
让我们奠定舞台:我将要挖掘出我见过的最好的意大利面条和肉丸。就像我在意大利面上扭转叉子一样,旋转着令人垂涎的肉丸,然后去我的第一次咸味叮咬……手机响了。“我可以和Lindsay Kow-low-Witch交谈吗?”在另一端询问电话推销员。“这是关于您的烤箱偏好的重要信息。”

令人沮丧的中断是为什么我们在这里讨论入站潜在客户的原因 - 该解决方案可以使您的业务或组织免于被意大利面条之夜破坏的令人讨厌,破坏性的冷呼叫者。


让我们从定义铅,然后我们将介绍在线潜在客户的一代,为什么您需要潜在客户生成,您如何将某人作为潜在客户的资格,如何标记潜在客户类型 - 例如销售合格的潜在客户,您如何产生潜在客户以及为什么入站潜在客户产生much比简单地购买潜在客户更有效。



Leads typically hear from a business or organizationafter打开沟通(通过提交要约,试用或订阅的个人信息)……而不是从购买其联系信息的人那里获得随机的冷电。

假设您进行了一项在线调查,以了解有关如何照顾汽车的更多信息。大约一天之后,您会收到汽车公司的一封电子邮件,该电子邮件创建了有关它们如何帮助您照顾汽车的调查。bob全站app这个过程比他们只是从蓝色中叫你的话要少得多,而不知道您是否是否careabout car maintenance, right? This is what it's like to be a lead.

从业务的角度来看,汽车公司从您的调查回复中收集有关您的信息有助于他们个性化开放沟通以解决您现有的问题,并且bob全站appnotwaste time calling leads who aren't at all interested in auto services.

潜在客户是消费者遵循的更广泛生命周期的一部分从访客到客户的过渡。并非所有的线索都是平等创建的(他们也不是合格的)。There are different types of leads based on how they are qualified and what lifecycle stage they're in.

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营销Qualified Lead (MQL)

营销合格的潜在客户are contacts who've engaged with your marketing team's efforts but aren't ready to receive a sales call. An example of an MQL is a contact who fills out a landing page form for an offer (like in我们的潜在客户生成过程方案)。




产品合格的线索are contacts who've used your product and taken actions that indicate interest in becoming a paying customer. PQLs typically exist for companies who offer a product trial or a他们的产品的免费版本或限量版本(like HubSpot!) with options to upgrade, which is where your sales team comes in. An example of a PQL is a customer who uses your free version but engages or asks about features that are only available upon payment.



这些铅生成器只是您可以用来吸引潜在客户并指导您提供报价的潜在客户生成策略的一些例子。(我们谈论more strategies later


So instead, I say, "I work on finding unique ways to attract people to my business. I want to provide them with enough goodies to get them naturally interested in my company so they eventually warm up to the brand enough to want to hear from us!"

这通常会更好地引起共鸣,这正是潜在客户的产生:It's a way of warming up potential customers to your business和getting them on the path to eventually making a purchase.

Why do you need lead generation?

When a stranger initiates a relationship with you by showing anorganic你的业务感兴趣,str的过渡anger to customer is much more natural.

潜在客户产生在第二阶段inbound marketing methodology。它发生afteryou've attracted an audience and are ready to convert those visitors into leads for your sales team (namelysales-qualified leads)。

As you can see in the diagram below, generating leads is a fundamental point in an individual's journey to becoming a delighted customer.

勒ad generation inbound marketing methodology


现在我们了解了潜在客户的产生如何适应inbound marketing methodology, let's walk through the steps of the lead generation process.

  1. 首先,访客通过您的网站,博客或社交媒体页面等营销渠道之一发现您的业务。
  2. 然后,访客点击您call-to-action(CTA) - 鼓励网站访问者采取某种行动的图像,按钮或消息。
  3. That CTA takes your visitor to a登陆页面, which is a web page that is designed to capture lead information in exchange for an offer.

    Note: 一个offeris the content or something of value that's being "offered" on the landing page, like an ebook, a course, or a template. The offer must have enough perceived value to a visitor for them to provide their personal information in exchange for access to it.)
  4. Once on the landing page, your visitor fills out a form in exchange for the offer. (形式通常在登陆页面上托管,尽管从技术上可以将它们嵌入您网站的任何地方。)Voila!You have a new lead. That is, as long as you’re following铅捕获形式最佳实践


把它们加起来:Visitorclicks aCTAthat takes them to a登陆页面他们在哪里填写形式得到一个offer,在这一点上,他们成为了勒ad

By the way, you should check out our免费潜在客户生成工具。It helps you create lead capture forms directly on your website. Plus, it's really easy to set up.


