您的每个成员客户成功团队should prioritize the客户的需求and goals. That's why acustomer-firststrategy对企业至关重要,无论印第安纳州吗ustry they belong to.

However, how do your employees know客户想要什么and need? Especially when only a few of them get the chance to directly interact with customers. Even frontline workers, like customer service agents, only interact with customers who are focused on individual, short-term needs.

在许多情况下,有必要雇用一个工作是了解您的工作的人customer baseand focus on solving long-term needs. For most businesses, this person is called the customer success manager, or CSM.


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While the main job of a CSM is to build relationships, this involves performing a variety of tasks for your customer success team. In the next section, we'll list a few of these functions, as well as provide the skills needed to execute them properly.

What Does a Customer Success Manager Do?


From pre-sales to post-purchase, CSMs complete a variety of tasks and create a mutually-beneficial relationship with your customers. Take a look at a few of those responsibilities in the section below.



Since a CSM works one-on-one with customers, they have an opportunity to significantly influence your customer base. They act as personal cheerleaders for your business explaining to customers why you can meet their specific needs. This positive reputation will not only keep your customers satisfied, but it will also encourage them to refer their friends.


Onboarding is one of the biggest priorities for CSMs. That's because it's extremely important to educate customers on how to use your product. Onboarding should focus on features they need to learn, based on the projects they aim to complete. This way, they can get up to speed as fast as possible and be one step closer to achieving their goals.

3. Follow up on renewals.

CSM的工作是创建忠实的,重复的客户而不是一次性用户。这就是为什么更新是该职位的关键的原因。CSM应跟踪客户产品到期日期 - 无论是每月,每季度还是每年一次),并跟进客户续签合同。没有跟进,您就有可能会流失的风险,这会影响您的customer retentionrates.


Another way to increase a客户的终身价值通过upselling and cross-selling。CSM致力于实现客户目标,这创造了引入高级产品和服务的机会。当客户是升级的理想选择时,CSM可以与他们见面,以解释为什么额外购买会有所帮助。由于您的CSM将与客户有融洽的关系,因此他们更有可能信任您的团队的建议。


客户会遇到一些问题,而不是CSM的责任。技术问题,次要产品问题和基本业务问题应针对您customer support team。CSMS应建立客户与支持之间的关系,从而使用户更容易解决小型或短期问题。


作为直接与客户合作的人,CSM应该对提倡他们的需求负责。他们需要深入了解客户对您的产品的喜好,可以通过调查,评论,推荐等发现。CSMS应与其他部门组织,分析和共享此信息,以确保公司的决定始终考虑bob全站appvoice of the customer

Now that we know what a customer success manager does, let's review the skills needed to be an effective CSM.

The following section has been segmented into two categories: skills that are essential to the customer success manager position and skills that are nice to have but won't necessarily make or break your career in customer success.

Necessary Customer Success Manager Skills

Below are the skills that you will definitely need to be a successful CSM.

1. Customer-First Mindset


2. Communication

Customer success is all about proactive communication. The sooner you let the customer know about their opportunities to improve, the more likely you are to earn their trust and ensure their success.


3. Relationship Management

Relationship management refers to how you interact with customers over time. Most customer success managers have ongoing relationships with their customers, unlike frontline reps who typically work on one issue with one customer at a time, then move on to the next. As a CSM, even if you solve one problem for a customer, you need to be prepared for the next roadblock that comes their way.

4. Industry Knowledge


5. Problem Solving

As a customer success manager, you’re viewed as an excellent problem solver. Customers look to you to solve their issues and clear roadblocks that challenge their success. In this role, you’ll need to think on your feet and provide solutions that satisfy both short- and long-term needs.




Empathy is a core component of any customer service role. The more you can relate to what your customers are going through, the easier it will be to identify effective solutions. Even if you don’t have any experience in their industry or role, you need to be capable of understanding the emotions that customers are feeling when they reach out to you.

8. Active Listening

积极倾听听的实践是你的客户吗s have to say then repeating it back to them in their own words to show you understand what they meant. Active listening builds rapport with customers because it shows that you genuinely care about their success and understand the frustration or confusion they’re going through.


Oftentimes, the customer success manager is viewed as the product expert. Since you represent the company, you should know its products inside and out and be able to teach others how to use them as well. The best teachers can effectively communicate advice in a way that’s easy to understand, interesting to hear about, and relevant to the listener.



11. Reading and Writing

这似乎很明显,但请听我说。大多数CSM都无法与客户面对面合作 - 除非您计算Zoom。在大多数情况下,您是与客户来回发送电子邮件,偶尔希望打电话来谈论高优先级项目。通过通过电子邮件完成的大部分沟通,您的阅读和写作技巧必须熟练才能成功。

12. Strategic Planning

The best CSMs not only teach customers how to use their products, but also how to use the company’s products to achieve a short- or long-term goal.

Take HubSpot, for example. Our customer success managers don’t just teach you how to use HubSpot, they ask about your marketing campaigns and your sales strategies, and they think critically about how HubSpot’s products fit into those processes.

Not every product is used in the same way, and often how a customer uses a product depends on their unique needs. As a CSM, your job is to identify the larger goals that customers are working towards and provide ideas for how they can use your products to achieve them.


In a perfect world, you would only have to work with one customer at a time. But, most customer success teams deal with multiple customers simultaneously, and CSMs are typically responsible for managing several accounts all at once. This means you need to manage your time effectively and be capable of multitasking. After all, you don’t want a customer to feel like you’re spending all of your time with another client, and that their success doesn’t mean as much to you.



14. Data Integration


15. Persuasiveness

You would think that customers are eager to talk to their CSMs. In reality, some are skeptical and believe their customer success manager is really just a sales or marketing rep in disguise.


16. Project Management


17. Creative Thinking

Not every problem is going to have an obvious answer. Sometimes you’ll need to get creative to find a solution that works for your customer. Part of this is knowing your customer’s resources and what they want to accomplish. Once you have an idea of what you can use to solve the problem, it becomes easier to identify creative solutions.




If you're considering a career as a customer success manager, or thinking of hiring one for your business, take a look below to see what the average salary is for this position.



  • 根据Glassdoor, the national average salary for a customer success manager in the United States is$81,414。该工资的低端约55,000美元到高端约126,000美元。
  • 根据Payscale,the average salary for a customer success manager in the U.S. is$69,699。这笔薪水的范围从低端约48,000美元到高端的110,000美元。
  • 根据Indeed,美国客户成功经理的平均工资是$61,660。This salary ranges from about $55,000 on the low end to about $85,000 on the high end.


Let’s review some of those roles as well as their salaries below.


根据Glassdoor, the average salary for a customer success specialist in the United States is$ 51,573。This salary can range from about $33,000 on the low end to about $81,000 on the high end.

Customer Onboarding Manager Salary



根据Glassdoor, the average salary for a senior customer success manager in the United States is$95,689。This salary can range from about $63,000 on the low end to about $145,000 on the high end.


根据Glassdoor, the average salary for a client onboarder in the United States is$90,551。This salary can range from about $63,000 on the low end to about $145,000 on the high end.

Customer Success Operations Specialist Salary

根据Glassdoor, the average salary for a customer success operations specialist in the United States is$ 77,632。This salary can range from about $49,000 on the low end to about $122,000 on the high end.


根据Glassdoor,美国客户体验经理的平均工资是$53,355。这工资的范围可以从约30000美元low end to about $96,000 on the high end.

Becoming a Customer Success Manager

At the end of the day, the best customer success managers simply care about their customers. They know what their customers are working on, what goals they have, and what they hope to achieve with the company's products.



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