We've written before about the importance of laying a strong foundation of customer support down when you start a new business. Customer support is table stakes -- you need to be able to answer questions and solve problems for your first customers before you can start building new products and expanding.

Once you've reached that point -- where you're keeping customers satisfied and happy using your products, and you're earning recurring revenue every month or every year, you can start thinking about customer success -- working proactively to prevent customers from churning and helping them get more value from your products so they become enthusiastic advocates.

Access Now: Customer Support Strategy Template [Free Tool]

为了跟踪客户的成功最佳实践和工作流程,例如收集和分析客户反馈,管理客户沟通以及建立自助服务客户教育 - 您需要工具来帮助您跟踪,组织和管理一切。


It's worth noting that there are other customer success tools available that didn't disclose their pricing structures on their websites, so I didn't include them on this list. To learn more about solutions not listed here, you could request a demo or speak with a salesperson.

I also didn't include tools that were strictly customer support tools -- tools on this list needed to include an element of customer analytics that allowed agents to work proactively to prevent churn.

12 Helpful Customer Success Tools for Every Budget


价格:自由开始;10个用户每月$ 1,200

集线器's all-in-one customer success solution starts free and grows to meet the needs of an enterprise team. Our products and tools include:

  • 组织传入的客户请求和问题的门票
  • 团队收件箱共享消息并在您的代理商和代理商中分配门票
  • Customer feedback to deploy surveys and analyze feedback and customer satisfaction scores
  • 知识基础创建教育资源以帮助客户自我服务bob体育苹果系统下载安装
  • 对话以连接客户通信的所有渠道,因此您可以在与他们联系时拥有上下文
  • Automation to use customer feedback responses to kick off workflows that route customers to the solutions they need automatically

如果您已经在使用HubSpot免费CRM, Service Hub integrates with it to use and update the customer data you're already tracking, too.




  • Channel integration to allow customers to connect with you across different channels
  • 票务表格创建不同的支持请求,以便轻松地为不同的问题提供支持
  • SLA views to see how your team is stacking up against your sales and marketing teams to make sure you're all working together effectively
  • 多语言和多品牌支持协调your approaches to customer service, even if you're managing multiple multi-national brands at once
  • 客户反馈分析以跟踪和预测随着时间的推移客户满意度得分


Price: Starts at $49/month for eligible startups; $136/month depending on users/customers


  • 发送和接收电子邮件,应用程序和聊天消息的消息向客户发送
  • Inbox to organize messages and respond to customers as a team
  • Articles to create help content for customers to use to answer questions without your team's help


价格:合格的初创公司的起价为199美元/月;$ 999/月,具体取决于客户#

客户成功Box is a customer success solution built for B2B SaaS businesses that offers a variety of different package options, depending on the size of the company, the number of customers, and the number of products it sells. Tools offered in these packages include:

  • 客户通信软件bob电竞官方下载
  • Account health monitoring to give customer success managers alerts at signs of customer churn risks
  • 客户入职工作流程,以快速使用软件来吸引客户bob电竞官方下载
  • Customer portfolio management for CSMs managing multiple enterprise clients
  • Predictive account and revenue forecasting to help you plan for your bottom line every month or quarter


Price: Starts at $240/month; includes 3 users

秋田犬的客户成功软件帮助你坡道bob电竞官方下载p a customer success program and team -- fast. It offers a laundry list of helpful tools, including:

  • Customer lifecycle management to work proactively throughout the customer journey to provide relevant support
  • 客户评论以安排和跟踪客户反馈随着时间的推移
  • Customer health scoring to identify indicators of churn before it happens
  • 团队收件箱和报告以保持客户沟通在上下文中
  • Customer success engineering support from Akita to help with the technical side of using the software



Planhat offers three different customer success packages for startup, professional, and enterprise businesses at different prices and product offerings. These include:

  • 客户健康评分评估自己成功或有搅拌的风险的标志
  • Customer segments to organize your customers into groups for more streamlined communication
  • Revenue tracking and forecasting to help you plan for your bottom line
  • Customer satisfaction surveys to measure customer sentiment and feedback
  • 搅动跟踪,让您快速了解您要保留和搅动的客户


Price: Starts at $9/month/user; Pro 39$/month/user; Enterprise 79$/month/user

正面is a customer success solution that brings an omni-channel experience to your customers. It's products and features beintegratedwith software like HubSpot to centralize your data into one place. It's tools include:

  • 共享收件箱进行协作团队沟通
  • Saved email templates and canned responses that can be reused over time
  • Shared email drafts that employees can work on together before sending
  • Workflows that sort and tag messages automatically so your team can find them easily at a later time
  • A detailed reporting breakdown of team performance


Price: Starts at $12/month; Basic $30/month; Professional $48/month


  • 1:1 messaging with CRM contacts through WhatsApp
  • 在联系人的个人资料上自动记录对话,以便您的团队可以根据需要参考信息
  • 由WhatsApp对话中提到的关键字触发的自动化功能
  • 可以与Hubspot CRM集成


Price: Starts at $89/month; Pro $224/month

Wootric is an internal and external customer success tool. It has features that both enhance customer experience and improve team productivity. Those features include:

  • 情感分析工具解释客户和员工的消息
  • 净启动子得分,客户满意度(CSAT)和客户努力得分调查
  • 客户接触点优化功能,使客户体验个性化
  • 可以自动翻译成多种语言的调查
  • Seamless integrations with CRMs like HubSpot


Price: Starts at $99/month; includes 5 users

Zipwhipprovides an additional channel for your team to reach out to customers. Its software allows you to easily text contacts without leaving your CRM. It's tools are:

  • 可以在特定时间安排和发送的自动复制
  • 可重复使用的短信模板,这些消息模板在响应客户时节省了时间
  • Canned messages that are generated based on text message keywords
  • Group messaging to up to 50 contacts
  • 所有传入短信的单个消息供稿,使搜索和定位特定对话或线程更容易

Zipwhipcan also be与Hubspot CRM集成


Price: Starts at $15/user/month; Essential Plan $20/user/month; Expert Plan $35/user/month

CloudTalkis a呼叫中心软件bob电竞官方下载that can be used in an office setting as well as with a remote team. Its features include:

  • 自动呼叫录音,以联系人配置文件登录
  • Personalized greetings and voicemails so your customers will always have a response even when you're not available via phone
  • 可自定义的通话队列,将客户指向最适合解决其问题的代理商
  • Tool-free numbers so your customers aren't charged whenever they want to contact you


价格:4个用户的起价为每月120美元;16个用户每月$ 200;60用户每月$ 289;无限用户每月$ 499

Helpjuice is knowledge base software that supplies customers with self-service solutions. That way, your customers can troubleshoot their issues before reaching out to your customer service team. Helpjuice's tools are:

  • Customizable templates and designs that allow you to create a seamless addition to your current website
  • 协作工作功能,可让您选择哪些员工查看从事新内容时的工作
  • Detailed analytics that shows you which topics your customers are searching for most
  • Variant publishing so you can create multiple version of a page, test it, and choose the one that customers respond to best



support strategy



客户成功 Support Ticket System