买家 - 彼得在Hubspot,我们经常谈论角色。那是因为入站营销实际上是在创建以角色为导向的营销,可以帮助您在最舒适的渠道中与梦想中的客户互动。在讨论角色时,我们通常会谈论买方personas以及如何识别它们可以帮助您创造真正喜欢的营销人员。

但是,角色还有很多其他用途,特别是两个人(至少是为了本博客文章的目的)。尽管他们可能永远不会成为客户,在营销中,您仍然应该始终考虑两个角色。这些人可以帮助您产生更多的入站链接,社交份额和电子邮件向前,并可以帮助您获得影响力并提高思想领导力的信誉。这是两个other所有营销人员都应考虑 - 即使他们永远不会成为您的客户 - 以及如何与您的日常营销活动一起思考。


让链接到您的内容并在其社交网络上分享的粉丝is an important part任何现代内容策略。在某些市场中,为您的买家角色创建出色的内容自然会吸引许多链接和社交份额。例如,HubSpot为不同类型的营销人员创建许多内容。这些营销人员中的许多人也有能力与他们的网络共享该内容或从其博客中链接到它。

现在考虑这种情况的一个网站fering, say, plumbing services. It's a lot different, right? The people who buy their services probably won’t be the same people who will link to their site or share it on social media. Their buyer personas may not be as active online, have their own social media accounts, or a blog to link out from. Thus, they need to develop a persona for people they want to turn into fans.


Let's call the first persona this company could target "George the Plumber." This persona is directed toward other plumbers who are using inbound marketing to generate awareness for their own company. These people are active online and have the resources to provide you with a link or share it with their network.





2)复制FollowerWonk搜索URL并将其粘贴到TagCrowd. You will get back a list of other common words these people have in their Twitter bio. This could help you identify other interests that plumbers have, giving you things they may link to or share on Twitter.


There could be multiple “Company Fan” personas for any one business. For example, staying within the plumbing sector, here's a good example of apiece of content that is targetinga separate or sub-persona -- those who care about clean water. This piece of content has attracted over 343 unique links so far, and lots of social shares. Think of it as thelong tailof persona targeting.

The purpose of content is to attract the right kind of visitors who will turn into happy and successful customers, so in most cases you want to create content for your买方personas. But inbound marketers looking to widen and strengthen their online footprint should consider a separate persona for a "Company Fan" that will probably never purchase from you, but will help you spread your content and brand message. This focus will help you, over time, bring in more people that actually will become a future customer.

The Influencer




There are 26 people who we all follow. These are people who are influencers to us. Clicking on that link will show me who they are:

FollowerWonk _-_ the_intersection

You could then manually create a list for these and keep an eye on what type of content your influencers share, or if you're a HubSpot customer, you couldautomate the whole process using HubSpot's social media tool

hubspot _-_ socile_media_tool



With these tweaks to your day-to-day marketing, you can now make influencer marketing part of the content mix you produce. Again, this may never get you direct sales from the influencers themselves, but will really help to get your brand name mentioned in the right circles and even get you indirect sales from that awareness.

The most important personas for your business are your buyer personas, but the same techniques can be used to create personas that will benefit the rest of your inbound marketing.


Image credit:妮可自1972年以来


最初发布于2013年4月30日12:30:00 PM,2017年2月1日更新


Buyer Personas