您的销售团队目前专注于进行功能更改以进行重大改进。这可以包括新的配额,领土,产品和薪酬计划。让我们在列表中添加一件事 - 在您的销售和营销组织之间建立合作精神。

Unless your team totally knocked it out of the park last year and you think lightning can strike twice using the same approach, now is a good time to try something new.


Today’s modern salesperson doesn’t sell in a vacuum, and reaching a new level of success in sales often requires some help from marketing.

Previously, many organizations saw success using an older model where marketing generates leads, throws them over the wall to sales, and the sales team handles everything else. Today, "smarketing“ - 销售和营销团队之间的一致性 - 统治一天。

In successful companies in 2020 and beyond, marketing needs to help sell and sales needs to provide support to the marketing function. During a time where many industries are hyper-competitive, and buyers have more options than ever, most salespeople can use all the help they can get.



1. Figure out what you need to reach your goals.


For example, if you need $1M of incremental revenue, you can work backward to calculate how you would read this goal.

  • 要获得100万美元的增量收入,您需要出售多少个客户?
  • 您需要发送多少个建议才能达到这么多客户?
  • How many opportunities do we need to get to that many proposals?
  • How many conversations do to get to that many opportunities and then how many销售合格的领导(SQL)和营销通过问卷ied leads (MQL’s)are required to get into that many conversations? When you do your calculation, factor in when you need the leads by so you can factor it into your sales process.
Going through this process to understand your goals helps you identify what areas you can ask for help with.


Find an org chart or ask your sales leader to walk through who does what on the marketing team with you. When you identify key contacts, ask for time to meet to discuss plans for the period ahead.

A few introductory questions can go a long way. For example, I would start off with, "My name is Dan, from the sales team. I want to understand how sales and marketing might be able to work more effectively together this year."

介绍之后,你可以用一些跟进of these questions:

  • "Can you tell me about your background and what you do?"
  • “当年营销团队的目标是什么?”
  • "How can I help your team reach your goals this year?"
  • “告诉我如何帮助您看起来不错?”
  • “我的配额是今年的X'。我很想讨论我们如何共同努力以击中它。”
  • “我该怎么做才能帮助您?”

开场对话可能会有很长的路要走,并表明您打算共同努力成功。它还使您了解营销团队的表现 - 无论他们是赶上,稳态还是过度成就模式。如果您已经有一个service-level agreement在销售和营销之间,您可以考虑是否应该进行调整。

3. Review basic assumptions.

Introducing new business processes that involve marketing? Make sure there is agreement on the basic foundation of new processes before implementing them. Here are some assumptions you’ll want to ensure marketing agrees to.

  • 理想的客户资料- 您的公司卖给谁,为什么?bob全站app营销和销售都针对相同理想的客户所使用的个人资料吗?
  • 买方角色- 通常由营销组织使用,买方角色是对理想客户的普遍虚构描述。询问您的营销组织什么买方角色他们的目标是确保与您的销售工作保持一致。
  • 销售过程— Review your sales process and管道阶段with your marketing team at a high level, so they understand the customer experience and how their work fits into the process.
  • 竞争优势- 从您最新的竞争分析研究中收集的信息。
  • 抵押品- 由于营销团队创建了新的抵押品以吸引潜在客户,因此销售团队应该可以使用这些材料,并且应该知道如何访问它们。
  • 向上销售和交叉销售机会— map out a strategy for向上销售和交叉销售offerings to current clients and customers.

4. Make data-driven requests.

The process of identifying the right data in a timely fashion is fast becoming a competitive advantage. Providing your marketing team visibility to sales data and vice-versa can be very helpful for maintaining synergy between the two organizations, and can create a solid foundation for making requests.



Setting a cadence to meet on a regular basis can help you build a relationship, instead of relying on annual reviews or only collaborating when putting out fires. Build a template with the most important stats to measure, consider and review, so that you can quickly identify and adjust.



Make sure you give marketing credit for the support they provide. Whether your marketing team offers lead generation expertise, content development, templates, workflows, or other resources, make sure they feel good about their contributions to ensure continued success.

When marketing and sales organizations are able to work together cohesively, their company is in a better position to bring in more revenue. For more tips on how sales and marketing can work together,check out this post.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in December 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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sla template

Originally published Nov 3, 2020 2:30:00 PM, updated November 03 2020

