If you're dealing with a churn issue, you're not alone.


现在,我不在乎读者,但是我愿意打赌,为企业产生新需求的斗争很容易与斗争有关keep existing customers around.

虽然减少搅动听起来像是一项巨大的工作,但绝对值得优先考虑:增加5%customer retentioncan increase profits by 25% to 95%,根据Bain&Company的研究。bob全站app

We'll walk through a few strategies for reducing churn below. But first, let's start by defining the term to establish some common ground.



Customer churn -- also known as customer attrition -- refers to the rate at which customers who purchase or subscribe to your product or service offering end their relationship with you and stop bringing in revenue for your business.


在大多数情况下,该数字被认为是一个百分比,但是正如InboundJuntion的Nadav Dakner所表明的那样,您应该以最有意义的业务陈述数字。

In his article for Kissmetrics,Dakner notes the following as alternative ways to demonstrate customer churn:

  • Number of customers lost
  • Percentage of customers lost
  • Value of monthly recurring revenue (MRR) lost
  • MRR损失百分比


Causes of Customer Churn




Product/Market Fit

Poor product/market fit is a common reason for customer churn and speaks to the need for close sales and customer service alignment. If salespeople are hustling to hit quota and aren't incentivized to sell to good-fit customers, the result will be churn within a few months of purchase when the customer realized they can't achieve their goals using your solution.

User Experience



最后,如果客户的经验与品牌的其他方面联系在一起 - 您的营销内容,社交媒体渠道,客户支持团队和客户经理 - 并不是积极的,那么他们可能很可能会流失。客户希望受到他们支持的社区的欢迎和珍视,如果他们没有与您的公司互动的积极经验,他们就不想坚持下去。bob全站app




Revenue churn is slightly different than customer churn, but it's still important to consider when you're analyzing this metric. Revenue churn is the amount of revenue that's lost within a given period. This doesn't necessarily mean you're losing customers, but rather you're not making as much money from yourcustomer baseas you did before.

This can happen if customers downgrade to a cheaper subscription or version of your product. While they're still shopping at your business, they're spending less money than they did before. This is a metric that your customer success team will want to keep a close eye on especially as they monitor your most loyal customers.



It's more important to focus on why these customers are leaving you for your competition. Are they a bad fit for your business? Or, is it something you're doing that's pushing them away?

Once you can figure out the cause, you'll know which customers you should work to keep, and which ones are going to leave your business anyways.




4. Desired Feature or Functionality

顾客crave personalized experiences, which means most will expect your brand to create new features or products that solve their needs. If you have a diverse customer base, some may be disappointed when you roll out a new product or feature that feels irrelevant to their goals. While this new product may be great for the majority of your target audience, there may be a lingering segment that feels your brand is going in a different direction than what they expected.



If you're a B2B business, then you may have customers that go out of business or merge with another company. Most of the time, these instances are unavoidable and are part of working in a B2B environment. This is where your客户获取策略变得很重要,因为它平衡你的客户churn rate.

6. Underappreciated Brand Values


So, do you give in and conform to these customers? Or, stand strong with your brand values?



7. Plateaued Growth




With churn coming in many shapes and sizes, it can be difficult to recognize what's natural churn, what's negative churn, and what isn't churn at all. To make sure you're aware of all types happening at your business, read on to learn how you can identify a pattern of customer churn.

How to Identify Customer Churn

Establish Customer Churn Metrics.


Whatever it is for your business, you'll need a set of metrics to monitor customers that are at risk of leaving your company. That way, you can set clear benchmarks for when you think a customer is about to churn. Once a customer falls below any of those benchmarks, you can reach out to see if there's anything you can do to make them happier.

You can document and track these metrics with集线器's free Customer Service Metrics Calculator, which can help you identify when your churn is getting to an unacceptable rate so your company can course correct.

customer lifetime value calculator on excel

Download for Free

Gather Customer Feedback.

Sometimes customers will tell you directly when they're unhappy. For example, if you send them anNPS调查after a customer service case, customers will provide feedback about their experience with your brand. And, this feedback is both quantitative and qualitative, so you can easily identify which customers are upset with your business and see why they feel that way.


Rather than waiting for customers to tell you how they feel, you can dispatch your customer success team to find out for you. It's this team's job to monitor individual accounts and reach out to users who are unhappy with their product or service. That way, your team can immediately clear any roadblocks for customers instead of having them reach out to your support team.

