最好的客户服务不仅满足客户需求。通过解决客户甚至不知道他们遇到的问题,它超出了期望。它比他们自己更好地了解客户 - 至少在公司提供的服务方面。bob全站app

So, recently, a new field was born surrounding the idea of meeting and exceeding customer needs for your services.

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You want to end up with a service that differentiates itself from competitors by being spot-on in targeting customers. This can be accomplished by merely improving a current service or by building a completely new service.

According toMoz,“良好的服务设计是一系列编排的有形和无形的品牌体验,可导致用户区分和选择产品和服务。”为了帮助客户选择您的品牌而不是其他品牌,请使用以下原则。

6 Principles of Service Design

1. Build the service around your users.

The most important step in service design is designing your service according to customer needs and expectations. Ask your customers for their feedback, and actually listen to what they have to say.

我最喜欢的波士顿餐厅Clover Food Lab,很好地执行这个想法。它经常根据季节的成分循环进出菜单项。但是,有时会要求客户权衡他们想再次看到的三明治。整个夏天,三叶草发布了一个Instagram,其中包括菜单上的五个过去的三明治,并要求追随者评论他们想看到的三明治最多的三明治。根据反馈,三叶草不久之后将日本红薯三明治放回菜单上。

The entire process of updating their menu was based around users and their feedback. So, it made sense that the restaurant did well with that sandwich; after all, users voted for that sandwich to return, so Clover knew there would be high demand for it when back in stock.


Along the same vein, users want to feel empowered to be a part of the brand. Just as brands want insights into the customer journey, loyal customers want insights into a brand's journey, too. This also engages customers more to take part in matters related to the brand.

Clover holds a weekly Food Development Meeting at their East Cambridge CloverHUB location. These meetings are open to the public. Employees can experiment with creative new menu items, which are passed out to other employees, as well as customers, to taste test. Customers can offer verbal feedback on the items they try, which are taken into consideration by Clover when considering whether or not to test out the recipe in their restaurants as a menu item.

通过赋予人们的能力 - 无论他们是顽固的三叶草迷还是品牌的完全陌生人 - 参加这些会议,与员工互动并在食谱中发表意见,三叶草涉及其社区属于其最重要的步骤过程。

3. Employ brand transparency.


Clover has one of the best customer service teams that I've personally interacted with. When I recently had an order go very wrong, I contacted the marketing team and expressed my dissatisfaction. As a very loyal customer, I was disappointed by the mistake. However, the team responded soon after, apologizing for my experience, refunding my order, and offering me a complimentary meal.




一种三叶草擅长这个中心moving customers from the purchase stage to post-purchase engagement. Once you make your first purchase with Clover, it asks you for your email address. Once given, Clover thanks you for your purchase and encourages you to download its app to unlock discounts, blog posts, live menus, and more. This entices customers to download the app, which offers many ways for them to further interact with the brand.

It's important to always have a next step in place. In order to meet and exceed customer expectations, brands have to plan ahead for how to move customers along the customer lifecycle until they become brand evangelists.


The best services are designed to change things up once in a while. These moments of delight are what make lifetime customers feel like their loyalty is worthwhile.

Clover offered a moment of delight recently in honor of their 10th anniversary. Starting a couple months in advance, Clover advertised on their Instagram that it was trying to reach 10K follows. If achieved, it would return its menu prices to its 2008 prices -- aka the prices when it first opened for business -- on the day of Clover's 10th anniversary for people who ordered through the Clover app. This feat was achieved, so, on October 29, Clover's menu was extremely cheap. The company could barely meet demand because so many consumers were rushing to place orders.

For a loyal customer like myself, seeing a special offer like this made me feel like Clover was appreciating me for all the advocating I've done for the brand. It also proved its endless dedication to maximizing customer experiences every single day.

6. Be consistent in your messages.


Clover isn't the only vegetarian restaurant that uses fresh ingredients. Lots of restaurants use local ingredients -- hint, hint: Sweetgreen and Dig Inn. However, it's the fact that it considers itself to be fast food, but not in the same sense as a typical fast food restaurant. Clover can dish out its food in minutes without the use of freezers, preservatives, or any unhealthy consequences of fast food. Somehow, its food is always freshly crafted by employees at that moment. It's still relatively cheap and healthy and can be the quick lunch you grab on your break or the late-night feast you order after going out.


For more information, check out this post about how to avoid creating abad design经验。

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