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让我们磨练上述定义的重要方面:expert。Consultants areexperts在他们的领域。他们拥有如此有价值的知识,以至于其他人(个人,部门或整个组织)愿意为此付出代价。

咨询大约不仅提供建议,,,,though. Consulting can include a wide range of activities, including problem diagnosis, data collection, feedback, strategy-building, and implementation.



Consultant vs. Contractor

You may have heard the wordsconsultant,,,,承包商, 乃至自由职业者互换使用。



Contractors (including自由职业者s)是由公司签约提供服务的自雇工人。

Consultants, as we’ve defined above, primarily provide an assessment and expert advice. They can be self-employed or employed by a consulting firm.

但是,如果作为顾问,您被要求提供服务或可交付的服务,则可能会被雇用承包商- 型角色。





1. Management Consulting

管理咨询是最常见的咨询类型,包括许多不同的利基咨询职业。麦肯锡,贝恩公司和德勤等公司主要从事管理咨询。bob全站app它是2500亿美元的行业- 至少,截至2021年。

作为一个management consultant, you would work with business leaders to help their companies run smoothly. This typically involves assessing certain processes and providing advice on how to improve or implement new ones.

并非所有管理顾问都是相同的 - 有些人遵循通才的方法并评估每个组织的整体,有些人专门研究更具体的部门或领域。

2. Strategy Consulting

战略咨询是管理咨询的重要子集。的目的strategy consulting是审查关键业务策略,并提供有关如何改善或开发新业务的专家建议。战略顾问通常是某个行业或领域的专家,并就公司愿景,资源和投资等高级,战略业务决策提供建议。bob体育苹果系统下载安装bob全站app


While strategy consultants primarily work with the “why”, operations consulting addresses the “how”. These consultants address operational processes including procurement, outsourcing, supply chain management, and more. Also, operations consultants often do more for businesses than give advice — sometimes they also offer implementation and deployment services to help clients put their new processes to work.

4. Financial Strategy Consulting

财务顾问或顾问帮助企业做出明智,客观和法律财务决策以提高收益。该管理咨询部门在公司财务,财务重组,风险管理甚至房地产。所有财务顾问必须满足某些要求,并且obtain a license提供财务建议。


的目的human resources (HR) consulting is to help companies hire and retain remarkable employees. These specialists address HR processes including training and development, conflict resolution, management philosophies, benefits and pensions, and employee satisfaction. HR consultants also ensure businesses are following legal and ethical personnel practices.



作为一个IT consultant,,,,你might help businesses figure out what software to invest in and how to use it to meet goals, solve challenges, and implement important changes. This consulting division is a highly specialized and lucrative industry, worth almost double the management consulting industry —$460 billion



作为一个business consultant,,,,你’d typically work with small to mid-size businesses (SMBs) — as opposed to management consulting, where you’d work with enterprise-level businesses — to objectively assess challenges and provide solutions.

8. Sales Consulting

销售量consultants work to improve the performance of sales teams, regardless of size or industry.

作为一个sales consultant, you’d typically work in sales training and development, but you could also be brought on for other purposes, such as choosing aCRM,改善销售流程或提高团队士气。由于销售被认为是企业中最重要的部分之一,因此在财务上,质量销售顾问是高度评价和受到追捧的。

9. Marketing Consulting


作为一个营销顾问,你可能专攻a certain field of marketing, such as content marketing, PR, or social media marketing. Or, you might focus on a niche marketing process, such as defining target audiences,customer acquisition, 或者品牌意识


Are you passionate about environmental laws and regulations? Environmental consulting may be for you. As an environmental consultant, you may advise businesses on how their practices affect the environment around them and often work with industries like construction, waste management, real estate, and energy (but can be hired by any type of company).

Environmental consulting is particularly important as companies work to reduce their permanent impact on the environment.

11. Financial Consulting

财务咨询与我们在上面讨论的财务战略咨询。但是,主要区别是此类别还包括独立的financial consultants that work with individuals, families, and entrepreneurs.





的目的医疗保健咨询is to maximize the impact and output of healthcare organizations. Healthcare consultants are basically management consultants that work in the healthcare industry. They analyze the personnel, profits, and processes in an organization and provide advice on how to improve and solve pressing challenges.


It's not uncommon for companies of any size and industry to find themselves lacking the specific skillset that diversity and inclusion consultants bring. Hiring an HR consultant is simply not enough to overcome implicit and explicit bias in an organization and that's what makes DEI consultants one of the most sought-after professionals in this market.


15. Public Relations Consulting




作为一个brand consultant, you'll be responsible for assessing where a brand currently stands in the market. Competitor analyses, research, and design may fall under the scope of work, but if you prefer to specialize in one area, that's certainly an option.

Brand consultants may work closely with marketing and sales consultants to bring products to market, adjust prices, and offer creative expertise to position a company a certain way in the minds of consumers.



1. Assess your skills and strengths to choose your niche.

Before anything else, brainstorm and define what skills and strengths you believe would make you a good consultant. Remember — consultants areexperts在某个利基市场中。他们的知识很高,以至于他们得到了分享的报酬。


What makes you an expert? What do you love to do and talk about? If you had to stand in front of a classroom and teach on any subject, what would that be? What do your friends, family, and coworkers ask your advice on?





