Could you build a car without an instruction manual? Most people couldn't, myself included. But, what if you weren't only given the instructions, but also had a trained mechanic present to guide you through each step? Sounds a lot easier, right? Your customers think so, too.

客户做出purcha时感到焦虑se, and it has to do with more than just saving a quick buck. There's an intent behind every buy, and they're relying on your product or service to fulfill short and long-term needs. Unfortunately, there's no instruction manual for making a good purchase, which means customers are counting on your company to meet their goals. The stakes are high, but if your customers succeed, you'll ride the coattails of their success.

But, what if you could stack the odds in your favor and significantly improve the customer's chances? Like having a mechanic to help you build that car, you can improve your customers' success rate by investing in a customer success program.

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What Is Customer Success?

According to HubSpot's VP of Customer Success, Eva Klein, "customer success是一种组织功能,可帮助客户从产品或服务中获得最大价值,同时与销售,营销和产品紧密合作以实现这一目标。公司如何继续为客bob全站app户提供最佳服务,并提供above-and-beyond customer service


您可能在想 - “我已经有一个客户服务团队。有什么区别?”The difference between customer success and customer serviceis that customer success is a proactive function whereas customer service is reactive. If a customer has a problem with a product, they'll call customer service to fix it. Instead, customer success teams anticipate problems and reach out with solutions before they even occur. By doing so, you provide long-term support rather than short-term fixes.

Why Do you Need a Customer Success Program?

Increase Revenue

At HubSpot, our mission is to变得更好with our customers because our research shows that growing companies prioritize customer success. In fact,集线器研究found that 70% of companies with growing revenue view customer success as "very important." Among companies with stagnating revenues, only 49% said customer success was "very important."

In the samereport,HubSpot Research还发现,有55%的扩展公司发现投资客户成功计划“非常重要”,而只有29%的非成长公司表示这些计划“非常重要”。从这项研究中,看来投资客户成功团队的公司倾向于证明总体收入的增加。


客户成功计划创造了更多与客户沟通的机会。一项研究Mainstay发现添加客户成功计划的公司显示出比以前的两倍。这种增加为您的团队提供了更多的机会向上销售和交叉销售。A customer success manager can anticipate roadblocks that a customer will experience, then reach out to explain how your premium offers can help.

Decrease Acquisition Cost

When you help customers achieve their goals, they'll associate your company with their success. This reduces yourcustomer acquisition costbecause it increases yourcustomer retention rates。客户没有搜索竞争对手,而是因为他们相信您投资于他们的需求而重返您的业务。

Additionally, happy customers like to share their stories of success and make recommendations to other customers. These people become brand evangelists who market your business to potential leads. This increases yourcustomer referral率,因此可以减少时间,你瞧cating and attracting new customers.

Reduce Churn

Adding a customer success program should give you a better idea of which customers are likely to搅拌, and how you can prevent it. In the same Mainstay study, companies who added a customer success program were able toreduce churn比率降至约2-3%。这些公司设置了客户剧本,并创建了自动警报,这些警报表明客户可能会流失。这为他们提供了更多的机会来培育不满意的客户,这些客户本可以在其他地方开展业务。

如果你的公司还没bob全站app有采用一个客户ccess program, check out these steps to build one for your business.

How to Build a Customer Success Program

1. Identify the customer's end goal.

The first step is to determine why customers are buying your product in the first place. For example, you probably wouldn't buy a wrench just because you wanted one. However, if you wanted to build that car, you'd likely need a wrench. Every customer has an end goal in mind when they make a purchase, so it's crucial that you determine where your product or service fits into that equation. Then you can usebuyer personatools to segment and organize customers by these desired outcomes.

One place to start is to identify the customers who would be the best fit for your customer service program. If you want to optimize your customers' chances of success, then you'll want to be sure you're targeting the most ideal candidates. You can conduct acustomer behavior analysisto highlight these high-value individuals. You can also analyze metrics like social media mentions, product usage reports, andNPS®对于确定其最终目标的数据。

2. Build a customer success team.

To show customers that you take their success seriously, you'll want to invest in a customer success team. Without one, customers will view your new offerings more as suggestions rather than trusted steps to success. Building a customer success team demonstrates to the customer that you're dedicated to helping them reach their goals. As trust builds up over time, customers will be more likely to purchase additional products because of this relationship with your team.

When hiring acustomer success manager, you'll want to find employees who are team players, as well as excellent communicators. A good place to start is by looking at your customer service department. These people have some of the strongest knowledge of your product, along with years of experience in dealing with customer roadblocks. Customer service employees are geared towards achieving customer success, so refocusing their efforts towards long-term solutions shouldn't be a tough transition.

3. Get the right tools.


4. Develop a roadmap for success.

下一步是概述客户的旅程,并确定您的企业可以产生影响的机会。参考您的customer journey map, and think about the challenges faced at each milestone. Then, determine the actions your company will take to ensure the customer's success at these roadblocks. If you're having trouble coming up with ideas, here are five things to consider:

  1. 在客户旅程中的每个步骤中,预期的结果是什么?
  2. What would benefit the customer most at each step?
  3. At what step(s) is your product or service falling short?
  4. 您的竞争对手在什么时候影响您的客户?
  5. How will you track customers who are unhappy with their progress in the customer's journey?


5. Establish your metrics.

Before setting any changes in motion, you'll want to determine how you'll measure customer success. Since customer success is a mutually beneficial relationship, remember to include metrics that measure both the company's and the customer's success. For measuring the financial impact on the company, two客户成功指标您可以使用的是customer lifetime valueandcustomer acquisition cost。When analyzing the impact on the customer, look at data like NPS, churn rate, and social media buzz. Through the combination of the two, you should get a clear idea of whether both parties are benefiting from your success team.


Once your customer success program is completely set up, it'll be tempting to let all your changes loose at once. However, at this point you'll want to be patient in your approach to minimize the chance of churn. Rolling out multiple changes at once can be overwhelming for customers, even if it's to their benefit. Additionally, it's more difficult to measure the success of each change if you unleash them all at once. Doing it one at a time gives you a better idea of what's working and ensures more consistent growth.

Implementing a customer success program can be a demanding task to undertake, but you can relieve some of the stress by using customer success software. If you're not sure which one is best for you, here are a few that we recommend.



HubSpot最近推出了Service Hub,其中包括各种客户成功工具。用户现在可以享受实时聊天,共享电子邮件收件箱和服务票务等免费功能,以帮助他们培养客户。您也可以在您的网站上添加一个自助服务知识库,以防您的成功团队可用。HubSpot甚至提供聊天机器人,可以编程为无代表的协助而采取一系列操作。

Price: Starts free; premium tiersavailable

HubSpot Interface 2




Price: Variable




和睦is a customer success tool that centralizes data from other software. It has a range of integrations available to pair with your Amity account which helps consolidate customer information. Once uploaded, Amity uses that data to set up playbooks and alerts in reaction to customer behaviors. The tool also has features that allow you to easily share its information with your entire company.

Price: Variable


Looking for more tools to measure customer success? Check out this post about othercustomer success toolswe recommend.

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Originally published Jan 4, 2019 8:00:00 AM, updated June 15 2021


Customer Success Support Ticket System