Once you put all of these elements together, you can use your various promotional channels to drive traffic to your landing page to start generating leads.

但是,您应该使用哪些渠道来推广目标页面?让我们来谈谈潜在客户生成的前端 - 领先的一代营销。

If you’re a visual learner, this chart shows the flow from promotional marketing channels to a generated lead.





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For a quick video overview on the HubSpot Blog's expert lead generation tips, check out our video guide.

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Social Media

Social media platforms make it easy to guide your followers to take action, from the swipe up option on Instagram stories to Facebook bio links to bitly URLs on Twitter. You can also promote your offerings on your social posts and include a call-to-action in your caption. Learn more aboutsocial media campaigns in this post

Product Trials



Referral, or word-of-mouth, marketing is useful for lead generation in a different way. That is, it让您的品牌在更多人面前,反过来,这增加了您产生更多潜在客户的机会。

无论您用来生成潜在客户的渠道,都需要指导用户进入目标页面。只要您建造了登陆页面that converts,其余的将自己处理。

Why not just勒ads?

Marketers and salespeople alike want to fill their sales funnel — and they want to fill itquickly。输入:购买潜在客户的诱惑。

Buying leads, as opposed to organically generating them, is much easier and takes far less time and effort, despite being more expensive. But, you might be paying for advertising anyway … so, why not just buy leads?

首先,您购买的任何线索都不实际上know you. Typically, they've "opted in" at some other site when signing up for something, and didn't actually opt into receiving anything from你的company.

The messages you send them are therefore unwanted messages, and sending unwanted messages is intrusive. (Remember that disruptive call I got when I was trying to eat my spaghetti? That's how people feel when they receive emails and other messages from people they didn't ask to hear from.)



一旦足够的人将您的消息标记为垃圾邮件,您就会使用“黑名单”,然后与其他电子邮件提供商共享。一旦您进入黑名单,就很难摆脱它。此外,您的email deliverability和IP reputation will likely be harmed.

总是,永远,总是最好是有机地产生潜在客户,而不是购买铅。Read this blog post要学习如何增加选择加入电子邮件列表而不是购买一封。


As we covered in the first section, a lead is a person who has indicated interest in your company's product or service. Now, let's talk about the ways in which someone can actually show that interest.

Essentially, a sales lead is generated through information collection. That information collection could come as the result of a job seeker showing interest in a position by completing an application, a shopper sharing contact information in exchange for a coupon, or a person filling out a form to download an教育内容

Gauging a Lead’s Level of Interest



  • Job Application:填写申请表的个人愿意分享很多个人信息,因为他/她希望被考虑担任职位。填写该申请表明他们对工作的真正兴趣,因此使该人作为公司的领导资格bob全站apprecruiting团队 - 不是营销或销售团队。
  • 优惠券:Unlike the job application, you probably know very little about someone who has stumbled upon one of your online coupons. But if they find the coupon valuable enough, they may be willing to provide their name and email address in exchange for it. Although it's not alotof information, it's enough for a business to know that someone has interest in their company.
  • 内容:虽然优惠券的下载显示个人对您的产品或服务有直接的兴趣,但内容(例如教育电子书或网络研讨会)却没有。因此,要真正了解该人对您的业务的兴趣的性质,您可能需要收集更多信息,以确定该人是否对您的产品或服务感兴趣以及他们是否合适。

这三个一般示例突出了潜在客户的产生如何因公司而异,以及人与人之间的不同。bob全站app您需要收集足够的信息来衡量某人对您的产品或服务有真正有效的兴趣 -多少信息是enoughinformation会根据您的业务而有所不同。

Let's look at情节, for example. They use web content reports for lead generation, collecting six pieces of information from prospective leads.


