当您了解客户对业务的忠诚度水平时,您就可以减少搅动, 提升satisfaction, and increaseretention.

One of the best ways to gauge customer loyalty is with a net promoter score (NPS) survey.

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Let's take a moment to review the definition of NPS.

What is NPS?

Net promoter score (NPS)是客户忠诚度的基准,它告诉您客户向认识的人推荐您的业务的可能性有多大。

What is an NPS survey?

An NPS survey is how you obtain that benchmark. Your survey must ask the question, “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our business to a friend?"

Depending on the given score, a customer will either be considered apromoter (9-10), passive (7-8), or detractor (0-6).

From there, you may ask follow-up questions if you want more feedback about the score someone gave you or how their experience could've been improved.




hubspot customer feedback tool to help you send customer loyalty and NPS surveys

专家提示:Get a better understanding of your customers and spot opportunities to make them happier to increase loyalty withHubSpot's Customer Feedback Software.

HubSpot’s customer feedback software is part ofService Hub— meaning, it integrates seamlessly with your customer service software and yourall-in-one CRM. This keeps all of your customer, NPS, service, and support data centrally stored. The tool's survey feature allows you tocreate and share NPS and loyalty surveyswith customers via email or your website, directly from HubSpot.

HubSpot为您的需求提供了正确的NPS调查模板,以帮助您随着时间的推移衡量忠诚度。(也有有关客户努力得分/ CES和客户满意度/ CSAT的模板建议)。

Get notified when customers complete your survey and watch completed surveys arrive in your HubSpot dashboard. You can view, organize, and analyze all completed surveys and scores via your dashboard.



Survey Sparrow is an omnichannelcustomer experience (CX)management software — it features an NPS survey platform to help you uncover actionable insights related to loyalty.

Create dynamic lists and use any criteria to segment your respondents. Add follow-up questions to your NPS survey to get more detail about what’s driving each customer’s response. Automate the process of sharing your survey by selecting the time and cadence that it should be sent, and the specific customers you want to receive it.


3.Survey Kiwi

survey kiwi form builder and nps survey tool

Survey Kiwi is a survey and form builder that allows you to share NPS surveys and forms with customers via SMS, email, social media, WhatsApp, and more.

The NPS survey feature includes an easy-to-use building tool so you can easily customize your survey, add additional questions, and receive notifications whenever someone submits a response.

Use the analytics panel to better understand NPS over time and analyze individual responses. Decide whether or not you’d like to be alerted when you receive a low NPS score from a customer so you can reach out to that customer quickly (and hopefully, rectify the situation).

专家提示:Integrate Survey Kiwi with HubSpot to update your contacts with beautiful mobile-ready forms.



AskNicely is a CX platform with survey and feedback capabilities. Collect customer feedback automatically with the help of customizable NPS surveys that you can distribute via SMS, your website, email, and more.

AskNicely makes it easy to create and share customer satisfaction and effort score surveys. AskNicely also offers anNPS ebookwith original research to help you improve your score and better understand your customers.

专家提示:Integrate AskNicely with HubSpot to build an end-to-end customer experience program.


Customergauge NPS调查工具


CustomerGauge is an account experience management platform that combines customer experience, revenue, and account data. The software offers NPS, employee NPS (eNPS), customer satisfaction, and customer effort score survey tools.



qualtrics nps platform nps survey tool

Qualtricsis an experience management software with an NPS survey tool that helps you measure, analyze, and improve your net promoter score. Measure NPS at any customer touchpoint via any platform or channel (e.g. website, chatbot, email, or SMS).

Qualtrics NPS工具包括其预测智商功能,该功能结合了NP和操作数据以预测客户的行为 - 此信息有能力帮助您确定哪些人的搅拌风险最高。它还具有基于角色的仪表板,以确保团队中合适的人获得提高CX和忠诚度所需的客户信息。

Note:QualtricsacquiredDelighted, an enterprise customer experience platform, which has an AI-basedNPS survey tool帮助您衡量和提高客户忠诚度。


thermostat nps survey tool

恒温器is an NPS software with the ability to create effective, one-question surveys that gauge customer loyalty. Choose to add an optional feedback box below the NPS survey for additional context about the score. All NPS data is viewable on a single screen with optional filters and comparisons.



SurveyMonkey NPS调查工具

SurveyMonkey is an online survey creation tool that allows you to customize and send NPS and customer experience surveys with ease. The pre-built NPS template allows you to add additional questions to the survey for more detail about the reason for a given score.

There's also an option to add an NPS question to another survey you’re already sending customers. In fact, SurveyMonkey offers十种方式that you can send one of their surveys — all of your SurveyMonkey results are then viewable in a gauge chart.

专家提示:Use the SurveyMonkey integration to take action on your data in HubSpot.





All NPS scores are visible on your Survicate dashboard so you can easily view, share, and analyze your data. Lastly, Survicate integrates with a number of tools including your CRM, email software, and communication software so your team can access your NPS data from anywhere.



wootric nps survey tool

Wootricis a customer experience management and insight software with NPS, CSAT, and CES survey tools so you can measure customer feedback throughout all parts of the buyer's journey.




retently nps survey tool




All of your NPS surveys are kept on a survey delivery timeline so you're able to view when they're sent or scheduled to be sent, delivered, and returned back to you. Choose to send your NPS surveys through a variety of channels to meet your audience where they are. Then, use Retently's industry benchmark data to compare how you're doing with your industry leaders.

Now that we've covered some of the best NPS survey tools available, let's take a moment to review the three main types of NPS survey you may deploy.


这是净启动子得分的三种常见类型,according to Bain.

1. Relationship NPS Survey

This is the most common NPS survey — it provides insight into the relationship between your customers and business by asking whether they'd recommend you to a friend.

2. Experience NPS Survey


3. Competitive Benchmark NPS Survey

The competitive benchmark NPS survey is how you determine the NPS score of your competitors. In doing so, you can compare your score against industry leaders and your greatest competition.

tldr:If you want to know how likely your customers are to recommend your business to a friend, use a relationship NPS survey.If you want to determine the NPS of a specific event in the buyer’s journey, use an experience NPS survey. And ifyou want to know your NPS score versus a competitor's, use a competitive benchmark survey.

Gauge Customer Satisfaction With NPS Survey Tools

NPS调查工具是一个伟大的方式快速测量loyalty among your customers and discover how you can improve upon your customer experience, support, and more — understanding your NPS provides powerful insights sure to help you to变得更好.


customer service metrics


Originally published May 12, 2021 5:00:00 PM, updated May 13 2021
