Every day,超过240万个与品牌相关的对话take place in the United States.

This illustrates that people aren't shy when it comes to talking about their experiences with companies, which might leave you wondering what you can do to sway these conversations in your company's favor.

Free Download: 45 Customer Referral Templates

毕竟,有39%的消费者从点对点对话and view other consumers as 14% more credible than brand employees,banking on attracting potential customers through your sales marketing efforts alone just isn't a sound strategy. You should also be tapping into your existing customer base as a source for business referrals.


A business referral is when someone in your network recommends your business to a new prospect. This may happen spontaneously during organic conversation or as a result of conscious referral marketing efforts.

现在就下载: 3 Free Case Study Templates



Here's why it's so effective:

  • 您通过利用潜在的推荐人的社交界来扩大影响力。
  • Referral prospects are coming in warmer since they know and trust the referrer.
  • The referrer is providing a vote of confidence by making the recommendation, which is a powerful piece of social proof.

At its core, this is how referral marketing works:

  1. 您可以在影响范围内确定关键个人(现有客户,业务联系人,朋友等)。
  2. You cultivate and invest in those relationships, delighting them whenever you can.
  3. You make the ask.


How To Get Referrals Without Asking for Them

1. Exceed expectations.

Word of mouth is one of the most powerful ways to propel referrals for your company. However, it's largely dependent on忠诚, which means that this is something you really have to earn.

If you want to get your customers (or potential customers) raving about your service, you have todelight them.

Go above and beyondfor your customers not just by achieving goals with them, but by sharing their content on social media, citing them in your blog content, and proving to be an indispensable resource for them. Then, the case will be made for you why they should tell their network about the great work you do.

2. Add a customer loyalty program.


This system could be point-based, or it could even be a premium membership. It could also extend beyond just customer referrals as well. No matter how you do it, make sure your customers feel valued and inspired to become loyal. In turn, loyal customers will talk, especially when delighted, and give you free referrals through口碑marketing to their family, friends, and even strangers online.

How To Get Referrals Quickly



That means that you should continue investing in each relationship you make in your business, providing ways to keep them engaged with your brand so that you continue to remain top of mind. This can be done by:

  • 在销售后保持联系,并将这种关系培养成长期的联系。
  • 继续提供价值,无论是通过其他产品,有用的和信息丰富的内容还是半频繁的签入。
  • Providing an ongoing community or sharing a set of values (such as an altruistic cause).

This tip sums up as follows: staying top of mind ensures that customers are always thinking about you. Instead of being three months out from a purchase and not having heard from your business since then, they’re already thinking about how satisfied they are and it won’t be as difficult for them to identify a connection they have that will benefit from what you have to offer as well.




Here's a示例电子邮件模板you might use to get the ball rolling:

If you get any pushback from your customer on sending it out, don't push them on it again.


5. Make the experience shareable.

If you do want your customers to make referrals, give them areasonto talk about your company. As you approach your day-to-day, you must constantly be innovating in the area of客户体验. Not only do you want to delight them, but you want to delight them in a way that will put you top of mind. You want them to say to individuals in their network, "You will not believe what happened to me today."



  1. Understand where the customer is at and what their pains are.
  2. 确定成功的成功。
  3. Find key areas that will bridge that gap from A to B.
  4. Cross-reference those areas with the solutions that you provide, the solutions that they're investing in.
  5. Understand that these are the things that they expect.
  6. Identify where to go above and beyond, the things that will fill the gap but are out of scope or expectation.
  7. 递送。

It's possible that the answer lies in a new method of delivery, going above and beyond on a particular task, providing more value than you promised, or ideating ways that the process can be more enjoyable, fun, or experiential.



When you approach a customer with a name or company that you'd like to connect with, you're eliminating the need for them to sit down and think about it for you. Lucky for you, LinkedIn's Advanced People Search feature makes it easy to turn up qualified second-degree connections that your customers can introduce you to.