情节provides a great example for what to ask for in a lead gen form:

  • 全名:个性化您与每个潜在客户的交流所需的最基本信息。
  • Email:This serves as a unique identifier and is how you will contact your lead.
  • bob全站app公司:This will give you the ability to research your lead’s industry and company and how the lead might benefit from your product or service(mainly for B2B).
  • Role:Understanding an individual's role will help you understand how to communicate with them. Every brand stakeholder will have a different take and perspective on your offering(mainly for B2B).
  • 国家:位置信息可以帮助您按区域和时区域细分联系人,并根据您的服务来帮助您限定潜在客户。
  • 状态:您可以在不牺牲转换的情况下获得的详细信息越好。了解您的铅状态可以帮助您进一步提高他们的资格。

If you'd like to learn more intermediate-level tips on information collection and what you should ask for on your lead gen forms,read our post about it here


Lead scoring is a way to qualify leads quantitatively. Using this technique, leads are assigned a numerical value (or score) to determine where they fall on the scale from “interested” to “ready for a sale”. The criteria for these actions is completely up to you, but it must be uniform across your marketing and sales department so that everyone is working on the same scale.

A lead’s score can be based on actions they’ve taken, information they’ve provided, their level of engagement with your brand, or other criteria that您的销售团队确定。For instance, you may score someone higher if they regularly engage with you on social media or if their demographic information matches your target audience.

从上面的示例中借用,如果他们使用了您的优惠券之一,您可能会给出更高的分数 - 这意味着该人对您的产品感兴趣。

A LEAD的分数越高,他们越接近成为销售资格的潜在客户(SQL),这离成为客户只有一步之遥。分数和标准是您可能需要调整的内容,直到找到有效的公式为止,但是一旦这样做,您就会将潜在客户的生成转变为客户生成。

Lead Generation Strategies

Online lead generation encompasses a wide range of tactics, campaigns, and strategies depending on the platform on which you wish to capture leads. We talked about lead capture best practices once you have a visitor on your site … but how can you get them there in the first place?

Let’s dive into lead generation strategies for a few popular platforms.

Facebook Lead Generation

自成立以来,Facebook一直是潜在客户生成的一种方法。最初,公司可以在其BIOS中的帖子和信息中使用出站链接,以吸引陌生人进入其网站。但是,什么时候Facebook广告于2007年推出,其算法开始偏爱使用付费广告的帐户,企业如何利用该平台捕获潜在客户发生了重大转变。Facebook created Lead Ads以此目的。Facebook也有一项功能,可让您放置一个简单的通话按钮在您的Facebook页面顶部,帮助您直接将Facebook关注者发送到您的网站。

Get some lead generation tips for Facebook.

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Twitter有Twitter线索, which let you generate leads directly within a tweet without having to leave the site. A user's name, email address, and Twitter username are automatically pulled into the card, and all they have to do is click "Submit" to become a lead. (HINT for HubSpot用户:您可以将Twitter潜在客户卡连接到HubSpot表单。在这里学习如何做)。


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LinkedIn Lead Generation




When we say pay-per-click (PPC), we’re referring to ads on search engine result pages (SERPs). Google gets每天35亿搜索, making it prime real estate for any ad campaign, especially lead gen. The effectiveness of your PPC campaign relies heavily on a seamless user flow, as well as your budget, target keywords, and a few other factors.



B2B is a particular business model that requires a particular approach to lead generation.聪明的人发现推荐是捕获业务潜在客户的最佳来源。更不用说,有效性因渠道而异。




Use the right lead generation tools.

正如您在我们的数据中看到的那样,最成功的营销团队使用正式系统来组织和存储其潜在客户。那就是潜在客户生成工具和潜在客户生成软件bob电竞官方下载come into play.

How much do you know about the people visiting your website? Do you know their names or their email addresses? How about which pages they visited, how they're navigating around, and what they do before and after filling out a lead conversion form?

如果您不知道这些问题的答案,那么您很可能很难与访问您网站的人建立联系。这些是您应该能够回答的问题 - 您可以使用正确的潜在客户生成工具。


  • CTATemplates: 50+ free, customizable call-to-action (CTA) templates in PowerPoint that you can use to create clickable CTA buttons to use on your blog, landing pages, and elsewhere on your site.
  • Lead Generation Software Tools:This free tool from HubSpot includes铅捕获并联系Insights功能,该功能将刮擦您网站上的任何现有表格,并将这些联系人添加到您现有的联系数据库中。它还使您可以创建弹出窗口,Hello Bars或Slide-ins-称为“铅流”— that'll help you turn website visitors into leads immediately.


