
If a customer has a negative interaction with an employee, it doesn't matter which department that employee works in. They've still added friction to the customer's journey and possibly damaged your company's relationship with that buyer.

This is the nature of customer-facing jobs. When you work directly with customers, you're being evaluated constantly by both upper management and your customers. Not only do you have to meet the expectations outlined in your job description, but you also have to managecustomer needs并优先考虑他们的成功而不是个人便利。如果您想在这个角色中取得成功,这可能会成为一个棘手的平衡行为,需要正确的技能。


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Not sure if a customer-facing job is right for you? Let's review a few skills you'll need to be successful in one of these roles.

1. Emotional Intelligence

When you're working directly with customers, you'll need to know how to read and react to emotions, The faster and more accurately you can diagnose how a customer is feeling the more effective your response will be.

2. Active Listening

一个ctive listening传统上被认为是一种销售技能,但可以应用于任何面向客户的情况。当某人提供反馈或告诉您有关他们的问题时,重要的是要练习积极的聆听并向他们表明您对他们所说的话真正投入了。通过积极的聆听,您不仅告诉客户听到他们的声音,而且在整个谈话中都在工作,以表明您参与其中。

3. Problem Solving

In marketing, you never know when there's going to be a timely opportunity to promote your brand. For sales reps, you'll need to explain to customers why they need your product to accomplish their goals. And, for customer service personnel, it could just be that impromptu workaround that solves a recurring issue for a user. In the end, it doesn't matter if you're selling the product or supporting it, you need to be an effective problem-solver if you're working with customers.


一个nother common element found within all customer-facing interactions is the exchange of information. Whether you're working in marketing, sales, or customer service, you'll need to explain something to a customer at some point in your career. If your explanation isn't clear, the customer is going to have follow-up questions, and if you can't answer these questions clearly, then it's probably going to lead to a friction-filled experience.

5. Persuasive Presentation




7. Receptive to Feedback

When you do figure out why customers are unhappy, it's important to listen to their feedback and make changes based on their recommendations. As a customer-facing employee, you communicate on the company's behalf and need to be open to advice if a customer voices their opinion. Even if you don't think they're offering the best advice, giving them the courtesy and respect of hearing them out is key to succeeding in these types of roles.

If you think a customer-facing role is right for you, read on for a few careers in marketing, sales, and service that deal directly with working with customers.





一个market research analyst studies the company's industry and determines how the business can take advantage of different trends and promotional opportunities. Part of this work includes surveying the brand'scustomer baseand learning about the behaviors that are common for its target audience. To do this, marketers need to survey their customers frequently and may even invite them to participate in focus groups. These are where these individuals need to have strong customer-facing skills so they can get honest feedback from the people they're interviewing.

一个verage Salary: $54,000/year according to玻璃门

Field Marketing Manager


现场营销的一个很好的例子是Red Bull的促销团队。


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If you've seen one of these cars, there's a good chance you've come across one of their reps who's giving away free drinks. These employees need to have great customer facing skills since they're promoting on Redbull's behalf.

一个verage Salary:$ 70,000/年Salary.com

Social Media Marketing Manager

If you're managing a social media operation, then you're going to interact with customers every day. As the manager of a business account, you'll be responsible for creating shareable content, but also for replying to comments and direct messages sent to your team's inbox. These channels are open 24/7, meaning you're available for customer communication essentially all day and night.

平均工资:$54,000/year according to玻璃门



一个sales associate interacts with customers in-person, over the phone, and through live chat and email. They find products that are ideal for qualified leads and close deals on behalf of the company. Customer service is important in this line of work as it can be the determining factor for whether or not you make a sale.

平均工资:$34,000/year according to玻璃门



平均工资:$62.000/year according to玻璃门

Sales Development Representative

Sales development reps manage the beginning stages of the sales process, which involves researching, prospecting, and qualifying new leads. These individuals will often reach out to prospects to learn more about their needs or to connect with them on social media. Once they can identify the prospect as a qualified lead, they'll pass the contact information off to the sales associate to close the deal.

平均工资:$50,000/year according to玻璃门

面向用户的Customer Service Jobs

Customer Service/Support Representative


平均工资:根据$ 28,000/年玻璃门

Customer Success Manager

客户成功经理, or CSM's, onboard new customers and manage long-term relationships with buyers. After a purchase is made, the customer success manager will onboard the user, answer any immediate questions, then ensure the customer has everything they need to be successful with the product or service. The idea behind this position is to empower the customer over time so that they trust your product or service is right for them.

平均工资:$65,000/year according to玻璃门

Customer Service Manager

一个customer service manager oversees a team of service or support reps and plans broader strategies for supporting the overallcustomer base。他们有责任确保团队达到其经常性指标,并确保客户在与支持互动时对自己的经验感到满意。对于某些经理来说,这涉及与对客户感到沮丧的客户直接合作支持票and want to speak to someone who's higher up in the company. In these instances, your customer-facing abilities will play a critical role in whether this customer churns or not.

平均工资:根据$ 37,000/年玻璃门




帮助桌子host a variety of customer service tools, including shared inboxes, self-service resources, and instant messaging software like web-based live chat and Facebook Messenger. These platforms make it easy to keep track of open support cases, answer user inquiries, and escalate issues to management or a specialist when customers need further assistance.

帮助桌子还可以自行指导客户进入解决方案。有些平台将使您创建一个知识库, like in the example below, where customers can search for support resources that can walk them through troubleshooting steps for common user problems. This is a great piece of customer-facing technology that can save time for your support team while removing roadblocks for your customers simultaneously.



一个ticketing system让您创建单个文档,可以在其中记录与客户互动的详细信息。与下面的示例类似,这些门票存储相关的案例详细信息,因此您可以在对询问进行故障排除或与客户跟进后面的情况下回想起它们。票务系统可帮助您个性化互动,从而在客户和品牌之间建立更牢固的联系。


3. Social Media Management Platform

如果您通过社交媒体与客户互动,那么您可能必须使用social media management platform监督您的数字活动。这些工具可让您从一个集中位置编写,安排和发布帖子到各种社交媒体帐户。有些平台甚至可以让您监视社交媒体的提及,因此当您的关注者在谈论您的品牌时,您会立即知道。

4. Customer Feedback Software

When reviewing employee performance, customer-facing roles will often be measured in some way by customer feedback. Whether this is overall customer satisfaction or an individual metric likeNet Promoter Score,管理层将想知道客户对他们与公司员工互动的感觉。bob全站app熟悉此软件将帮助您了解客户对服务的看法以及作为面向客户的bob电竞官方下载员工需要改进的地方。

5. Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM)

If you're working in sales or marketing, then you'll probably usecustomer relationship management software在常规的基础上(CRM)。这些工具就像一口ercharged contact books, except they record the customer's interactions with your company along with their personal information. Having this data readily available can help you identify customer needs and provide excellent service to your target audience.

For more information about customer-facing roles, read these reasons why you should take acustomer support job



Originally published Sep 17, 2020 8:00:00 AM, updated June 09 2021


Customer Service Help Desk & Ticketing Software