最多customer success teams将定期与客户进行检查。即使他们没有问题要解决,这些会议也是很棒的Sitreps,可为用户感受提供最新信息。随着在这些对话期间发展更多的信任,客户将更有可能表达您对业务的任何担忧。


积极的客户服务means your business is actively trying to identify and solve problems before they affect the customer experience. During this process, it's common to uncover points of friction that you may not have been aware of before. By correcting these issues, you can see how they influence your churn metrics and whether or not they were a significant cause of customer churn.


您可以利用的另一个方便资源是您的community forumas well as third-party review sites. Community forums are where your customers come together to talk about your products and services. If you notice the same users bashing your products again and again, then you know these people are at a higher risk of churn than those who are posting positive comments.


Now that you know what customer churn looks like at your business, let's talk about what you can do to reduce it.



但是,哈佛商学院的爱德华·卡特(Edward W.

而不是将时间和资源重定向到保留bob体育苹果系统下载安装any客户生产的边缘,Gupta recommends businesses focus their attention onthe most profitable客户的饮食边缘。


除了将努力重新关注最有利可图的客户外,Gupta还建议您考虑客户对您的重新参与计划做出反应的可能性 - 无论是电话,电子邮件还是更大的促销套餐。



But not any old outreach will do. The type of message or resource you send to them should be directly tied to their product or service usage.

For example, if someone signs up for your product or service and you notice that they aren't leveraging all of what's available to them, you might send them a friendly nudge.

After signing up for SEMrush, I received the following email, encouraging me to check out a whole bunch of features I hadn't explored yet:


通过早期浏览这些功能,Semrush能够确保我不会忽略该工具的功能 - 帮助我保持兴趣和活跃。

3. Define a roadmap for your new customers.

新产品或服务入门可能是压倒性的。而且,如果客户无法弄清楚如何将您的产品或服务导航,他们可能会失去兴趣 - 很快。

为了简化过渡,设置一个新客户入职process or roadmap to guide new customers through your product or service's features, functionality, and process. This approach makes it easier to manage customer expectations while giving you complete control over the pace at which you're surfacing more information.


Looking for inspiration? Here are a couple of onboarding emails I received from Grammarly -- after signing up:

Welcome Email

Grammarly Welcome Email


New Products + Features Update

Grammarly features email


4. Offer incentives.

Give customers a reason to stick around by offering them something special -- a promo, discount, loyalty program, etc. This small effort can go a long way when it comes to showing your existing customers how much you value their business.


Another thing to consider is the客户的需求. If you predict that a customer is going to cancel after realizing that your product or service isn't what they were looking for, incentivize them to stay onboard while you work on building out a feature or strategy that will help them accomplish their goals.


"We'd offer a discount on their next month of service to tide them over while we finished up what it was they looking for,"Baremetrics的创始人Josh Pigford解释说。



Customer frustration, which can ultimately lead to customer churn, surfaces when there is confusion around a product or service or a lack of effective support around a particular issue.

But those concepts are vague. And getting to the root of the specific issues plaguing your business requires you to take the time to collect feedback early and often.







Paypal feedback

These surveys and rating requests show the customer that you're committed to getting better -- that you're always improving.




If you're waiting until a customer leaves your business, you're already too late to do anything about it. Instead, you should be using data before customers churn in order to build strategies to proactively prevent it.



Then, get feedback as outlined in Step Five above. Are customers leaving for specific reasons? What are their objections that led them to cancel or stop purchasing? Figure out为什么通常会发生流失.

Then, put these trends together so you can forecast churn before it happens, and reach out to those at-risk customers with tailored incentives and offers to re-engage them.

For example, here's an email my colleague,Sophia Bernazzani,连续参加了几个Soulcycle课程后,还没有预定其他任何其他人:

soulcycle email

SoulCycle most likely determined that a three-month gap in workout class attendance signaled churn, so they offered her a free class -- which got her back in the door for a few more classes.


市场状况正在不断变化 - 随着新软件和技术进入该空间,客户的需求和需求将不可避免地发生变化。bob电竞官方下载

企业专注于下一步 - 趋势,技术和产品进步 - 在避免中断或“下一件大事。”


Are they responsive to questions on social media? Do they have live chat enabled on their website? Do they have an extensive知识库?



Of course, a great way to reduce churn is to provide excellent customer service. Your service reps should be empowered to solve for the customer when they're working on fixing an issue or answering a question. This might mean that they have to spend money to make things right with a customer.




顾客are loyal to brands that have built a community around their products, service, and customers. This means that your marketing team can work on community management by engaging with customers, creating a Facebook group, or even planning events for valuable customers.





Stop Churn In Its Tracks

Churn can really take a toll on your business -- but only if you allow it to. Reroute your company's trajectory today by applying the tips we outlined above.



Originally published Jul 6, 2021 4:45:00 PM, updated July 06 2021

