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你可能已经tracking marketing metricssuch as traffic, leads, and customers — these are all critical parts of the bigger picture of your marketing funnel andflywheel。但是他们还不足以告知影响您整个组织的更广泛的营销决策。




参加我们免费的20分钟HubSpot Academy营销报告课程,以衡量成功并优化您的努力。

To reiterate:营销reports inform decisions

You wouldn’t run a marketing report to review data performance or check on an ongoing goal — for these purposes, you’d glance at yourmarketing dashboards

Look at it this way. Compiling a marketing report for knowledge’s sake is synonymous with scheduling a meeting to simply review a project. Who likes to attend a 30-minute meeting to simply review what could've been shared via email? Not me.

The same goes for marketing reporting. Reports should help you make a decision or come to an important conclusion — similar to how a meeting would help your team deliberate about a project or decide between project resources.

In short, marketing reporting is a highly valuable process if used and crafted properly. In the next section, we’ll dive into how to build a marketing report.


As we said above, there are plenty of different营销报告您可以运行;我们将在下一节中审查一些示例。因此,本节将不关注您的营销报告中要投入哪些特定数据 - 这取决于您决定运行的类型。


We’re going to discuss how to build marketing reports that inform your decisions and benefit your audience, whether that’s your team, CEO, or customers.

特色工具:营销报告模板[Download for Free]



  • Title:您的营销报告分析是什么?无论您是开展有关广告系列绩效,季度博客表现还是每月潜在客户的报告,请务必标记您的报告,以便明确意图。如果您要与营销以外的人分享报告,这一点尤其重要。
  • 报告period:您的营销报告应反映一定时间段。这个时期可以是几天,几个月甚至几年。分析您的数据在一个时期内可以将性能与过去的阶段进行比较。
  • Summary:Your report summary should reflect the key points of your report, including your wins, losses, and goals for the next reporting period. It’s basically theTL;DRof your report.


What's the purpose of your marketing report?

营销报告应帮助您做出决定。选择营销报告的内容(即要分析的数据)很简单;但是,是howyou’re going to use this data to make a decision or draw a conclusion that’s more difficult.


  1. 营销报告经常不做简单地审查数据,这是浪费时间。
  2. 数据点可用于得出多个结论或做出多个决策,因此您应该知道precisely您将如何使用数据你画它。

You should determine the goal of your marketing report before you pull any data. Once you make this impending decision, list all the data that might be relevant. From there, you’ll have a much better idea of what reports to run and how to use said data.


营销reports are highly valuable because they can inform so many different decisions — decisions made by a wide variety of people across your organization. Whether you’re delivering a marketing report to your team lead, department manager, or CEO, your marketing report must be tailored to whoever may be reading and using it.


    • Ask your audience what they need.如果您知道受众需要做出的决定,您将知道需要进行哪些数据进行分析。知道这也将帮助您避免运行听众不在乎的报告。
    • 用他们的语言说话。营销involves a lot of首字母缩写和行话。While your team members understand what you’re saying, your executive team and co-workers outside Marketing may not be so fluent. Consider your audience when writing your marketing report and be sure to choose words and descriptions that they’ll understand.
  • Don’t mix audiences.如果您要为混合受众创建营销报告,最好为单独的受众创建单独的报告。例如,您不会创建相同的报告来给您的首席执行官营销co-workers; you’d likely break this into two reports with different data and verbiage. This will allow your audience to be able to focus on the data and analysis that’s most relevant to them.

营销reporting can take up a lot of your time (and waste some, too). Here are some best practices to help you work smarter, not harder.


Whether you create a recurring reminder on your calendar or set your reports to automatically run, schedule your marketing reports ahead of time. This will take the guesswork out of when to run your reports and when to send them to the relevant audiences.

每天,每周或每月报告每日报告,并通过HubSpot Marketing Hub报告附加组件直接将其发送给团队的收件箱。

2. Collect feedback from your audience.

As you send out your marketing reports, ask for feedback from your audience. Whether you ask an open-ended question like, “How did this report help you?” or provide a shortGoogle表格,从使用您的报告的人那里收集反馈可以帮助您将来改进它们。




4. Put your most valuable data first.

Long marketing reports are fine as long as all the data you include is valuable and helpful for whatever decision you or your team need to make. However, you should place the most impactful data first so that your audience can stop reading once they’ve made up their minds. Nobody wants to read an entire report to only utilize the final page.


