and lessons. One remote employee who's utilized it throughout his time at HubSpot is Blake Reichenbach, a customer support specialist based in Kentucky.

"As soon as I was comfortable in my role, I made it a priority to start building my visibility within the company. I approached it by being attentive to problems that I noticed and then applying my strengths to finding solutions to those problems," says Reichenbach. "As a writer, that took the form of writing posts for our Wiki, contributing to the Marketing and User blogs, and using my own website to test and apply inbound best practices."


什么时候it comes to writing a good Wiki or internal blog, Reichenbach gave a few tips.

Reichenbach说:“一个好的Wiki将解决常见的痛点 - 例如您作为客户支持代表遇到的某些问题。”“它提供了可行的见解,这些见解既风趣又易于消化。”


Like Reichenbach, Alex Birkett, a senior marketing manager based in Texas, also says you should "get used to" writing as a remote employee.

“公司内几乎所有您的'个人品牌'都将建立在单词上。写内部公司Wiki帖子,bob全站app销售您的想法在您自己的博客上,并保持活跃的Twitter。” Birkett建议。

4. Communicate with colleagues using the company's direct messenger app.


"Both formal work channels and informal or recreational channels can help you gain visibility," Birkett adds.

入站成功教练克洛伊·克里斯蒂安森(Chloe Christiansen)也说她接受了Hubspot的消息传递系统。




“我们每天都在'昨天/今天'站立,每个人都可以在几句句子中谈论他们的日常优先事项,”高级Help-Desk技术员克里斯蒂娜·科科罗斯(Christina Kokoros)说。







什么时候you aren't visible at a company, both big and small accomplishments might appear less obvious, or even unseen. Additionally, your manager might not realize how much you're actually learning from failures you run into.

To make sure you, your team, and your manager are all on the same page, regularly fill them in on your progress and what you've been up to.



6. Visit the office if and when possible.

如果你曾经有机会visit your company's headquarters, remote HubSpotters suggest that you take advantage of it. This visit will give you a chance to develop a literal in-person connection with your colleagues.

"My manager enabled me to revisit the Cambridge office around the 10-month mark of my employment, and I used that trip to get coffee and have some face time with folks on the marketing team, blog teams, Academy team, as well as support leadership," Reichenbach explains.

"I used these conversations as an opportunity to introduce myself, get to know more about the work that these teams were doing that may not have been very visible from the vantage point of the customer support org, and outline my own interests and goals," Reichenbach adds. "By extension, I was able to expand my 'employee brand' into teams that I didn't directly work with on a daily basis."

"There are several times per year that I come to the office for events or major meetings. When I’m there, I always make it a point to spend as little time on my laptop as possible and as much time getting coffee, lunch, and drinks with people as I can," Birkett similarly adds.

Allie Decker, a content manager for the HubSpot Blog, says she visits the Cambridge headquarters quarterly. While she uses most of the time to schedule meetings with colleagues, she also blocks time for bonding away from the office.

"I do my best to spend time outside of work with coworkers — like at happy hours and lunches," Decker explains. "I also make it a point to never miss any big, company-wide meetings, events, or celebrations."


Aside from regularly visiting the HubSpot offices in Cambridge, Decker has also taken over a company-wide internal event that requires months of planning and working with multiple company stakeholders.


"I would encourage every remote worker to seek out opportunities, even if they don’t perfectly match up with their day-to-day job," Decker advises. "Running the program is intimidating and definitely much different than my typical remote projects, but it’s a good challenge and helps me become known and trusted."


"Find a hole in a process? Raise a flag and offer to figure out a way to fill it," says Reed. "This is also a great way to make an impact on your team, even when you are new to a role or new to working remote."


Aside from making extra efforts like participating in groups, scheduling one-on-ones, and writing Wikis, don't forget to leverage the team meetings you already have scheduled as a way to gain visibility.

Emily Tong, a revenue operations specialist based in Indiana, says, "I try to make at least one connection or ask one question during any given meeting."

"If people don’t introduce themselves during the meeting and everyone else is sitting in a meeting room, I may ask them who is speaking or ask them to adjust the camera — this calls attention to remote accessibility and generally makes it easier for me to communicate," Tong adds.

如果你能主持人或在团队会议上展示一些东西, Aita and Castillo have some additional tips on how to gain valuable visibility as a leader.

"I aim to engage colleagues in my weekly team meetings by hosting a topic of discussion or providing my own insight into the conversation," says Aita. "This gives me the confidence I need to push myself out of my comfort zone, share my ideas, and converse with others."

什么时候跑步团队会议, Castillo similarly adds, "I try to set the tone by beginning with a comment from each person related to something fun happening in their lives outside of work."


获得可见性可能具有挑战性,但是 - 正如本文中所学的HubSpotter所学到的那样,它也可能对您的成功非常有利。

“我认为失去的可见性,因此职业growth opportunities, is probably one of the biggest fears of those going remote," says Birkett. "However, you can gain visibility when remote, too. It just takes more planning, a conscious effort, and probably a company that truly embraces remote culture."

如果您是远程员工,请尽可能与同事联系,从Birkett和Hubspot Worksforce拿到便条。要了解有关如何成为成功远程员工的更多信息,查看这件作品with more tips from remote HubSpotters.




