我的“有罪快乐”电视节目是古董路演.成长的过程中,我的家人想o的价值bjects and the winner would be the one who was closest to the expert's appraisal. We were pretty good at it too, but there were always a few items that shocked us when the price tag was revealed.



在这篇文章中,让我们看一下客户价值,包括它是什么以及如何为您的计算customer base.然后,我们将通过提供一些提高您的客户服务和成功团队来提高价值的技巧来结束。

What Is Customer Value?

Customer value measures a product or service's worth and compares it to its possible alternatives. This determines whether the customer feels like they received enough value for the price they paid for the product/service.

We can look at customer value as insight into消费者后悔.如果客户觉得商品的总成本大于其收益,那么他们将后悔购买。特别是如果有一个竞争对手比您为类似产品或服务提供更好的报价。

了解客户价值以及如何计算它可以公平地帮助您的业务价格产品,并减少摩擦customer experience

Customer Value Added


同样,有不同类型的收益会影响客户决策。一些示例包括有形的好处 - 例如产品将如何帮助他们实现目标以及图像好处 - 例如,拥有该产品或服务将如何在同龄人和同事眼中改变一个人的社交状况。

To measure customer value, we first need to recognize these different types of costs and benefits. The graphic below can help by summarizing the factors you should be addressing when calculating customer value.





  • The quality of your product or service
  • 提供更好解决方案的能力
  • Your brand's reputation
  • Your unique customer experience
  • The quality of your customer service team
  • The social advantages of partnering with your business

2. Total customer costs.

When measuring customer costs, it helps to differentiate between tangible and intangible. That way you can calculate the total of your monetary costs and compare it to your other costs.


  • The price of your product or service
  • 安装或入职费用
  • 访问您的产品或服务的成本
  • 维护费用
  • 更新成本

Intangible Costs:

  • Time invested in buying your product or service
  • 糟糕的客户体验
  • Physical or emotional stress induced from buying or installing your product
  • 品牌声誉不佳
  • 花时间了解您的产品或服务的工作方式

3. Find the difference between customer benefits and customer costs.


Customer Value Formula

客户价值的公式可以写为:(总客户利益 - 总客户成本)=客户价值,或(b -c = cv)。

Customer Value Formula


此外,客户价值将根据您分析的客户细分市场而有所不同。由于每个人都不同并且有特定的需求,目标和期望,因此您可能会发现“良好价值”的定义是不一致的。如果您这样做,请尝试将客户群分为不同buyer personas,然后计算每个组的客户价值。


1. Evaluate your customer experience.

当提高客户价值时,最好的起点是分析您的客户体验。创建一个customer journey mapthat outlines each step your customers take when buying something from your business and look for interactions that might cause friction within the experience. Once you can visualize every action your customers are taking, it's easier to identify opportunities to add value.



But, that doesn't mean you can't create a competitive offer in your industry.


3. Collect customer data.


To do that, you'll need access to quantitative and qualitative customer data. With it, management teams will have facts and statistics that justify their proposed changes. Leadership can make decisions confidently knowing their perception of customer value aligns with your customer base.

此外,重要的是要收集定量和定性数据,因为这将为您提供包括有见地统计数据并捕获的不同数据集voice of the customer

4. Target your most loyal customers.


但是,仅仅因为某人忠于您的业务,这并不意味着您不能或不应该超出他们的客户价值。通过通过customer loyalty programscan generate even more value for these customers.

While this approach not only retains your most valuable audience, it acquires new customers as well. For example, you can leverage benefits in exchange for customer advocacy. Have customers submit feedback or write a testimonial that shares their positive experience with potential leads. Since93%of consumers use reviews when making buying decisions, this will add another benefit to your customer value equation.


As we mentioned earlier, customer value can vary depending on who you're surveying, and a customer's needs and goals will influence their definition of "value." Since not all customers are alike, this creates discrepancies when measuring value at your business.


Customer value is important to track, but it's not as easy as inputting numbers into a simple formula. It's all about measuring tangible benefits and perceived value in addition to the actual cost of a product.


Customer First Templates



