
Erin Rodrigue
Erin Rodrigue


Change is unavoidable in sales. But these days, the pace of change is only accelerating, and new trends come and go at a rapid speed.

2021 vs 2022 sales

HubSpot调查了1,000多名销售专业人员,以更好地了解2022年的销售格局。这些强大的见解可以告知您的销售过程的各个方面 - 从pitchingto客户保留.

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Read on to learn how to sales has changed from 2021 to 2022, and what to expect in the coming months.


Rarely do we make a sale at first contact with a prospect. In reality, it's a process that requires multiple touch points. After all, trust isn't built in a day. And in 2022, winning that trust takes even more effort than before.


What's more,84% of sales professionalscommunicate with a prospect on 2-4 different channels (i.e., email, social media, text, live chat, etc.).

The trend is clear: a multi-touch approach is necessary to lay the groundwork for quality relationships in 2022.




So how are sales reps prioritizing existing customers? Mainly through畅销和交叉销售.

几乎90% of sales professionalstry to upsell their customers. As a result, almost half of companies report最多30%他们的收入来自销售。


3. Building trust with prospects became more crucial.

What's the biggest change sales reps are seeing in their field? The growing importance of building trust with prospects. So much so,54%的销售专业人员感觉这种变化正在影响他们的角色。


Let's take a look at how to do just that:

屏幕截图2022-08-22,下午5.37.40According toour report,建立信任和融洽关系的最佳方法是专心和订婚。这涉及提问和积极倾听.

The second best strategy is staying positive (35%), followed by finding common ground (29%).

4. More personalization with sales communication.

No two prospects are the same. They have different goals, needs, and pain points. So why would you use the same script? For example, if your sales pitch is so vague that it applies to everyone, it won't resonate with anyone.

In 2022, personalizing your sales communication is a must. In fact, more than四分之一的销售专业人员相信个性化是今年销售领域的最大变化。

虽然个性化需要更多的研究,但这种方法使潜在客户更容易看到您真正了解他们的问题。如今,解决客户的问题更重要than selling the bells and whistles of your product.



According to45%的销售专业人员,在2022年,一致性营销和销售变得更加至关重要。也就是说,只有23%的人说这两个团队在他们的公司中“非常融洽”。bob全站app

当然,增加合作销售in marketing is no small feat. But salespeople at companies with aligned teams表现更好。On top of that,28%的销售人员说它可以改善客户体验,并26%report stronger lead quality.

One of the easiest ways to align these two teams is with your trust CRM. In fact, a staggering79%的销售专业人员假设CRM在改善销售/营销一致性方面非常有效。

CRM sales marketing alignment

6. Leveraging CRM to its full potential.

These days, a new app or widget seems to emerge every week promising to make sales reps more productive and efficient. While some are more effective than others, one piece of tech is here to stay:CRM软bob电竞官方下载件.

In fact, a whopping83% of sales professionals说他们的CRM对销售过程很重要。更具体地说,它可以帮助他们跟踪潜在客户,在一个中心位置组织数据,甚至可以改善客户保留率。

On top of that, top-performing salespeople有更高的信心在他们的CRM数据中,其比对应物。换句话说,销售绩效与高质量数据之间存在明确的联系。毫不奇怪22% of sales leaders希望今年将其CRM充分发挥作用。


From increased personalization to more touch points in the sales process, an overarching trend is clear: prospects are seeking stronger relationships with their sales reps. With the right strategies in place, you can offer a highly personalized experience that builds trust and rapport.


Topics: 销售策略

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