To get started, click the search bar at the top of the page, and then select 'People' from the drop-down menu. From there, you can filter your search by second-degree connections as well as additional specifics like industry, title, keywords, and location to turn up a list of potential referral opportunities. This will help you find an ideal referral candidate to bring up to your customer.



Adopting a customer referral program is a great way for your team to be proactive when acquiring new referrals. Our post onhow to build a customer referral program断言:“您对服务和团队充满信心,知道推荐计划将是一项积极的投资。”

Your customers will notice this confidence and feel more comfortable with sharing information because you have an organized system in place. Customer referral programs improve the credibility of your business making it easier for customers to trust you. In addition, when customers are offered an incentive as part of your referral program, they’re more likely to follow through with the recommendation.

8. Offer incentives.



One way to organize these incentive offers is to set up a program that oversees customer referral agreements (more on that later). Referral agreements can help your business continuously generate substantial amounts of new leads by creating a system that rewards influential customers.


You wouldn't ask your boss for a raise right after you missed the mark on your monthly metrics, which is precisely why it wouldn't be appropriate (or effective) to request a referral when you're under-delivering on what you promised a customer. The best referrals come about after the customer has had an opportunity to experience the value that you're capable of delivering.

为了为成功做好准备,使您的客户使用您的产品或服务取得最新成果将使他们感到高兴 - 他们将want传播有关您的话。这是从一个成功入职过程所以客户有明确的预期,timeline, and work required to get to that point.

Then, consider pairing referral requests with positive customer experiences. If you just delivered the news that your product or service helped them increase monthly revenue, ask away.

10. Create different avenues for advocacy.

If you get pushback when you ask for customer referrals, the first step is to back off and give them space. It's not important that you know the exact reason why they're saying no, and you want to be respectful of your relationship.

But once more time has gone by, consider reaching out to them with a different offer to advocate for your company without having to actually refer someone: by writing a审查,作为案例研究或提交推荐.

These lower-effort actions by your customer will still drive potential new leads to your company -- and won't risk your relationship with your customer. Ask them what theywould请舒适地分享,看看您是否可以在网站或社交渠道上找到积极反馈的地方。您拥有的机会越多,您就越有可能获得大量推荐业务。

11. Align with your customers' values.

Do your research to learn about what your customers truly value before asking them for a referral. Then, you can align your incentive or acknowledgment with those values, and you'll be able to give them an idea of the impact they'll have with a referral.

例如,如果您的客户使用你的产品for nonprofit fundraising, or if you know they're personally or professionally invested in advocacy for a cause, you could reward them for referrals with a donation in their name. Simple gestures like this can go a long way toward proving to customers that your relationship is a partnership, not just a business transaction. When your customers know that you share the same values and interests as them, they’re more likely to want to submit a referral.

It is important to note that you should be genuine about having these values and not simply using them as an avenue to benefit your business. Customers can tell when your attempts are inauthentic, and they won't hesitate to call you out and talk about it with others.

How To Get Referrals From Existing Clients

12. Act on positive feedback.

In order to accumulate more referrals, you have to prove yourself as referral-worthy.

为了确保您满足(并超出)现有客户的需求和期望,重要的是要定期收集和行动their feedback.


(Additionally, HubSpot has releasedcustomer feedback toolsas part of our newest product line — sign up to try it now.)


13. Distribute your content and resources across different channels.

47% of buyers view三到五个内容before engaging with a sales rep. This means that before your existing leads closed into customers, they weren't being shy about eating up all of those resources you've worked hard to put out.

This places a profound emphasis on the importance of strategically distributing that content to ensure that it lands in the hands of qualified prospects. And considering your potential customers are already consuming your goods, adding an easy referral 'Share This With a Friend' link to your automated offer emails or on your thank you pages could help you achieve just that.

Making it easy for your customers to pass along your resources to their qualified connections before they even close will help you stay one step ahead of the game at all times.