Did you know that humans process visual data更快60,000倍than written data? Illustrated data (e.g. graphs and charts) are also more believable, according to康奈尔大学的这项研究

When possible, include visual data in your marketing reports. Not only does this help your reports pack a greater punch with your coworkers and executives, but it trims down the time and effort needed to digest your data. To do this, include charts from Excel or screenshots from your reporting tools (like集线器营销中心)。您也可以使用heat mapsif you’re reporting on website performance.


hundredsof reports that you can run to dig into your marketing efforts. At this point, however, you’re likely asking, “Where should I start?" and "What are those basic marketing reports I can run to get more comfortable with all the data I’ve been tracking?”.

Well, we’ve pulled together these five marketing reporting examples for you to use to get started.

Note that you will need some type ofmarketing software (like HubSpot Marketing Hub)to do this. You should also make sure your software allows you to export the data from your software and manipulate it in Excel using pivot tables and other functions.

Learn how to create an Excel graph, make pivot tables, and use VLOOKUPS and IF functions with this free guide and video.

由于我们将HubSpot用于报告需求,因此我将向您展示如何使用Marketing Hub工具来编译这些报告。(以下数据仅是示例数据,不代表实际的HubSpot营销数据。)

1. Multi-Touch Revenue Marketing Report

As a marketer, you’re a big part of your company’s growth. But unless you can directly tie your impact to revenue, you’ll be forever underappreciated and under-resourced. Withmulti-touch revenue attribution,您将收入的收入与每次营销互动联系在一起 - 从第一页的视图到最终的培养电子邮件。

这样,营销人员就得到了应有的信誉,营销高管使更智能的投资植根于业务价值而不是虚荣心指标。作为奖励,多点触摸收入归因可以帮助您stay aligned with your sales team

HubSpot客户可以快速创建多点触摸归因报告;HubSpot的归因工具是为真实的人而不是数据科学家建造的。(它还自动将每个客户的互动连接到收入。)导航到您的仪表板,然后单击Add Report>Attribution Report。从一组预先烘焙的最佳实践模板中选择,或创建自己的自定义报告。

Note: Enterprise HubSpot customers can do this in their software if they have their Salesforce integration set up with帐户同步turned on.


How to Analyze Revenue Reporting




理解你的流量来自哪里will help you make strategic decisions as you invest in different marketing channels. If you see strong performance from one particular source, you may want to invest more resources in it.


HubSpot客户可以使用Traffic Analytics report(under报告>Analytics tools在您的导航中)按来源分解流量。


channel-specific traffic marketing reporting hubspot

How to Analyze Channel-Specific Traffic


  • If you get a lot of traffic from a certain channel, but the channel is not necessarily helping your visitors move down the funnel, it may mean that you should invest more in other channels or optimize that underperforming channel for conversion.
  • 考虑一下如何在最强大的渠道中投资资源。bob体育苹果系统下载安装您是否开展了一项帮助该频道表现良好的广告系列?您是否创建了一块内容来启动它?考虑如何复制过去的成功。
  • 如果您尚未在特定频道上工作,那可能是测试它的好时机。考虑一下如何将多个渠道纳入同一广告系列。


拉the report daily may be a bit overboard since some channels take multiple days to be effective and pulling it monthly would prevent you from responding with agility — so, weekly data is ideal.



报告on your blog leads is a quick way to see how many leads you're generating on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis — and by what channel. This report is a great way to understand what channels are strongest for your blog, where you should spend more promotion time, and how well your content is performing over time.

If you're using HubSpot, creating a博客leads reportis easy. Navigate toAdd Report从您的任何仪表板中,然后选择Top blog posts by contact conversion。该报告显示了联系人最常看到的帖子immediately before在您的网站上填写表格。


How to Analyze Blog Posts by Conversion


This type of data should be pulled on a每月依据确保您随着时间的推移编写最相关的内容。


Every marketer needs to be well-versed in their买方角色— but you need to do more than just understand them. It's important to track how many new contacts you're actually adding to your database based on each persona.


To report on this in HubSpot, plot your contacts byCreate date, which will show the date on which you added a new contact to your database. Then, break down your report by persona.


How to Analyze New Contacts by Persona


拉this report on a每月basis can give you insight into how your campaigns affect new contacts by persona — and might even shed light on an imbalance in resources dedicated to certain personas.


细分您的联系数据库的另一种方法是查看它们的出现方式生命周期阶段。This will give you a sense of how many leads, subscribers, customers, and opportunities you have in your database in a certain time period.


作为HubSpot客户,通过单击来创建漏斗报告Add Report从任何仪表板中,然后选择funnels类别。选择您要包含的阶段,选择可视化,然后运行。

生命周期阶段funnel marketing reporting hubspot




Create Your Marketing Report Today







营销报告 Business Insights