Narrowing your market as a consultant allows you to understand the needs, challenges, and pain points your potential clients face, which can help clarify how you can use your skills to provide solutions.

For example, let’s say my target audience as a content marketing consultant struggles with consistent content creation, SEO, and tracking published content.


Just as you specialize in a certain skill set as a consultant, you should also specify what services you provide for your clients. This information can also help you better market to clients, which we’ll talk about below.

3. Develop your brand, website, and service offerings.

The next step in getting started as a consultant is creating the external-facing components of your business. This includes your website, branding, and service offerings. These resources can help clients identify you and can help your business stand out among competitors.

Whether you identify your business with your name (e.g.Allie Decker LLC)或其他名称(例如内容营销咨询有限责任公司),您应该给它一个正式名称,并且website启动。


Whether you organize your services into clear-cut packages and prices or simply list your services and request that clients call you for more information, you should at least give visitors an idea of what you specialize in and how you can help them (hence what we defined in步骤1和2)。

4. Open your business.

您知道自己的技能是什么,您的技能如何帮助他人,以及潜在的客户如何发现和了解有关您的更多信息 - 是时候开业了。此步骤比从Closedto打开

First, consider the legal structure of your business. Legitimizing your business gives it credibility and gives you direction when it comes to taxes, staffing, and other legal details.

Next, think about what tools you may need to conduct business and connect with clients. These might include tools to help find new clients and jobs — like a LinkedIn membership — and video conferencing software like Zoom or Skype.

At this stage, you should also open a business bank account, invest in anaccountant(and eventually an assistant), and order business cards with your branding and information.




A consulting business isn’t a business without clients.出售您的咨询服务isn’t like selling a car, a house, or software. Sometimes, you may find yourself selling your services to people who aren’t even aware they need them.



Methods like blogging, podcasting, and social media marketing don’t necessarily draw a direct line to new revenue, but they are powerful for growing awareness and establishing expertise.

A healthy mix of direct marketing and awareness marketing will help your consulting business succeed.

Once you get in front of potential clients, have an established elevator pitch andclient proposal templateready to go. Half the consulting “battle” is providing advice; the other half is selling your advice in the first place.

当您成长客户群时,请使用像HubSpot的多合一CRM平台(这是一个中小型的免费版本businesses or a paid version for enterprise businesses). It can help you keep track of client information as well as the context of your relationship with each client.

6. Stay organized and scale.

As you grow and master your consulting business, stay organized and consistent. High-quality results are the best way to incite referrals from previous clients — and推荐可能是您最好的新销售来源

In fact, as you build successful relationships with clients, don't be afraid to ask for referrals for new leads.

Once a month or so, sit down and analyze your consulting business. Look at your client list, software tools, and other business practices; analyze what’s working and what’s not.




Examining your competition can be intimidating, but with the right mindset, you can learn a lot from them about how to grow and improve your consulting business. Moreover, you can identify gaps in the market and find new ways to improve upon their strategies.

If you haven't done so already,进行竞争分析在您的利基和地区的任何其他顾问或咨询公司中。

How do they market their business? What consulting services do they offer, and how do they describe and bundle them? What are their prices and fees?

When you study what's working for your competitors, you learn more about your clients' customer journeys and how you can improve your chances of being hired over your competition.

2. Start a blog.

博客ging is a uniquely effective way to market your business, establish authority in your niche, and help your business organically rank online. Many people — professionals, too — hesitate to start a blog because they don't know how to manage a blog or what to write about. Well, we've compiled a helpful guide to help you past that roadblock.

Download our free guide to starting a successful blog and receive an 8-part planner to get your blog up and running.

出色的博客内容的另一个来源是您的客户群。请注意客户面对哪些问题或质疑哪些信息,并收集有关哪些信息的编写和分享信息。同样,博客内容也可以用作销售支持内容 - 与潜在客户共享一两个受欢迎的博客文章可以帮助他们了解为什么要雇用您以及与您合作的知识。

3. Share thought leadership content.

与启动博客类似,发布思想领导内容的过程可以帮助您建立权威并吸引新客户。考虑类似的平台Mediumthat already have an audience; publish your most authoritative, data-driven, opinion-based content on there to potentially boost your brand awareness.


4. Explore new consulting verticals.


例如,如果您是内容营销顾问,则可以考虑引入电子邮件营销和社交媒体营销的咨询服务。如果您扩展,请确保您拥有相关的经验和专业知识 - 不要为新业务而添加新服务。


联网in person is pretty straightforward. But networking online ... well, that's a different story. Thankfully, with today's technology, there are countless ways to network and make new connections.

Between social media, dedicated Slack channels, and online masterminds, the only thing standing in your way of making new connections and friends online is。我最喜欢的网络景点之一是在Twitter上 - 这是与人们互动并开始有趣的对话的最简单平台,这很好地提醒了我可以通过短推文或电子邮件复兴的旧连接。

Test a few platforms and programs and see which one helps you get connected, attract clients, and build a community.



Regardless of how big your firm becomes or how long your client list gets, keep your passion and expertise centered and you’ll always find success — for yourself and your clients.

Top consultants are great at planning, presenting, and marketing their services. Get started with your consulting business plan by downloading our free consulting templates below.