But, be careful. Your relationship with your current customers is at stake whenever you refer them elsewhere. Make sure you're sending them to a company as great as yours or they may end up blaming you for their misfortune.

Now that we know the various ways to obtain referrals, let's go over how to actually ask for those referrals when the time comes.

Identify your advocates, promoters, and most loyal supporters.

The first step to asking for a client referral is to identify those most likely to have something to say — your拥护者,发起人和大多数忠实的支持者。很高兴的客户确切地知道他们为什么会感到满意,因此他们可能会认识其他有相同需求的人,他们将从您提供的服务中受益。而且,如前所述,快乐的客户更有可能谈论您。




Use their name in the request you send out as a means of generating a connection, and reference parts of your relationship history that show that you’re aware of their experience with your business. However, it is important not to take advantage of your customers; you don’t want them to feel as though they’re being used, which is why it can be important to use incentives.

Get specific with your ask.


Without being specific, customers may not know who to ask or what type of person you’re looking for, which makes your job harder if you’re having to spend more time verifying a prospect after a referral has been submitted. Here’s a basic example of what that could look like for a business selling marketing SaaS.

“It’s been great working with you these past few months and watching you achieve success with our social media scheduling tool. We hope to bring those same successes to everyone that uses our tool, which is why I’m reaching out to you today.

Do you know of anyone in your industry or network looking to upgrade their marketing software and may be interested in using our tool? I’d love to get a referral from you if you know of anyone that may be interested!”


Another reason why it is essential to identify the clients you want to get a referral from is that it allows you to research them and identify the channels that they spend time in. By doing this, you can increase the likelihood of getting a response if you approach them where they already are.

For example, you wouldn’t want to send a LinkedIn message to a satisfied customer if they rarely use the platform. If you partner with marketing and learn that they have a high email open rate, you’d want to reach out there instead.

Say thank you.


Referral Agreements

What is a referral agreement?




  1. A header that includes the name of the business and the party involved as well as the date of the agreement. Standard legal stuff.
  2. 业务与党之间的关系。此详细说明业务是权益的主要持有人,而当事方是外部代理。
  3. 新线索的资格。他们必须转换为客户吗?或者,它们可以成为潜在的潜在客户吗?并非总是保证客户的转介,因此必须确定使铅的原因很重要。
  4. How the external party will be compensated for their efforts. This can be a fixed payment per lead or it could be based on the lead's quality. In some cases, the external party may not be rewarded until the lead converts.
  5. If there is a payout period or not. If thereferral has to convert before payment is issued, be sure to specify how much time will be allotted for the lead to become a customer. If the lead converts during that time, then the external party is compensated for the conversion.
  6. 外部政党会因经常转化而付费吗?如果推荐客户再次购买,您需要确定是否会奖励外部方。这样,您可以激励您的合作伙伴提供更高质量的潜在客户,以进行多次购买。
  7. 该协议是否是专有的。如果您不希望客户与竞争对手达成相同的交易,请确保在协议中澄清这一点。
  8. A confidentiality or privacy statement. This restricts either party from oversharing any sensitive information during the agreement. It also can protect against any intellectual property theft that could potentially occur during exchanges.

When should you use a referral agreement?

While a Starbucks gift card reward probably doesn't warrant a referral agreement, you'll want to keep this template handy when you're dealing with larger customer accounts. Customer referral agreements typically are only used in dealings where significant amounts of money are being exchanged between parties. Having a referral agreement provides security for both sides and ensures the relationship is mutually profitable.


There is no 'best' way to get referrals. All businesses need different things, and the things you need may vary depending on your goals and change over time.

For example, during one quarter, you may be interested in generating as much referral business as possible, so you set up referral programs. Another quarter you may be looking to fill your pipeline with more qualified leads, so you reach out on LinkedIn and seek connections in your customers' network.



Free Resource: How to Reach & Engage Your Audience on Facebook


Originally published Jul 30, 2021 5:00:00 PM, updated August 02 2021


Customer Acquisition