Everyone has a customer service horror story.

You know the kinds I'm talking about. Whether it was the story of a missed flight, downed WiFi, or an impossible quest to speak to a person -- not a robot -- on the phone, you or your friend almost certainly have a nightmare to tell.

And that's because it'sscientifically easierfor us to recall negative memories than it is to recall positive ones -- which is probably why customers typically telltwice as many他们的家人和朋友关于负面经历的负面经历。


But we know better than anyone that for every negative customer service experience, there are many more stories of以顾客为中心companies,customer-first政策和客户服务代表,他们加倍努力。因此,为了积极的利益 - 是的,我们的职业有点倡导 - 我们将继续用一些积极的故事来更新此博客文章,以与我们的家人和朋友分享。

(That's you, dear readers.)

Keep reading to review some good customer service stories from real customers -- those of us, here at HubSpot.


1. Netflix

集线器Director of Customer Success,Stephen O'Keefe, shared two different experiences of getting prices raised -- and the different results that came next, depending on the approach. I'll let him tell the story in his own words.


I sat down to pay a few bills last month and noticed that my Comcast bill went up quite a bit -- by 17%, to be exact.




我没有得到任何形式的通知prior to the increase, and didn't remember the details of what I negotiated a couple of years ago, so this was something of a surprise.

I think most of us non-cord cutters have experienced what followed. You call the cable company, complain, maybe ask to speak to a manager, and threaten to change to a competitor -- usually afterwaiting on hold一会儿,首先。


I contemplated paying the extra fee just so I didn't have to deal with the hassle of re-negotiating. But it's almost $400 annually, so I went through with the charade of pretending to cancel.


My Comcast净启动子得分®(NP)在四到六个之间 - 使我牢固地进入“批评者”类别。



I didn't think twice about it as the price-to-value ratio here is great. Why?

首先,名义上的增长很小。其次,我从Netflix获得的价值比以往任何时候都要多。该应用程序比以往任何时候都更好,在多个设备上易于访问,并且内容也很棒。最后,最重要的是,我不必与任何人交谈来谈判价格或合同的长度。我的Netflix NPS是9或10-我是一个大推动者。

I'd wager that Netflix has a high customer NPS. Its subscriber base is through the roof, and Netflix股票上涨70%in the last year.

康卡斯特的股票,另一方面,up 2%

There are obviously a lot of factors at play here but -- at a high level -- I think their valuation is a reflection of their ability to adapt to changing consumer habits and expectations.

I share this more as an example of a process that matches my evolving expectations as a consumer -- and my prediction that越来越多的客户将期待Netflix通过Comcast方法的方法。

2. Whirlaway Sports

The next story comes from my colleague, Clint Fontanella, Staff Writer for the HubSpot Service Blog and former HubSpot Support rep. He shared his memorable experience of buying shoes at a local sporting goods store. Like Stephen, I'll let Clint recall his story.

A few months ago, I picked up running to keep me in shape. But, as a baseball player, I didn't own a pair of running shoes. So, I asked my family for a referral.

While I may be a novice runner, everyone else in my family is not. My brother was a college track star and my parents have run more races than I can count. Suffice to say, I was going to the right people for a recommendation and they all unanimously agreed I should go to旋转运动



Whirlaway Sports是一家零售商店,专门从事跑步和打高尔夫球设备 - 因为这两项运动齐头并进。但是,与之区别的是其客户服务。



Then, he talked to me about price and pulled out an array of options for me to choose from. He sorted each option by price and quality and gave me his honest opinion on each shoe. When I finally select a pair, he had a hunch they may going on sale and asked his manager to give me the discounted price. He didn't have to do that, but it was clear that he was focused on my needs, not getting me out of the store.

After this experience, I used it as the model for my customer support career. Just like that rep, I wanted to provide honest advice and timely solutions. By goingabove-and-beyondfor customers, I found more value in my role because I was generating memorable interactions.


For this story, we interviewed representatives fromSanta Cruz Bicyclesto learn how they adapted their customer service approach to fit the needs of their growing business.

When the company started, it centered its focus on the customer. Reps could work closely with customers on their bikes and the business developed strong relationships with itscustomer base。However, as the business grew, it realized its customer service approach couldn't fulfill the rising demand.

In our interview, Kyler Harder, Santa Cruz's Rider Support Lead, discussed some of the challenges his team faced during this period.

"It got pretty bad. It wasn't horrendous; we never let it get to that point. But it was just me and one other guy taking care of all customers, and we were all over the place. One email inbox was too much, the volume just got to be way too high. "


Santa-Cruz-Customer-ServiceSanta Cruz knew it needed to find a sustainable solution to this problem. So, it adopted服务中心to manage its incoming support requests. Rather than juggling tickets manually, Kyle and his team had an automated system that could assign and distribute cases to available reps. This allowed them to meet deadlines while still maintaining their original style of customer service.

Additionally, with the new service tools, Santa Cruz can now capture valuable customer data. Using the built-in reporting features, reps can record actionable information and distribute it to the entire team to optimize workflow. Kyle goes into this benefit in more depth:



This story was published onLinkedIn几年前,这是一家公司致力于提供出色客户服务的一个很好的例子。bob全站app

When Mike McCready checked into hisDelta Hotel,他对自己的房间感到非常满意。但是,他的观点并不多。




Mike didn't even tag Delta Hotels in his initial tweet. Instead, the company knew that there was a conference going on and was monitoring its social media for tweets like this.



Experiences like these go viral for a reason and all it took was a handwritten note, some fresh-baked pastries, andproactive customer service

5. Yoga International

瑜伽国际is an online yoga studio that aims to share yoga with the world. It uses a subscription-based model where customers can download and attend classes on their own time. While this approach is effective for its target audience, one of the biggest challenges facing the business is减少客户流失

interview with our team, the company's VP of marketing, James Blake, highlights this obstacle and how they overcame it.

"As a membership site we're always focused on reducing churn and increasing satisfaction. We know that collecting feedback from customers throughout the customer's lifecycle has allowed us to achieve both."

Using ourCustomer Feedback Software, Yoga International created an effective feedback loop that relays timely information to its marketing, sales, and customer service teams. For example, the company searched to see what type of content its customers enjoyed best. It also looked for feedback related to its technology, including suggestions that would improve its website. By using these customer-driven updates, Yoga International reduced churn by 20%.

Blake continues to explain the reasons why they made this shift in the quote below.

Yoga-International-Good-Customer-ServiceLastly, another benefit that Yoga International gained from this change is the addition of a知识库。知识库为客户提供了常见问题的答案。Yoga International的团队估计,其网站的这一部分每月偏转1,000多个服务请求。这意味着用户正在快速解决他们的问题,并且支持团队每天都有更少的查询。

Do you have a good customer service story of your own?在Twitter上与我分享so we can keep the conversation going.

Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.

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