Example of a滑入铅流

  • Visitor Tracking:Hotjarhas a heatmap tool — a virtual tool which creates a color-coded representation of how a user navigates your site — that helps you understand what users want, care about, and do on your site. It records visitors and tells you where they spend the most time on your site. You can use it to gather information on your lead generation forms, feedback forms and surveys, and more.
  • Form-Scraping Tool:收集网站现有表格中提交意见的表单刮擦工具可帮助您自动将所有潜在客户整合到您的联系数据库中,而不管您在网站上提交的访问者如何。HubSpot客户可以create and embed forms using HubSpot, which automatically populate into your CMS. Non-HubSpot customers can use a form creation tool like Contact Form 7, JetPack, or Google Forms, and thenuse HubSpot's free collected forms feature要自动捕获表单提交并将其输入到联系数据库中。


并非所有的网站访问者都准备与您的销售团队交谈或查看产品的演示。一开始的人the buyer's journey可能会对像电子书或指南这样的信息作品感兴趣,而对您的公司更熟悉的人以及在旅途底部更熟悉的人可能对免费试用或演示更感兴趣。bob全站app



If you want to take personalization a step further — which will help boost your conversion rate —尝试使用智能CTA。Smart CTA检测一个人在买家的旅程中的位置,无论他们是新的访客,潜在客户还是客户,并相应地展示CTA。个性化的CTA转换202% better比基本的电话行动。

Keep your messaging consistent and deliver on your promise.

The highest-converting lead gen campaigns are the ones that deliver on what they promise and create a seamless transition from ad copy and design to the deliverable itself. Make sure that you’re presenting a consistent message throughout the processproviding value to everyone that engages with your lead capture.



这对您来说似乎很明显,但是您会惊讶于多少营销人员create专用着陆页for their offers. CTAs are meant to send visitors to a landing page where they can receive a specific offer.


If you want to learn more about how to build and promote high-converting landing pages, thendownload our ebook on optimizing landing pages for conversions

Get your sales team involved.

Remember when we talked about lead scoring? Well, it isn’t exactly doable without your sales team’s input. How will you know what qualifies a lead for sales without knowing if your defined SQLs are successfully sold? Your marketing and sales teams need to be aligned on the definitions and the process of moving a lead from MQL to SQL to opportunity before you even begin to capture leads.



虽然营销人员通常认为社交媒体最适合顶级驾车营销,但它仍然可能是一个有用的low-cost source for lead generation as shared in the lead gen strategies above. The key is using social media strategically for lead generation.

Start by adding links directly to the landing pages of high-performing offers within your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media posts. Tell visitors that you're sending them to a landing page. That way, you're setting expectations. Here's an example from one of our Twitter posts:

example of a lead generation linked offer on TwitterImage Source

你也可以对您的博客进行潜在客户生成分析to figure out which posts generate the most leads, and then make a point of regularly linking social media posts to them.

从社交媒体中产生潜在客户的另一种方法是参加比赛。比赛很有趣,可以为您的追随者带来参与他们还可以教您很多关于您的听众的信息。这是双赢。Read our step-by-step guide for growing your email list using social media contests,它涵盖了从选择平台到挑选赢家的所有内容,一直以分析您的结果。

Remain flexible and constantly iterate.

Your lead generation strategy needs to be as dynamic as the people you’re targeting.趋势改变,行为发生了变化,观点变了……您的领先一代营销也会变化。使用A/B拆分测试来查看哪些CTA的性能最佳,降落页面的转换更好,哪些副本可以捕获您的目标受众。尝试布局更改,设计,UX,内容和广告频道,直到找到有效的方法为止。

Lead Generation Trends & Benchmarks


Lead generation is the top marketing priority.

集线器State of Marketing Report 2021found that marketers report that their top marketing priorities for the next 12 months is generating more leads. Converting these leads to customers is another top priority, according to聪明的人

graph displaying lead generation as marketers top priority in 2021

Image Source




B2B marketers say that65%他们的潜在客户来自推荐,38%来自电子邮件,33%来自搜索引擎优化(SEO)。

graph displaying most marketing leads come from referrals in 2021

Image Source

If you’re interested in getting in on this trend, it’s worth considering revamping your推荐策略和helping existing customers bring you new leads.

Content marketing helps drive leads.

营销人员还报告说,内容营销帮助了他们成功产生需求并引导over the past 12 months. To get in on this trend, readthis helpful blog post关于购买者旅程的不同阶段的内容。


伙计们,你有它。现在您了解了如何为您的业务生成潜在客户,我们建议您try HubSpot's free lead generation tool。使用它将简单的转换资产添加到您的网站(或刮擦现有表格),以帮助您更多地了解网站访问者以及哪些内容促使他们进行转换。


New Call-to-action

New Call-to-action

Originally published Aug 17, 2021 1:30:00 PM, updated August 31 2021


Lead Generation